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How long do Facebook Marketplace bans last?

How long do Facebook Marketplace bans last?

Getting banned from Facebook Marketplace can be frustrating, especially if you rely on it to buy or sell items. If you’ve received a ban, you’re probably wondering how long it will last. Here’s what you need to know about Facebook Marketplace bans and how long they typically last.

What causes a Facebook Marketplace ban?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may ban someone from Marketplace:

  • Listing prohibited items – This includes illegal, dangerous, or regulated goods.
  • Violating Marketplace policies – Such as pricing gouging, misrepresentation, or circumventing fees.
  • Abusive behavior – Harassing buyers, selling fake or misleading items, etc.
  • Account integrity violations – Using multiple accounts, fake accounts, etc.

Bans are usually triggered automatically based on algorithms that detect policy violations. However, bans can also be issued manually if Facebook investigates an account and determines it has broken the marketplace rules.

How long do temporary Facebook Marketplace bans last?

If you’ve received your first Facebook Marketplace ban, it will likely be temporary. Here are the most common temporary ban durations:

  • 3 days
  • 7 days
  • 30 days

The length depends on the severity and nature of the violation. Minor first-time offenses typically result in a 3 or 7 day ban. More serious or repeat violations can lead to 30 day bans or longer.

Examples of ban durations

Violation Typical Ban Duration
Listing a prohibited item 7 days
Abusive behavior 30 days
Circumventing fees 30 days

As you can see, the duration correlates to the severity of the violation.

What happens after a temporary ban?

Once your temporary Marketplace ban is over, your access will be restored automatically. You don’t need to do anything. However, keep in mind:

  • Repeat violations can lead to longer bans or permanent removal.
  • Some policy violations may result in your items being deleted.
  • Using another account to evade a ban can make penalties more severe.

Essentially, you get one chance to correct your behavior. Further violations will be taken very seriously by Facebook.

How long do permanent Facebook Marketplace bans last?

In more extreme cases, Facebook may decide to permanently ban someone from Marketplace. This happens after:

  • Multiple temporary bans and policy violations.
  • Very serious single violations like selling dangerous or highly illegal products.
  • Threatening behaviors towards other users.

Permanent bans are exactly what they sound like – you are banned from Facebook Marketplace forever with no option for appeal. Some common situations that can trigger permanent bans include:

Scenarios that lead to permanent bans

Scenario Policy Violated
Selling prescription medications illegally Prohibited items policy
Posting explicit sexual content Community standards
Making violent threats towards buyers Abusive behavior policy

As you can see, these violations are very serious in nature. Activities like illegal drug sales or threats of violence have no place on Facebook Marketplace.

Can you appeal a permanent Facebook Marketplace ban?

Generally, no. Unlike temporary bans, permanent Marketplace bans cannot be appealed or reversed. Facebook views permanent bans as a last resort for accounts that have proven to be repeatedly abusive or dangerous.

That said, if you feel your permanent ban was issued in error, you can try reaching out to Facebook support. You may be asked to provide information about:

  • Why you don’t agree with the ban reason
  • Evidence that you did not actually violate policies

However, overturning a permanent Marketplace ban is very rare. Facebook’s approach is to permanently remove bad actors to maintain community safety and trust.

What happens if you try to evade a Facebook Marketplace ban?

Attempting to evade any type of ban will make the situation much worse. Things to avoid:

  • Creating a new Facebook account
  • Using someone else’s account
  • Changing your name or location

Facebook’s security systems are designed to detect ban evasions. If caught trying to circumvent a ban, Facebook may:

  • Extend your original ban
  • Permanently ban your new account and linked accounts
  • Ban you from Facebook entirely

It’s simply not worth the risk. Accept the ban period and change your behavior going forward.

Best practices for avoiding Facebook Marketplace bans

To stay in good standing, be sure to follow all Marketplace policies. Some top tips:

  • Don’t list prohibited, dangerous or illegal items.
  • Price items reasonably – no gouging.
  • Ship items promptly and as described.
  • Communicate politely with buyers at all times.
  • Use only one Facebook account that represents your real identity.

Additionally, if you ever receive a policy warning or temporary ban, take it seriously. Change your practices to follow the rules moving forward. Repeated violations will only lead to longer or permanent bans.


In summary:

  • Minor first-time Facebook Marketplace bans usually last 3-7 days.
  • More serious violations can lead to 30 day or longer bans.
  • Permanent bans are applied after multiple violations or very serious offenses.
  • There is almost no appeal process for permanent bans.
  • Attempting to evade bans will result in harsher penalties.

The best way to avoid issues is to closely follow all Marketplace commerce policies. Correct any prohibited behaviors that receive warnings or temporary bans. A diligent approach to policy compliance will help ensure your Marketplace access remains intact.