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How long can videos be on Facebook ads?

How long can videos be on Facebook ads?

Facebook video ads have become an extremely popular and effective way for businesses to reach their target audience. When creating a Facebook video ad, one of the most important factors to consider is the length of the video.

What is the ideal length for Facebook video ads?

According to Facebook’s best practices, the ideal length for Facebook video ads is between 15-30 seconds. Videos that are within this time frame tend to see higher view rates and engagement. Going beyond 30 seconds runs the risk of losing viewers’ attention.

Here are some key advantages of 15-30 second Facebook video ads:

  • Holds viewers’ attention – Videos less than 30 seconds are short enough to keep viewers engaged before they lose interest and scroll past.
  • Drives completion rates – Shorter videos are more likely to be watched to completion, which signals high quality content to Facebook.
  • Lowers cost – 15-30 second videos cost less per view than longer videos on Facebook.
  • Fits viewing habits – People tend to watch videos in short bursts on social media, so condensed video ads work well.

For most businesses, sticking to the 15-30 second best practice range is recommended for Facebook video ads. Of course, there are always exceptions, which brings us to the next question…

What is the maximum length allowed for Facebook video ads?

While Facebook recommends keeping video ads short and impactful, the maximum length allowed for Facebook video ads is 240 minutes – or 4 hours.

Some use cases where longer video ads beyond 30 seconds could be effective include:

  • Educational videos
  • Recipe tutorials
  • Product demonstrations
  • Entertaining video content

However, the longer the video, the more carefully you need to test its performance and retention rate. Videos longer than 2 minutes often see significantly higher drop-off rates. Before investing in a long-form video ad, test it out first and see if it provides value to your audience.

How does video length impact Facebook video ad performance?

Video length has a direct impact on the key metrics of Facebook video ads:

  • View rate – The percentage of people who saw your video and watched for at least 3 seconds. View rate tends to be highest for videos under 30 seconds.
  • 30-second views – The number of people who watched your video for at least 30 seconds. This metric indicates you held their attention.
  • Completion rate – The percentage of viewers who watched your video to 95-100% completion. Shorter videos have higher completion rates.
  • Engagement – Measures reactions, comments, shares. Engagement is generally highest for videos under 30 seconds as they are more “shareable”.
  • CPV – Cost per view. Each video view costs more for longer videos, so shorter ads can be more cost-effective.

Analyzing these metrics based on video length will show you the ideal duration to aim for. Testing videos of different lengths is recommended to see what resonates most with your target audience.

How does video length affect ad cost?

On Facebook, video ads are priced on a cost per view (CPV) bidding model. Here is how video length impacts the CPV:

  • 0-10 seconds: $0.10 – $0.30
  • 10-15 seconds: $0.25 – $0.50
  • 15-30 seconds: $0.36 – $1.00
  • 30-45 seconds: $0.45 – $1.50
  • 45-60 seconds: $1.00 – $3.00

As you can see, CPV increases significantly the longer your video is. A 60 second video could cost up to 10X more per view than a 10 second video. This is why keeping video ads short and impactful is important – you want to maximize your ad spend efficiency.

You can reduce CPV costs by tightly defining your target audience and optimizing for conversions rather than pure views. But in general, shorter videos will help lower your CPV and give you more bang for your buck.

Tips for creating effective long-form video ads

If you do want to try your hand at longer video ads, here are some tips to improve your chances of success:

  • Hook viewers in the first 5 seconds with an attention-grabbing intro
  • Break up longer videos with chapters so viewers can skip around
  • Optimize video for sound-off viewing with text overlays and captions
  • Test the first 60 seconds as a separate video to see if it attracts your audience
  • Use animations and motion graphics to keep viewers visually engaged
  • Share shorter previews on social media to generate interest

With the right strategy, long-form video ads can still be successful. But the general consensus is shorter is better when it comes to length and cost-efficiency.

Top Facebook video ad length benchmarks by industry

While 15-30 seconds is recommended overall, some industries tend to see better results with slightly longer or shorter video ads. Here are top-performing Facebook video ad lengths for different industries:

Industry Top Video Length
Ecommerce 15-30 seconds
SaaS/Technology 1-2 minutes
Food & Beverage 15 seconds
Retail 20-30 seconds
Media & Entertainment 1-5 minutes

While the above lengths tend to see the highest performance, always test different lengths to see what works for your specific audience and messaging.

Should you use Facebook’s 6 or 10 second video format?

In addition to their standard video ad formats, Facebook also offers 6 and 10 second vertical video ads. These ultra-short video formats are designed for mobile users.

The pros of 6-10 second Facebook video ads include:

  • Appeal to mobile viewers with vertical orientation
  • Low CPV due to short length
  • Can be used creatively like GIFs
  • High potential completion rates

However, the downsides are the extremely short time you have to get your message across and limited support for captions. Make sure you have a simple, impactful message that works in a few seconds if trying these short video formats.

Best practices for Facebook video ad length

To wrap up, here are some top best practices to keep in mind for Facebook video ad length:

  • 15-30 seconds is the ideal length for most campaigns
  • Test videos of different lengths to see what resonates best
  • Analyze completion rate and cost per view by length
  • Use shorter videos for sales and promotions
  • Consider longer videos for deeper educational content
  • Hook viewers in the first 5-10 seconds no matter the length
  • Optimize video for sound-off viewing
  • Regularly test new video creative and lengths

With the right combination of informative content, compelling visuals, and strategic length, your Facebook video ads can effectively engage your target audience and achieve your marketing objectives.


Facebook recommends keeping video ads short for optimum performance, with 15-30 seconds being the ideal length. While you can run much longer videos up to 4 hours, longer videos tend to have higher drop-off rates and costs per view. Analyze key metrics by length and test different durations to find the right balance for your goals and audience. Follow best practices like strong openings, captions, and mobile-first formatting to create engaging video ads that deliver results across any time length.