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How long can a Facebook ad stay in review?

How long can a Facebook ad stay in review?

Facebook’s ad review process is necessary to ensure ads meet Facebook’s advertising policies and provide a good experience for users. However, it can be frustrating when an ad gets stuck in review for an extended period of time. So how long can a Facebook ad stay in review before it’s approved or rejected?

What is Facebook’s ad review process?

All Facebook ads go through the following review process before being approved to run:

  1. Automated review – Facebook’s system scans new ads for any policy violations or known malware
  2. Manual review – If an ad doesn’t pass automated review, it goes to Facebook’s review team for a manual check
  3. Approval or rejection – The review team either approves the ad to run or rejects it if there are policy violations

The automated review step typically takes less than a day. The manual review is where ads can get held up for longer periods.

How long can manual review take?

There is no definitive timeline for Facebook’s manual review process. Facebook simply states that reviews can take a few days. Here are some factors that can impact review times:

  • Ad content – Ads with potential policy issues or questionable content typically take longer to review.
  • Ad destination – Linking to a new website or landing page also increases review time.
  • New ad account – Ads from newly created ad accounts tend to have longer review times.
  • History of policy violations – Any past advertising policy issues could flag your new ads for more thorough reviews.

While most ads get through the review process in under 3 days, it’s not uncommon for reviews to take 7 days or longer in more complex cases.

What happens if your ad remains in review?

If your Facebook ad has been in review for an extended period of time, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Wait and monitor the ad – Give the review process some more time, as 7+ days in review is still considered normal by Facebook.
  2. Duplicate the ad – Try duplicating the ad and resubmitting it to potentially get it in front of different reviewers.
  3. Edit the ad – Make minor edits to the ad copy or landing page to see if that impacts the review.
  4. Appeal the decision – If the ad gets rejected after an extended review, submit an appeal to the decision.
  5. Contact Facebook support – Reach out to Facebook support for personalized help getting your ad approved.

It’s also recommended to double check that your ads and landing pages comply with all of Facebook’s latest advertising policies. Having clear policy compliance issues is the most common reason for lengthy reviews.

How to speed up Facebook’s ad review process

While you can’t definitively control Facebook’s review times, here are some best practices that can help speed up the process:

  • Have clean ad creatives – Avoid overly promotional language, edgy/controversial images, or busy text.
  • Link to compliant websites – Ensure your landing page content follows Facebook’s guidelines.
  • Use compliant targeting – Avoid targeting based on sensitive attributes like health or ethnicity.
  • Have a history of compliance – Maintain a track record of policy compliance in all your Facebook ads.
  • Provide business verification – Confirm your identity and business to Facebook where possible.

It also helps to launch new ad campaigns and creatives in smaller batches. Pumping large volumes of new ads into review could overwhelm the system and lead to delays.

How long can an ad disapproval appeal take?

If your Facebook ad gets rejected, you can submit an appeal of that decision. However, there is no set timeline for Facebook to respond to appeals. Here are some estimates based on experiences from advertisers:

  • 1-3 days – How long it typically takes to get a response on simple or clear cut appeals.
  • 3-7 days – The average time for more complex appeal reviews.
  • 1-2 weeks – How long it can take in some cases for Facebook to thoroughly re-review an ad upon appeal.

As when initially submitting ads, anything you can do to make sure your appeal is compliant with Facebook’s policies will help speed up the process. Making it easy for reviewers to understand your rationale and approve the appeal is key.

What happens if your ad stays rejected upon appeal?

If your Facebook ad appeal gets rejected as well, here are some next steps to consider:

  • Request feedback – Ask Facebook to help you understand exactly what policy issues remain with your ad.
  • Edit and re-appeal – Try making additional changes to the ad and landing page before starting a new appeal.
  • Change ad concept – It may be necessary to go back to the drawing board if certain types of ads continually get rejected.
  • Use different ad account – Test submitting the ad through a different ad account not linked to previous rejections.
  • Contact support – Engage Facebook support for further assistance if you feel the rejections were made in error.

In some rare cases, certain types of ads or landing pages may continually get rejected no matter what changes are made. Switching to promoting different types of offers or products could be necessary if appeals continue to fail.

Special case: Facebook political ads

Facebook holds political ads promoting electoral or political issues to an even higher standard when it comes to review times. Here’s an overview:

  • All political ads must go through manual review with no automated approval.
  • Initial reviews often take 1-3 days for issue-based ads.
  • Candidate-based political ads regularly take 3-5+ days in initial review.
  • Appeals of rejections can add additional days to these timelines.

Facebook also requires identity confirmation and disclaimers for all political advertisers. The increased rigor is to ensure proper transparency regulations are met.

How to stay compliant as policies evolve

Facebook frequently updates its advertising policies, so it’s important to stay up-to-date. Here are some tips:

Staying current on Facebook’s evolving ad rules will ensure your campaigns stay compliant and speed through reviews.


Facebook’s ad review process aims to balance the need for speed with enforcing responsible advertising practices. While most ads make it through the process quickly, more complex or borderline ads can lead to reviews taking 7+ days. Factors like new ad accounts, policy histories, and political advertising can all impact review times as well. Advertisers can help expedite reviews by maintaining clean ad creatives, compliant landing pages, and a solid understanding of Facebook’s ever-changing ad policies.