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How long am I temporarily blocked from sharing on Facebook?

How long am I temporarily blocked from sharing on Facebook?

Being temporarily blocked from sharing content on Facebook can be frustrating. However, these temporary blocks usually only last for a short period of time. Here is an overview of how long you may be blocked from sharing on Facebook and what you can do about it.

What Triggers a Temporary Sharing Block?

There are a few main things that can cause Facebook to temporarily block your ability to share content:

  • Posting spam frequently
  • Sharing clickbait or sensational content
  • Posting misleading, false or illegal content
  • Sharing content that goes against Facebook’s Community Standards

If Facebook detects you are repeatedly sharing content that goes against their guidelines, they may temporarily block your ability to post or share things on Facebook. This is meant to give you a “time out” period to re-review Facebook’s rules.

How Long Does a Temporary Sharing Block Last?

The length of a temporary sharing block can vary depending on the severity and frequency of the content shared. Here are some general guidelines on block durations:

  • 1st offense: Up to 24 hours
  • 2nd offense: Up to 3 days
  • 3rd offense: Up to 7 days
  • 4th offense: Up to 30 days

For very severe violations, Facebook may skip over warnings and go straight to a lengthy 30 day block.

Extreme or Repeated Violations

In some cases of extreme or repeated violations, Facebook may impose longer restrictions even after your initial temporary block has lifted. For example:

  • 30-day blocks if you continue sharing prohibited content after previous temporary blocks
  • 60-day blocks for severe or dangerous content violations
  • Permanent disabling of your Facebook account in extreme cases

So even after your initial sharing block has ended, you may face additional blocks if you do not modify your behavior on Facebook.

What Happens When You Are Blocked From Sharing

When you are temporarily blocked from sharing, you will see an alert message if you try to post something on Facebook. The message will say your ability to post has been temporarily limited and to check back later.

You can still view Facebook and send private messages during this period, but cannot share anything publicly on your profile, page or in groups. Any attempted posts or shares will be automatically blocked by Facebook.

How to Tell if You Are Blocked From Sharing

Here are some signs that indicate you may be temporarily blocked from sharing on Facebook:

  • Error message when trying to post or share
  • Posts immediately being hidden from your timeline
  • Posts only being visible to you but not the public
  • Being unable to interact with or comment on public posts

Trying to post and running into unusual errors or limitations is the clearest sign your account has been put on a temporary posting block.

Why Temporary Blocks Happen

Facebook uses temporary sharing blocks as a way to enforce their community standards guidelines. By blocking users from sharing for short time periods, it helps address rule-breaking behavior while not outright disabling accounts before giving the user a chance to correct their behavior. Some of the main reasons temporary blocks happen include:

  • Spam – Repeatedly posting irrelevant, misleading or engagement-bait content.
  • Abusive behavior – Harassing, threatening or bullying other users.
  • Regulated goods – Attempting to buy or sell prohibited or regulated goods like firearms, pharmaceuticals, etc.
  • False information – Spreading harmful misinformation or “fake news”.
  • Hate speech – Attacking or inciting violence against protected groups.
  • Graphic content – Posting disturbingly graphic, violent or sexual content.
  • Scams – Trying to defraud or manipulate people out of money.

Essentially any sharing activity clearly violating Facebook’s rules risks provoking a temporary block or ban from posting.

Why Facebook Issues Temporary Bans

Facebook uses temporary account blocks to:

  • Give users a warning and chance to correct rule-breaking behavior before permanent disablement
  • Quickly stop abusive or dangerous activity from spreading further on Facebook
  • Educate users on what type of sharing is unacceptable
  • Deter and reduce harmful behavior without fully deleting accounts

The main goal is to enforce Facebook’s guidelines while allowing users reasonable opportunities to learn from their mistakes. Lengthier bans are issued if behavior fails to improve.

How to Get Your Sharing Abilities Reactivated

During your temporary block, there is unfortunately no way to immediately lift the ban and be able to post again. You will have to wait out the duration of the block. However, there are some things you can do to get your full sharing abilities reactivated once the block has ended:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s Community Standards and make sure you understand what type of content is prohibited from being shared.
  • Delete any previous posts that may have violated Facebook’s rules.
  • Be cautious about what you share when the block lifts – stick to sharing high-quality content from reputable sources.
  • Avoid overly promotional or engagement-bait type posts.
  • Only share content that would be appropriate for people of all ages.

Essentially, be a good Facebook community member by sharing valuable material and respecting other users. If you stick to safe, appropriate sharing after your block, your abilities should be fully restored.

What Not to Do Once Block Lifts

When your temporary sharing block ends, avoid these high-risk actions:

  • Immediately go back to sharing blocked types of content
  • Share at abnormally high frequencies or volumes
  • Use multiple accounts to share around the block
  • Attempt to circumvent the block with technical workarounds

Engaging in these kinds of activities right after your block has ended will likely trigger extended restrictions from Facebook. Take the time to adjust your behavior for the best chance of your sharing access being fully reinstated.

Appealing Facebook Sharing Bans

If you feel your temporary sharing block from Facebook was issued incorrectly or unfairly, you do have the option to appeal the ban. Here are some tips for successfully appealing a Facebook temporary post ban:

  • File your appeal as soon as possible once notified of block.
  • Be polite, respectful and reasonable in your appeal.
  • Explain why you believe the block was unwarranted.
  • Highlight any past good standing and positive contributions.
  • Assure you understand and will properly follow rules going forward.
  • Follow Facebook’s formal appeal steps and provide any requested information.

Keep in mind appeals are still reviewed by Facebook employees who issued the original block. But a rational, cooperative appeal has the best chance of success if you were indeed mistakenly penalized.

Steps to Appeal a Facebook Ban

To submit an appeal to Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the notification you received alerting you of the block.
  2. Select the option stating you believe the block was made in error and want to request a review.
  3. Provide an explanation of why you feel the block should be reversed.
  4. Submit any information Facebook requests to support your appeal.
  5. Wait to receive a response from Facebook on the determination of your appeal.

It may take Facebook up to a few days to fully process and respond to ban appeals. Be patient and do not submit multiple appeals.

Prevent Facebook from Blocking You

To avoid getting temporarily blocked by Facebook in the first place, follow these proactive tips:

  • Carefully read Facebook’s Community Standards and follow them
  • Avoid sharing spam, clickbait, false information or sensational content
  • Be respectful and appropriate in your posts and interactions
  • Review posts before sharing to ensure they comply with rules
  • Use caution when sharing content related to regulated goods or controversial topics
  • Don’t implement schemes aimed at artificially boosting distribution or engagement

Essentially, share high-quality content in a respectful manner that enhances the Facebook community. This will minimize your risks of being temporarily blocked.

Facebook Posting Best Practices

Here are some best practices for posting on Facebook without risk of restrictions:

  • Post authentic, personal content people will genuinely appreciate.
  • Share content only from reputable sources and fact check it.
  • Add context and commentary when sharing articles or links.
  • Contribute to groups and discussions in a polite, constructive manner.
  • Respond to comments and feedback when able.
  • Give people updates on your life activities and milestones.

Focusing on meaningful engagement with your friends, family and fans will lead to a positive Facebook experience free of disruptive sharing blocks.


Having your sharing abilities temporarily blocked on Facebook can certainly be inconvenient. However, these short-term bans are designed to help you improve your behavior and contribution to the Facebook community. By understanding what causes blocks, appealing blocks you feel were mistaken, and adjusting your sharing habits, you can minimize future disruptions and have full access restored.

The key is to learn from any blocks you may receive, follow Facebook’s guidelines closely, and be a thoughtful community member. Exercising good judgement and sharing high-quality content that enriches people’s lives will keep your Facebook sharing privileges intact for the long-term.