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How long am I blocked from sending friend requests on Facebook?

How long am I blocked from sending friend requests on Facebook?

Being blocked from sending friend requests on Facebook can be frustrating. Not being able to connect with people on the platform limits your ability to network and socialize. Here is a comprehensive guide on how long you may be blocked from sending friend requests and what you can do about it.

What does it mean to be blocked from sending friend requests?

If you are blocked from sending friend requests on Facebook, it means you will not be able to send friend requests to other users. This block is initiated by Facebook and is different from being unfriended or blocked by another user.

There are a few key things to know about being blocked from sending friend requests:

  • You will not be able to locate the profiles of users you are blocked from in searches or see mutual friends
  • Any friend requests you attempt to send will automatically be blocked
  • You will not receive notifications that you have been blocked
  • You can still become friends if the other user sends you a friend request that you accept

This block only limits your ability to initiate friend requests. You can continue to use Facebook normally otherwise.

Why would I be blocked from sending friend requests?

There are a few potential reasons Facebook may impose a block on you sending friend requests:

  • Sending too many requests too quickly – Sending a high volume of requests in a short time frame may trigger Facebook’s spam detection systems. This safety measure aims to cut down on fake accounts sending masses of requests.
  • Friend request notifications reported as spam – If multiple people mark your friend request messages as spam or abuse, this can lead to a block.
  • Bullying or harassment – Repeated friend requests to someone who does not want contact with you may be deemed harassment. This includes repeatedly re-adding someone who has deleted you as a friend.

The block is intended to limit activity deemed abusive or violating Facebook’s policies. It aims to protect users from unwelcome contact.

How long does the block from sending requests last?

If your account has been restricted from sending friend requests, the duration of the block depends on a few factors:

  • First offense – The initial block may last 24-48 hours if it’s a minor or temporary issue.
  • Repeated offenses – If you have been blocked multiple times, the duration is likely to be longer, like 1-2 weeks.
  • Severity of violation – If you are mass spamming requests or harassing someone, the ban could last 1-3 months or indefinitely.

In most cases for minor incidents, the block will be short and lifted in a day or two max. But serious or repeat violations can warrant much longer restrictions.

How do I know if I’m blocked from sending requests?

There are a few ways you may realize your account has been limited from initiating friend requests on Facebook:

  • When you try to send a request, you immediately get an error saying “You can’t send this friend request”
  • Searching for certain people yields no results due to the block
  • You notice you have not received any friend request notifications in a while

Unlike being blocked by another user, you will not get an alert from Facebook informing you of a block on sending requests. The main way to know is attempting to interact and connect with people as usual.

What happens if I try to send a request during the block?

If you attempt to send a friend request to someone while blocked, here is what will happen:

  • On your end, you will get an error saying “You can’t send this friend request.”
  • The other user will not receive any notification. It will be as if no request was ever sent.
  • Repeated attempts to connect with the same person may be flagged as harassment, prolonging your block.

The requests will simply be automatically blocked from going through. The same thing will happen if you try to invite someone to like a Page or group.

Can I find out how long I’m blocked for?

Unfortunately there is no way to find out the exact duration of your block on sending friend requests within the Facebook platform itself.

Facebook does not notify users of when the block will be lifted. The company also does not provide an appeals process to get the restriction removed early.

Your only option is to periodically try sending requests again until it works. When the block is over, your ability to request friends will be restored as normal.

What happens when my block is over?

Once the time period of your block from sending friend requests is over, here is what will happen:

  • You will once again be able to search for and view the profiles of other users
  • Sending request attempts will go through successfully
  • Your notifications for accepted requests will resume as normal

It may take an hour or two for the restrictions to fully lift across Facebook’s servers worldwide. But your ability to connect with people will be restored.

Can I get unblocked sooner?

Since Facebook does not have an appeals process for removing the block early, there is no official way to get unblocked sooner.

Your only options are to either wait out the duration of the block or attempt to reach Facebook support.

Trying to contact Facebook support is unlikely to expedite removal, but you may try explaining it was a mistake:

  • Go to the Facebook Help Center
  • Select the option for “Report a Problem”
  • Choose the issue category for “Account Status”
  • Explain your situation and ask for another review

While they likely will not reverse course early, it does not hurt to politely ask. The block will end automatically when the time is up regardless.

What happens if I create a new account to send requests?

If your main account is blocked from sending friend requests, creating a secondary account to get around the restriction is against Facebook’s policies.

When Facebook detects you have duplicate accounts, here is what may happen:

  • Your new account will get blocked from adding friends as well
  • Both accounts may end up disabled for violating terms of service
  • Your original block duration could get extended

Creating multiple accounts or profiles is strictly prohibited. Doing so will end up harming your standing even more.

How can I avoid getting blocked in the future?

To avoid getting blocked again after your current restriction is lifted, here are some tips:

  • Only send friend requests to people you know and who want to connect with you
  • Limit yourself to 10-20 requests per day max to avoid seeming spammy
  • If someone rejects your request or unfriends you, do not repeatedly re-add them
  • Wish people happy birthday or invite them to events rather than friend requesting

Being thoughtful and selective when sending requests will prevent you from triggering any anti-spam measures. Patience and limiting your activity will keep your account in good standing.


Getting blocked from sending friend requests on Facebook can be confusing and frustrating. But have hope knowing the restriction is usually temporary, especially if it was an honest mistake.

The best options are to wait it out patiently, avoid creating secondary accounts, and be more mindful when connecting with people in the future. Before you know it, your account will regain its full functionality.

With some prudent security practices, you can avoid further issues and enjoy actively engaging with friends on Facebook once again.