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How long after unblocking on Facebook can you block again?

How long after unblocking on Facebook can you block again?

Blocking and unblocking people is a common occurrence on Facebook. You may block someone temporarily, only to unblock them later and potentially want to block them again. So how long do you need to wait after unblocking someone before you can block them again on Facebook? Let’s take a deep dive into the details.

How Blocking Works on Facebook

When you block someone on Facebook, they are no longer able to see things you post on your profile, contact you directly via Facebook messaging, invite you to events or groups, start a conversation with you in groups, tag you, or add you as a friend.

Essentially, blocking prevents the blocked person from interacting with you on Facebook in any way. From their end, it will seem like you no longer have a Facebook account. They will be unable to find your profile through search or access it directly via a link.

Blocking is a reciprocal action on Facebook. If you block someone, they are also automatically blocked from your account. Blocking can happen both ways independently.

Why You Might Want to Unblock and Re-Block

There are a few common reasons why someone might want to unblock and then re-block a person on Facebook:

  • You temporarily blocked someone in the heat of the moment during an argument and later regret it.
  • You blocked an ex during the breakup but now feel ready to communicate as friends.
  • You blocked someone by mistake and want to undo it.
  • You blocked someone temporarily for a short break from their content.

In cases like these, unblocking allows you to reopen communication. However, issues may arise again later that make you reconsider and want to block them once more.

The Timeframe for Re-Blocking on Facebook

So how long do you need to wait after unblocking someone before blocking them again?

There is no required waiting period. You can re-block a person immediately after unblocking them on Facebook.

Unlike other social networks like Twitter and Instagram that enforce a waiting period before you can block, Facebook does not restrict rapid re-blocking in any way.

This means you can technically unblock someone and block them again instantly if you choose. There is no limit, delay, or restriction imposed by Facebook after unblocking.

However, while you can immediately re-block, it may be wise to exercise some caution in these situations. Rashly blocking, unblocking, and re-blocking repeatedly could be disruptive to your relationships. Proceed mindfully.

Examples of Immediate Re-Blocking

Here are some examples of situations where someone may want to immediately block a person again after unblocking them:

Seeing Harassing or Inappropriate Content

You unblocked someone hoping they changed their ways, only to find they immediately resumed posting harassing messages or inappropriate content on their profile. In this case, re-blocking right away makes sense to protect yourself.

A Heated Argument Re-emerges

After unblocking, you get drawn back into the same heated argument that caused the initial blocking. To prevent things from escalating, you decide it’s best to re-block the person immediately.

Safety Concerns

In severe cases like stalking or online abuse, immediate re-blocking may be necessary if you feel unsafe or threatened after unblocking.

Spam or Annoying Content

Seeing a constant flood of spammy or annoying posts after unblocking someone could warrant quickly blocking them again for your own sanity.

Sudden Change of Mind

For any reason, you may simply have a quick change of heart and decide soon after unblocking that you want to block them again. With no waiting period, you’re free to immediately re-block.

When to Exercise Caution Before Re-Blocking

While the Facebook blocking system allows you to rapidly reverse an unblock, here are some situations where you may want to exercise some caution first:

  • After unblocking a close friend or family member
  • Unblocking after a long period of time has passed
  • If attempts were made to make amends after unblocking
  • The other person expressed regret over the initial incident
  • It was an accidental block, or there was a misunderstanding

In cases like these, immediately re-blocking could damage relationships. Allowing some time to see if circumstances improve or communicate further could be wise.

Proceed cautiously and thoughtfully when rapidly re-blocking, understanding the impact on your relationships. While Facebook doesn’t limit how quickly you can block again, patience and prudence have their benefits.

Steps to Re-Block Someone After Unblocking on Facebook

Here is a quick summary of the steps involved in blocking someone again after unblocking them:

  1. Access the profile page of the person you previously blocked and unblocked.
  2. Click on the three dots dropdown menu in the top right corner of their profile.
  3. Select “Block” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm that you want to block the person when prompted.

It’s a straightforward process that can be done rapidly after unblocking. You’ll find the block option in the same place it was originally.

And keep in mind, you can repeat these steps to unblock and re-block as often as you want. Facebook does not limit the frequency.

Consider Alternatives Before Re-Blocking

While re-blocking may seem like your only option after unblocking someone becomes troublesome again, consider these alternatives first:

Restrict Instead of Block

The “Restrict” option lets you limit someone’s interactions with your profile rather than completely blocking. They won’t know they are restricted.

Adjust Privacy Settings

Limit what the person can see from your profile using Facebook’s granular privacy settings. Change settings for individual posts, photo albums, and more.

Unfollow Their Posts

Stay friends but unfollow them so their content no longer shows up in your News Feed. You remain connected without their posts.

Communicate Your Concerns

Have a discussion about the issues first. Sometimes problems can be resolved with civil communication.

Deletion as a Last Resort

If all else fails, outright deleting the person as a friend on Facebook remains an option before re-blocking.

The Pros and Cons of Immediate Re-Blocking on Facebook

Before deciding to rapidly re-block someone after unblocking, weigh the key pros and cons:


  • Removes disruptive or abusive people from your Facebook experience.
  • Quickly prevents further posts that bother you.
  • Easy and frictionless process to re-block.
  • Empowers you to curate your Facebook community.


  • May permanently damage relationships with rapid blocking.
  • The other person likely won’t understand why it happened.
  • You lose chances to communicate and possible resolve issues.
  • It could appear threatening if someone seems unstable.

Assess whether the pros outweigh the cons depending on your specific situation before re-blocking.

How Blocked People React to Rapid Re-Blocking

Getting blocked, unblocked, then re-blocked in quick succession on Facebook can be a frustrating and confusing experience. Here are some typical reactions you can expect:

  • Anger at the rapid back-and-forth blocking.
  • Feeling insulted or disrespected.
  • Confusion about why it occurred.
  • Assuming they must have done something wrong.
  • Vengefulness or desire for retaliation.
  • Saddness over losing connection again.

The whiplash of sudden blocking, unblocking, and re-blocking can damage relationships. Proceed with care, understanding the emotional impact it may have.

Improving Facebook’s Re-Blocking Policies

While Facebook offers great flexibility in unblocking and re-blocking users, here are a few ways their policies could potentially be improved:

Implement a Mandatory Waiting Period

Having a minimum required waiting period before allowing re-blocking after unblocking could promote caution and discourage rash decisions.

For example, a 24 or 48 hour waiting period could be implemented before allowing re-blocking.

Limit Blocking Frequency

Only allow a user to block the same person again after unblocking once a month or once a year. This would limit how often someone could go through the cycle of blocking, unblocking, re-blocking.

Send Alerts Before Re-Blocking

Have Facebook send a notification to both parties if someone attempts to re-block after unblocking quickly. The alerts could say “Are you sure?” to promote thoughtfulness.

Require an Explanation to Re-Block

When attempting to re-block, require the blocker to provide a reasoning why. This creates transparency and communication around the reasons for blocking.


In summary, there is no waiting period required after unblocking someone on Facebook before blocking them again. You can technically block, unblock, then re-block someone immediately if you choose. However, proceeding cautiously can help preserve your relationships. Consider alternatives like restricting or unfollowing the person first. While re-blocking may sometimes be necessary, use the feature thoughtfully, not as a weapon, understanding its emotional impact.