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How long after deactivating Facebook can you reactivate?

How long after deactivating Facebook can you reactivate?

If you choose to deactivate your Facebook account, this does not permanently delete it. Deactivating your Facebook account temporarily disables it and removes some information associated with it from view. However, the process is reversible, allowing you to reactivate your account within a certain timeframe. So how long after deactivating Facebook can you reactivate?

How deactivating differs from deleting

Deactivating your Facebook account is not the same as permanently deleting it. When you deactivate your account:

  • Your profile, photos, posts, videos, and information are hidden until the account is reactivated.
  • Some information remains visible, such as messages you sent to friends.
  • You can reactivate the account by logging back in with your email and password.

Deleting your account is permanent. When you delete your account:

  • Your profile, photos, posts, videos, and information are permanently removed.
  • You can never reactivate the deleted account.
  • If you want to use Facebook again, you must create a new account.

So deactivating pauses your account while deleting closes it permanently. Deactivating gives you the option to reactivate your account later if you choose.

Reactivation period after deactivating

When you deactivate your Facebook account, you have a limited window of time in which you can reactivate it:

  • For the first 14 days after deactivating your account, you can easily reactivate it by simply logging back in.
  • After 14 days, your account enters an extended deactivation period for the next 120 days (just over 4 months).
  • This means you have up to 134 days (just over 4 months) after deactivating to reactivate your Facebook account before it is permanently disabled.

So in summary:

  • Within 14 days – Reactivate by logging back in
  • 14-134 days – Account is deactivated but can still be reactivated
  • After 134 days – Account is permanently disabled if not reactivated

How to reactivate your Facebook account

The steps to reactivate your Facebook account depend on how long it has been since you deactivated:

Within 14 days of deactivating

Reactivating your account within 14 days is simple:

  1. Go to and log in with your email and password as usual.
  2. Facebook will detect your deactivated account and prompt you to reactivate it.
  3. Click the “Reactivate” button.
  4. Your account will be fully restored with all previous data.

You can also reactivate by resetting your password via email if needed.

14-134 days after deactivating

Between 14 and 134 days after deactivating:

  1. Go to and try logging in with your account email and password.
  2. You will see a message that your account is disabled.
  3. Click the link below that message that says “Reactivate your account.”
  4. Facebook will send a reactivation email to your account email address.
  5. Open the reactivation email and click the “Reactivate Account” button in the email body.
  6. Log in to Facebook to complete the reactivation process.

This triggers Facebook to send you a verification email to complete reactivation. Follow the instructions in the email within 24 hours to fully reinstate your account.

After 134 days of deactivating

If it has been more than 134 days since deactivation, your Facebook account is permanently disabled and can no longer be reactivated. You would need to sign up for a brand new account using a different email address.

What happens when reactivating a deactivated account

When you reactivate your Facebook account within 134 days, here is what happens:

  • Your profile, photos, posts, videos, and all account information are restored.
  • Your news feed, messages, and notifications return to their previous states.
  • Friends, followers, groups, and pages are still connected.
  • All previous privacy settings, app permissions, and account security options are reinstated.
  • You regain full access to your account as if you never left.

Essentially, it will be as if you never deactivated your account in the first place. Everything is recovered once you complete the reactivation process.

Why Facebook allows account reactivation

Facebook gives users a 4-month window to reactivate a deactivated account for a few key reasons:

  • Life changes – Circumstances leading you to deactivate may change in the future.
  • Preserve connections – Friends may still try to contact you via your old account.
  • Recover data – Users can save information by reactivating instead of starting fresh.
  • Increase user engagement – Higher user counts and retention rates benefit Facebook’s business.

Allowing reactivation caters to users who deactivate temporarily due to life events or challenges. Facebook wants to make it easy for these users to resume using their accounts seamlessly.

Of course, the company also benefits from recovering deactivated accounts before they are permanently deleted. So while reactivation is framed as for the user’s convenience, it also serves Facebook’s business interests.

Should you permanently delete instead of deactivating?

If your goal is to permanently remove your Facebook account from the platform, deactivating alone is not sufficient. Deactivated accounts can easily be reactivated as long as it’s within 134 days.

To fully delete your Facebook presence, you must take the additional steps to permanently delete your account:

  1. Back up any data you want to keep from your account.
  2. Go to Facebook’s deletion page and confirm your intent to delete the account.
  3. Enter your password when prompted to confirm your identity.
  4. Click the button to permanently delete your account.

Once completing the deletion steps, your account and all associated data are removed for good. Unlike deactivation, deletion is irreversible. Your account is gone from Facebook’s servers and cannot be restored.

Deactivating gives you an out if you want the option to return to Facebook later on. But permanently deleting your account will completely remove you from the platform with no option for reversal.


When deactivating your Facebook account, you have up to 134 days (just over 4 months) to reactivate it before the process becomes permanent. Simply logging back in will reactivate your account within the first 14 days. After that, Facebook will require you to confirm via email verification.

Reactivation restores all account data, settings, friends/followers, and information associated with your profile before deactivation. Facebook allows this window for reactivation to cater to those who may change their minds after temporarily deactivating their accounts. However, if your goal is to permanently remove your presence from Facebook, you must take the additional step of deleting your account through their settings.