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How far is showdown from great falls montana?

How far is showdown from great falls montana?

Determining the driving distance between Showdown, Montana and Great Falls, Montana requires looking at a map and calculating the mileage between the two locations. While it’s possible to roughly estimate the distance, having an exact mileage figure helps with planning for travel time and fuel needs.

Locating Showdown and Great Falls on a Map

Showdown is a small community located in Cascade County, Montana. It sits alongside the Little Belt Mountains and is home to the Showdown Ski Area. Great Falls is the third largest city in Montana with a population of around 58,000 residents. It is located in Cascade County as well, about 50 miles northeast of Showdown.

When looking at a map that includes both locations, Showdown appears to the southwest of Great Falls among the Little Belt Mountains. While not large in size, Showdown is visible on most Montana road maps. Depending on the map scale and level of detail, Great Falls is displayed as either a labeled city or a small marked area.

Using Map Scales to Estimate Distance

Even without having an exact mileage figure, the map can provide a general idea of the distance between Showdown and Great Falls. Looking at the scale on the map, the space between the two places appears to be around 50 to 60 miles. The scale shows that one inch on the map equals a certain number of miles in real life. By measuring the inches between Showdown and Great Falls and multiplying by the map scale, you can estimate the driving distance.

For example, if the map scale is 1 inch = 50 miles, and the locations appear 2 inches apart, the estimated distance would be 2 * 50 = 100 miles. This method provides only a rough estimate but it demonstrates that Showdown and Great Falls are not immediately adjacent. There are a fair number of miles between them even though they reside in the same county.

Calculating the Actual Mileage Between the Two Places

While map scales give a general idea of distances, to pin down the actual road mileage requires tracing the route between Showdown and Great Falls. This can be done in several ways:

  • Using an online mapping tool like Google Maps to get driving directions and mileage
  • Tracing the route on a paper map with a scale and ruler to measure miles
  • Consulting other distance tables or checking with transportation departments

Online Mapping Tools

The simplest way for most people to get the exact mileage is to use an online map that provides driving directions and road distances. With Google Maps, you can enter Showdown, MT as the starting point and Great Falls, MT as the destination.

The directions will trace the quickest road route between the two places. It shows that driving from Showdown to Great Falls via US-89 S and US-87 S is 50.3 miles. Therefore, the distance by road between the locations is just over 50 miles.

Measuring Distance on a Paper Map

For those without internet access or who prefer paper maps, the mileage can be determined by tracing the route on a road map. After identifying Showdown and Great Falls, you would:

  1. Find the shortest road path between the two places
  2. Use a ruler to trace along the route, measuring each section in miles based on the map scale
  3. Add up the mileage for each section to calculate the total trip mileage

This method takes a bit more time and effort but provides an accurate mileage amount without technology. Double-checking the measurements also helps verify the distance.

Other Resources for Mileage Data

For those wanting additional confirmation of the mileage figure, there are some other reference sources. Many state transportation departments publish official highway mileage charts between cities and towns. These give the distance that road crews would need to travel when doing maintenance and construction.

Other groups like trucking and bus companies have distance tables to aid in route planning and fuel needs. Consulting additional references like these can provide confirmation of the approximate 50 mile distance between Showdown and Great Falls.

Driving Time Between the Locations

In addition to mileage, the driving time is also an important factor when planning travel between Showdown and Great Falls. The time it takes to drive between the two places can vary based on:

  • Speed limits along the route
  • Road conditions and terrain
  • Traffic volume along the way
  • Delays for stops, meals, etc.

Estimated Driving Times

Under normal conditions without delays, the expected driving time from Showdown to Great Falls is:

Road Taken Distance (miles) Approx. Time
US-89 S 25 30 minutes
US-87 S 25 30 minutes
Total 50 1 hour

The speed limits are 65-70 mph on these highways so drivers could expect about a one hour trip under optimal conditions. Allowing time for slowdowns, traffic, stops, etc can add 15-30 minutes.

Factoring in Road Conditions

The actual travel time also depends heavily on the weather and road conditions. During winter months, snow and ice on the roads can slow speeds considerably. Heavy rain or fog can also reduce visibility and require slower driving. If the roads are slick or visibility poor, the 50 mile trip could take 1.5 to 2 hours for safety.

The highway terrain is mostly flat between Showdown and Great Falls. But the area near Showdown gains elevation into the Little Belt Mountains so inclines could also slow vehicles when heading out of town. Checking road conditions before departing helps ensure an accurate arrival time.

Traffic Impacts

Since the route follows major highways, traffic volume can also impact drive times. Rush hour slow downs in Great Falls at the start or end of the work day could add delays. Heavy traffic headed in/out of Great Falls during weekends or events could also mean congestion and slower speeds.

Allowing flexibility in the schedule can help account for possible traffic delays. Departing outside of typical commuting hours helps minimize congestion issues as well.


After examining maps and consulting driving sources, the distance between Showdown, Montana and Great Falls, Montana works out to right around 50 miles. This 50 mile drive typically takes about 1 hour under normal conditions. Extra time should be added to account for traffic, road conditions, stops, etc. While the two towns are not hugely far apart, the 50 mile distance does require some planning and preparation for a safe and timely road trip.