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How far back do Facebook messages go?

How far back do Facebook messages go?

Facebook messages have become an integral part of online communication for many people around the world. With billions of users, Facebook’s messaging platform allows people to stay in touch with friends, family, coworkers, and more. However, one question that often comes up is: how far back can you view past Facebook messages?

Facebook Message History

In general, Facebook stores message history indefinitely. This means all of your Facebook messages are saved on Facebook’s servers, even from years or decades ago, as long as your account is still active. However, how far back you can view message history depends on where you are viewing your messages from.

Viewing Messages on Desktop

When viewing messages on the desktop Facebook website, you can go back as far as your account history allows. Facebook desktop allows you to continuously scroll back through your message history with a friend or group as far as your conversations go. This means if you’ve been friends with someone for 10 years on Facebook, you’ll be able to scroll back 10 years through your message history with them on the desktop site.

Viewing Messages on Mobile

On the Facebook mobile app, your message history visibility is more limited. The mobile app only shows a limited amount of recent messages with a person or group. The exact amount of visible messages may vary, but is usually between the most recent 20-100 messages.

If you want to view older messages on mobile, you need to search for a keyword or phrase within your conversation. This will bring up all messages matching your search term, even old messages, allowing you to go further back in your history.

Downloading Your Data

If you want your entire Facebook message history, you can download an archive of your Facebook data. This allows you to view your full message history with all friends and groups up to the creation of your account. You can download your data archive on desktop by going to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Your Facebook Information > Download Your Information. The messages will be in HTML format.

Why Full Message History Isn’t Visible

There are a couple reasons why Facebook limits your default message history visibility on mobile and doesn’t allow indefinite scrolling back through messages on desktop:

  • Storage space – Keeping your full message history readily available takes up more data storage. By limiting visibility, it saves on storage costs.
  • Performance – Loading thousands of old messages slows down performance, so limiting visibility improves speed.
  • Usage – Most users only need to see their most recent messages for everyday use.

How Long Are Deleted Facebook Messages Stored?

If you delete a Facebook message, how long will it stay in Facebook’s database before being deleted forever? Here is an overview of how deleted Facebook messages work:

Deleting Messages

When you delete a message you sent, it will be deleted from your view and the recipient’s view of the conversation. So it will seem like the message is gone.

Message Retention Period

However, deleted messages get stored by Facebook for a certain retention period before being permanently deleted. The length of time deleted messages are retained has not been officially confirmed by Facebook, but is estimated to be around 90 days.

Permanent Deletion

After the retention period ends, the deleted messages are permanently removed from Facebook’s servers and cannot be recovered. So any messages older than the retention period that were deleted will be gone forever.


The retention period allows you to recover recently deleted messages if needed, by downloading your Facebook data. However, it also means deleted messages could resurface if law enforcement obtained a warrant for your data within the period.

Recovering Deleted Facebook Messages

As mentioned above, you can recover deleted Facebook messages by downloading your data during the retention period. Here is how:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Your Facebook Information.
  2. Click “Download Your Information” and select JSON as the format.
  3. When the download is ready, find the “messages” folder.
  4. Open the HTML files inside to view deleted messages within the retention period.

However, there is no way to recover deleted messages that have passed the ~90 day retention period and been permanently removed from Facebook’s servers.

Backing Up Your Facebook Messages

If you want to be able to view your Facebook message history beyond the limits of what’s available on Facebook, you may want to consider regularly backing up your Facebook data. Here are some options:

Manual Downloads

You can manually download an archive of your Facebook data from time to time, such as every few months. This will let you store your message history outside of Facebook’s servers.

Third-Party Tools

Some third-party tools and browser extensions allow you to automatically backup your Facebook messages to another location. For example, tools like Backupify can automatically backup your Facebook data including messages.

Other Messaging Apps

Consider using another messaging app in addition to Facebook’s built-in messaging. Apps like WhatsApp or Messenger allow you to message contacts while storing your full message history.

Messaging History on Deleted Facebook Accounts

What happens to your Facebook messages if you delete your Facebook account? Here’s an overview:

Account Deletion

When you delete your Facebook account, your profile and data will be erased from the active site after a short period. People will no longer be able to view your profile or messages.

Message Retention

However, Facebook will retain your deleted account’s data, including messages, for the same retention period as deleted messages – about 90 days. They keep it during this time in case you reactivate your account.

Permanent Deletion

After the retention period, a deleted account’s messages and all other data are permanently deleted from Facebook’s servers and cannot be recovered.

Message History Loss

So if you delete your Facebook account, you can say goodbye to your Facebook message history after about 3 months. Be sure to download a backup of your data before deleting if you want to keep your messages.


In summary:

  • Facebook stores all message history indefinitely as long as your account is active.
  • You can view your full desktop message history but limited history on mobile.
  • Deleted messages are retained for ~90 days before permanent deletion.
  • You can download your Facebook data to recover deleted messages within the retention period.
  • Backing up your data allows you to store your message history outside Facebook.
  • When you delete your account, your messages will be permanently deleted after about 90 days.

Understanding Facebook’s message retention policies allows you to manage your message history and backups accordingly.