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How does my Facebook Messenger get hacked?

How does my Facebook Messenger get hacked?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, with over 1 billion monthly active users. However, like any online service, it can be vulnerable to hacking. There are a few common ways hackers can gain access to your Facebook Messenger account and messages.

Ways Facebook Messenger can be hacked

1. Password cracking

The most straightforward way your Facebook Messenger can be hacked is if someone guesses or cracks your Facebook password. Once they have your password, they can log into your Facebook account and access Messenger.

Some common password cracking techniques include:

– Guessing common or weak passwords like “123456” or “password”

– Using password cracking software to run through millions of password combinations

– Phishing your password by sending you to a fake Facebook login page

– Installing keylogger malware that tracks your keystrokes to steal passwords

– Shoulder surfing to spy on the password you type in

– Brute forcing passwords by trying every possible character combination

To avoid getting hacked this way, always use a strong and unique password for your Facebook account. Enable two-factor authentication as an extra layer of security. Be wary of phishing emails or links asking you to login.

2. Social engineering

Hackers may try to manipulate you into giving them access to your account through social engineering. This includes:

– Calling you pretending to be Facebook support and asking for your password to “verify your account”

– Sending emails that appear to be from Facebook asking you to click a link and re-enter your login details

– Messaging you from a compromised friend’s account asking you to click on a strange link they “accidentally” sent

– Creating a fake Facebook login page and tricking you into entering your details

Be skeptical of any unsolicited calls, emails, messages or pages asking you to login or provide sensitive info. Remember Facebook will never proactively ask for your password.

3. Malware and spyware

Malware like Trojans, keyloggers and spyware can end up on your computer or mobile device and be used to steal Facebook credentials and data. Ways this can happen include:

– Clicking malicious links in messages that install malware

– Visiting compromised websites that download malware

– Opening malware infected email attachments

– Installing apps with spyware

– Physical access to device by hacker to install malware

Use comprehensive antivirus software on all your devices and avoid clicking suspicious links or attachments to reduce the risk of malware.

4. SIM swapping

SIM swapping is when a hacker is able to duplicate your SIM card and transfer your phone number over to a SIM card they control. With access to your phone number, they can use it to reset your Facebook password via the “Forgot password” feature and receive the reset code via SMS to take over your account.

Ways to avoid SIM swapping include using unique PIN codes with your mobile carrier, not publishing your phone number publicly, and adding extra authentication to your Facebook account.

5. Data breaches and account buying

When large websites or services are hacked, account credentials are often leaked and sold online. Hackers will take email and password combinations leaked in these breaches and test them out on sites like Facebook to see if you reused them.

To prevent your account from being accessed this way:

– Don’t reuse passwords across different accounts

– Use a password manager to generate and store unique complex passwords

– Enable 2FA which requires an extra step beyond just a password

– Frequently change passwords on important accounts

– Be aware of large breaches involving sites you use

6. Physical access to your device

If someone can gain physical access to your phone, tablet, laptop or computer, they may be able to access your Facebook messenger account in a few ways:

– Viewing messenger conversations right in the app

– Installing spyware or monitoring software

– Accessing saved login cookies

– Restoring archived conversations from a device backup

– Retrieving password hashes to attempt cracking

Never leave your logged in devices unattended in public. Use device lock passcodes/fingerprint sensors. Log out of Facebook when not actively using it.

How to know if your Facebook Messenger was hacked

If you suspect your Facebook Messenger may have been compromised, here are some signs to watch out for:

– Unusual new messages in your conversations that you didn’t send

– Messages being sent from your account that you didn’t write

– Friends receiving strange messages from your account

– Profile changes like different name, profile picture, etc

– Password being changed without your authorization

– Logins from new locations/IP addresses in your account activity log

– New unknown friends added to your friend list

– Adware or spam posts sent from your account

– Email and SMS alerts about unrecognized logins from Facebook

If you notice any suspicious activity, change your password immediately and enable login approvals/two-factor authentication if you haven’t already. You can also review your account security log in Facebook settings.

How to secure and prevent hacking of Facebook Messenger account

Here are some best practices you can follow to better secure your Facebook Messenger account from being hacked:

Use a strong unique password

Don’t use simple passwords or reuse passwords across accounts. Generate a random password consisting of upper/lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

Enable two-factor authentication

Add an extra layer of security by requiring a code sent to your phone or authentication app whenever logging in from a new device.

Be cautious of links/attachments

Don’t click suspicious links or download attachments that could contain malware or steal your info. Hover over links to inspect their real destination.

Install antivirus software

Keep your computer and phone protected from viruses and malware using a reputable internet security suite. Perform regular scans.

Avoid public WiFi

Public WiFi is often not very secure. Avoid logging into sensitive accounts like Facebook when connected to public hotspots.

Logout when not using

Don’t stay permanently logged into Facebook on public computers. Remember to fully logout after each session.

Review privacy settings

Limit the personal information that’s publicly visible on your profile. Restrict who can see your posts and search for your profile.

Monitor account activity

Routinely check your Facebook security log for any unknown logins or changes to your account. Get alerts about unrecognized logins.

Use reputable apps

Be cautious when granting account access to third-party apps. Vet apps before connecting them and use minimal permissions.

Securing your Facebook Messenger properly takes some vigilance, but following these best practices can help keep your account safe from being compromised. Be skeptical of any unusual activity and enable all of Facebook’s available security features.

What to do if your Facebook Messenger is hacked

If you believe your Facebook Messenger was compromised, take the following steps immediately:

1. Change your password

First change your Facebook password to something completely new that the hacker won’t know. Make sure it’s long and complex.

2. Enable two-factor authentication

If you haven’t already, set up two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security. Require a login code from your phone whenever logging in.

3. Revoke account access

Check your app settings and remove any unfamiliar apps or services connected to your account. Revoke their ability to access your information.

4. Scan devices for malware

Malware may have been used to steal your credentials. Scan your computer and phone thoroughly using antivirus software to remove any potential threats.

5. Review account activity

Check your Facebook account security log for any recent logins, changes or posts you don’t recognize. Document any suspicious activity.

6. Report hacking to Facebook

Use Facebook’s hacking reporting process to notify them your account was compromised. They can help secure it and remove unauthorized changes.

7. Warn contacts

Let your Facebook friends know your account was hacked in case the hacker attempts to use your account to spread scams or malware to your network.

8. Watch for continued suspicious activity

Keep monitoring your Facebook account over the next few weeks for any signs the hacker still has access or additional attempts to compromise it.

Taking quick action by changing your password, enabling two-factor authentication and reporting the hacking to Facebook can help secure your account and minimize the potential damage from a compromise. Make sure to take preventative measures going forward as well.

How Facebook Messenger hacking can be prevented

Here are some key ways you can proactively prevent your Facebook Messenger from getting hacked:

Use unique complex passwords

Always choose a random, strong password exclusively for your Facebook account. Avoid reusing passwords.

Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra step to logging in, preventing unauthorized access with just a stolen password alone.

Avoid sketchy links/attachments

Potential malware or phishing attempts often spread through shady links and downloads. Never open attachments or click links unless you explicitly trust the sender.

Don’t use public WiFi for sensitive tasks

Public WiFi is rarely secure. Avoid logging into your Facebook account or accessing Messenger on public hotspots, as it makes it easier for hackers to intercept your data.

Install reputable antivirus software

Keep your devices protected against viruses, malware and spyware that could expose your Facebook login details or account activity.

Review privacy settings

Limit your public visibility on Facebook and who can see your posts and profile. Hackers look for loose privacy settings that reveal too much info.

Log out when not using

Don’t stay permanently signed into Facebook on shared or public devices. Remember to fully logout after each session.

Monitor account activity

Routinely check your Facebook security log and notifications for any unauthorized access attempts or account changes.

Avoid oversharing on social media

Be mindful of how much personal information you post publicly online. Oversharing helps hackers gather intel they can use against you.

Staying vigilant against potential threats and taking advantage of Facebook’s many security features can help prevent your Messenger account from ever being compromised.

Protecting Facebook Messenger on iOS vs Android

There are some differences in how you can secure Facebook Messenger on iOS vs Android devices:

iOS Security

– Use Touch ID/Face ID to add biometric authentication when opening the app

– Disable message previews on the lock screen for privacy

– Fully close the app when not actively using it

– Install iOS updates immediately to patch vulnerabilities

– Use a passcode and enable encryption on your iPhone

– Only install Messenger from the official Apple App Store

Android Security

– Set up fingerprint unlock to add biometric access control

– Disable Messenger notifications on your lock screen

– Confirm your Android version is still supported and receiving security patches

– Avoid sideloading untrusted apps outside of Google Play store

– Grant minimal permissions to the Messenger app

– Use a secure lock screen pattern, PIN or password

– Run regular antivirus scans for Android malware

Many core account security practices are universal across platforms – using strong unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, being wary of suspicious links, and logging out when inactive. But taking advantage of platform-specific security features adds important additional protection.

Recovering hacked Facebook Messenger account

If your Facebook Messenger has been hacked, here are the steps to regain access and recover your account:

Step 1) Report account hacking

Use Facebook’s account hacking reporting process. Facebook will try to secure and restore your account.

Step 2) Change your password

Reset your password immediately. Make it long, complex and unique. Enable two-factor authentication.

Step 3) Remove unauthorized changes

Remove any profile changes, unknown friends, or connected apps the hacker added.

Step 4) Scan devices for malware

Wipe and scan any compromised devices that could have malware stealing credentials. Reinstall apps.

Step 5) Review account activity

Check Facebook security logs for unauthorized access attempts, location changes and posts.

Step 6) Revoke sessions

Log out all current sessions to fully revoke the hacker’s access. You may need to do this multiple times.

Step 7) Warn contacts

Let friends know about the hacking in case they receive any suspicious messages from your account.

Step 8) Strengthen security

Add extra layers of security like app passwords, third-party authentication apps, account recovery contacts, etc.

Step 9) Monitor activity

Keep Watching your account closely over the next few weeks for any suspicious activity indicating continued access.

With vigilance and persistence, you can fully recover control of your hacked Facebook Messenger account and strengthen its security to prevent future compromises.


Facebook Messenger provides convenient messaging capabilities but also attracts hackers looking to compromise accounts. Following security best practices like using strong unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, avoiding suspicious links and regularly reviewing your account activity can help protect your Messenger account from being hacked. If you do experience unauthorized access, acting quickly to change your password, report the hacking to Facebook, revoke the hacker’s sessions and enable extra authentication requirements can help you regain control of your account and prevent further damage. Staying cautious regarding links and downloads, using unique complex passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, logging out when inactive, and monitoring your security logs are key ways to keep your Facebook Messenger account secure.