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How does monetization work on Facebook?

How does monetization work on Facebook?

Facebook offers various options for creators and businesses to monetize their content and presence on the platform. The main ways to earn money on Facebook include in-stream ads, branded content, Facebook Marketplace, and Creator subscriptions. The type of monetization depends on the type of content you publish – videos, posts, marketplace listings, etc. Facebook provides detailed monetization policies and tools to help creators and businesses maximize their earning potential.

In-Stream Ads

In-stream ads allow video creators to earn revenue from ads that play before, during or after their videos on Facebook. When a viewer watches a video that has an in-stream ad, the creator earns money from that ad view. The amount earned depends on various factors like content quality, viewer retention, etc. Here are some key things to know about Facebook in-stream ads:

Eligibility for In-stream Ads

To be eligible to monetize with in-stream ads, Pages must:

– Have 10,000 total followers.
– Have 10,000 1-minute views in total across all videos in the past 60 days.
– Have adhered to Facebook’s Partner Monetization Policies.
– Be administrated in a supported Page locale.
– Not be deleted or disabled.

How Much Money Can You Make?

The earnings potential with in-stream ads depends on factors like:

– Video genre – Some categories like gaming, entertainment, sports tend to attract higher CPMs (cost per thousand views)

– Video length – Longer videos over 3 mins can accommodate more mid-roll ads

– Audience – Videos that appeal to younger audiences (13-34) tend to have higher fill rates and CPMs

On average, in-stream ads on Facebook pay $1 – $5 per 1000 views. Top creators can earn over $10 per 1000 views.

How Are In-Stream Ad Payments Calculated?

Facebook pays 55% of the total ad revenue generated to video publishers. The earnings are calculated as:

(CPM x number of ad impressions) x (55% payout percentage)

For example, if a video has 1000 monetized views with an average CPM of $4, the earnings would be:

($4 x 1000 impressions) x (55% payout) = $220

How Do You Get Paid?

Facebook issues monthly payments once creators have earned a minimum of $100 from in-stream ads. Payments are made through:

– Direct deposit
– PayPal
– Wire transfer (available in some countries)

Branded Content

Branded content allows creators and influencers to partner with brands and businesses to create sponsored posts and videos promoting products or services. It provides a way for advertisers to organically integrate their messaging into authentic content. Here are some ways branded content works on Facebook:

Native Videos

Creators can work with brands to produce native video ads that feel natural and compelling for their audience. For example, an influencer reviewing their favorite products from the brand in a style that matches their usual content.

In-Feed Sponsored Posts

Creators can develop in-feed posts promoting a brand’s product that get boosted as Sponsored posts to reach more of their audience. The post appears in the normal feed like organic content.

Facebook Live Videos

Brands can sponsor Facebook Live videos on creator profiles to engage audiences with real-time product demonstrations, Q&As, tutorials, and more. Fans get to interact directly with creators and brands.

Instagram Partnerships

Instagram influencers can partner with brands to create sponsored posts and Stories promoting products or services on Instagram. Brands often re-share this branded content on their own Facebook Pages and in ads.

Paid Partnership Tools

Facebook provides branded content tags like “Paid Partnership” that creators can add to clearly disclose sponsored content. This maintains transparency with users.

Negotiating Brand Deals

Rates for branded content partnerships depend on the influencer’s audience, content style and other parameters. Some common ways to charge include:

– Flat project fee (one-time)
– Monthly retainer fee structure
– Cost per post/video view
– Affiliate commissions from sales

Influencers should evaluate their audience reach, engagement levels and brand alignment to set fair rates. Branded content can provide more stable and sizeable earnings than ad revenue alone.

Facebook Marketplace

The Facebook Marketplace allows users to discover, buy and sell items locally. As a commerce platform, it provides various monetization opportunities:

Sell Products or Services

You can list products or services directly for sale on Marketplace. Everything from household goods, cars, real estate, apparel and professional services can be sold. Sellers pay a 5% selling fee when items are sold.

Drive Traffic to Your Online Store

Sellers with eCommerce websites or other online businesses can leverage Marketplace to drive traffic and sales. Listings can mention your website or online store handle to get Marketplace visitors to your site for purchases.

Promote Service/Consulting Listings

Experts, consultants and freelancers in any field can create listings advertising their services. This provides lead generation to acquire consulting, project or service contracts.

Cross-Promote with Facebook Ads

You can run Facebook ads targeted specifically to Marketplace visitors and geography to promote relevant items, deals or services. This pairs the range of Facebook ads with high-intent Marketplace traffic.

Marketplace Key Metrics

Important metrics for monetizing with Marketplace include:

– Monthly active users: 1+ billion

– Listings: Over 1 billion active listings

– Categories: Cars, real estate, fashion, household and more

– Buyer-Seller Overlap: More than 50% of buyers have also sold

So a massive pool of motivated buyers and sellers makes Marketplace a major opportunity. Focus on buyer demand, pricing competitively, and boosting your listings through promotions and ads.

Facebook Creator Subscriptions

Creator Subscriptions allow fans to pay a monthly fee for exclusive content and experiences from creators they love. It provides a predictable revenue stream direct from your most engaged followers. Here is how it works:

How Fans Subscribe and Pay

Fans visit your Page and click a “Become a subscriber” button. They select a subscription plan you’ve configured and set up payment via Facebook Pay. Subscriptions auto-renew monthly until canceled.

Subscription Plans

You can offer various tiers like:

– $4.99 per month
– $9.99 per month
– $19.99 per month

Different perks like exclusive content, badges, discounts etc. can be tied to higher tiers to entice upgrades.

Subscriber-Only Content

Post and videos can be restricted to “Paid subscribers only” during creation. This premium content is only visible to your subscribers.

Live Videos

Go Live with exclusive broadcasts open just for paid subscribers. This creates valued real-time experiences.

Community Group

An optional private group lets you engage directly with subscribers through posts, Q&As, discussions and more.

Insights Data

The Creator Studio provides subscription stats like:

– Subscribers gained/lost
– Subscription revenue
– Top subscription tiers
– Subscriber demographics

This helps optimize your subscription program and perks.


After a small processing fee, Facebook pays out your subscription revenue on a monthly basis once you cross a $10 threshold. Payout methods include:

– Direct deposit
– PayPal
– Wire transfer

Subscriptions provide reliable, recurring income from fans while strengthening your relationship with them through exclusive access and interactions.

How Does Facebook Make Money from Monetization?

While providing various monetization avenues for creators and businesses, Facebook also profits from these models through:

In-Stream Ads Revenue Share

Facebook keeps 45% of the revenue from in-stream ads running against videos. This covers costs related to video hosting, bandwidth, ad sales, etc.

Creator Subscriptions – Processing Fees

A 5-30% processing fee is deducted from subscription payouts to creators. This depends on the payment method.

Marketplace – Selling Fees

Facebook earns selling fees that are 5-25% of the total transaction value generated on Marketplace. Higher-priced items have lower fees.

Branded Content and Ad Revenue

Sponsored posts and branded content drive more ad spend from brands that want to reach these audiences. Facebook earns money from these ads and sponsorships.

So while providing free access to users and content creators, Facebook earns sizable revenues from facilitating transactions and partnerships between brands, businesses and creators on its platforms.

Tips for Successful Monetization

Here are some top tips for creators and businesses to maximize their earning potential with Facebook monetization:

Build Your Audience

Focus first on growing an engaged, loyal audience that trusts you and your content. This forms a solid foundation for multiple monetization models.

Diversify Your Monetization

Combine various options like ads, subscriptions, branded content, and Marketplace rather than relying on a single model. This provides multiple revenue streams.

Understand Your Niche and Audience

Study your niche and audience demographics to identify what makes your content and offerings unique. This allows tailored monetization targeting their interests.

Add Value for Fans and Followers

Use monetization to enhance what you offer to loyal followers rather than walling off too much content. Reward them for monetary support.

Be Authentic and Transparent

Viewers value genuine content and creators. Maintain that authenticity even with monetized posts. Be upfront about sponsorships through branded content tags.

Analyze Performance and Optimize

Track metrics across your monetization models to see what performs best. Double down on what works and tweak underperforming areas.

Provide Off-Platform Contact Options

Having contact options like email or chat allows you to drive sales, sign sponsorship deals and resolve issues without relying exclusively on Facebook.

With smart strategy and quality content, Facebook monetization can become a significant income stream for eligible creators and businesses.


Facebook provides versatile options for monetization based on the type of content you offer to your followers and audiences. From in-stream ads for video creators to branded partnerships for influencers, Marketplace for sellers, and subscription models for premium content – there are diverse ways to earn.

Success requires understanding which models fit your strengths and audience, focusing on high-quality content, and diversifying your revenue streams. With over 3 billion users, Facebook offers huge scale. But standing out takes creativity and innovation tailored to your niche.

Measuring performance across monetization models allows optimization and maximization of earnings. And maintaining authenticity and transparency with audiences helps build a loyal following that enjoys supporting you.

Overall, monetizing on Facebook involves finding the right blend of content, community, and commerce. It takes consistent testing and refinement. But the potential rewards make the effort well worth it for individual creators, influencers and brands seeing success on the world’s largest social platform.