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How does Facebook Page ID look like?

How does Facebook Page ID look like?

A Facebook Page ID is a unique numerical identifier that is assigned to every Facebook Page. It consists of a series of numbers that can be found in the page’s URL or in the page’s About section. Knowing a page’s ID can be useful for developers, advertisers, and people looking to interact with or get data from a Facebook Page through the Facebook Graph API. This article will provide an in-depth look at what a Facebook Page ID is, what it looks like, where to find it, and how it is used.

What is a Facebook Page ID?

A Facebook Page ID is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Facebook to each Facebook Page. It allows Facebook to distinguish between the millions of pages on their platform. Page IDs are created automatically when a new Facebook Page is made.

The ID is a 19 digit number, although some older Page IDs may be 15 digits. This number stays the same even if the Page name, username, or other details change. So a Page’s ID acts as its one consistent identifier.

Page IDs are completely different from profile IDs used for individual Facebook profiles. Page IDs exist solely to identify Facebook Pages created for businesses, brands, organizations, places, etc. Some key facts about Facebook Page IDs:

  • Unique to each Page.
  • Do not change for a Page over time.
  • 19 digits for Pages created after ~Nov 2007. Some old Pages have 15 digit IDs.
  • Have no relation to Page name or username.
  • Are public and can be viewed/shared.

In summary, a Page ID is a number Facebook assigns to uniquely identify each Facebook Page on its platform from all other Pages.

What Does a Facebook Page ID Look Like?

A Facebook Page ID is simply a string of numbers. It contains either 15 or 19 digits with no spaces, dashes, or other characters.

Here are some examples of what Facebook Page IDs look like:

  • 15 digit: 11223344556677
  • 19 digit: 112233445566778899

And some real examples of popular Facebook Page IDs:

  • Facebook’s Page ID: 20531316728
  • Coca-Cola’s Page ID: 40796308305
  • ESPN’s Page ID: 115300985169727

As you can see, the IDs contain no identifiable information about the Page. The numbers appear random and have no inherent meaning. The only purpose they serve is as a unique identifier for Facebook’s systems.

Where to Find a Facebook Page’s ID

Every Facebook Page has an ID, so how do you find it? There are a couple easy ways to locate the ID for any Page:

From the Page’s URL

The easiest place to find a Facebook Page’s ID is directly in the URL of the Page. In the web address of a Page, the ID will be the series of numbers that appears after “” and before the next slash.

For example, for the Facebook Page with URL:

The Page ID would be 40796308305.

From the Facebook Page’s About section

A Facebook Page’s ID can also be found in the About section underneath the Page’s name:

So navigating to the About portion of a Facebook Page and scrolling down is another method to find its ID.

How Facebook Page IDs Are Used

Now that we’ve covered what a Facebook Page ID is and how to find it, what is it actually used for?

Here are some of the main uses of Facebook Page IDs:

API Access

Facebook offers a Graph API that allows developers to retrieve data from Facebook Pages and integrate with Facebook features. When using the Graph API, the Page ID is part of the API endpoint used to identify the specific Page being accessed. For example:

Having the Page ID allows developers to pull data, post content, or utilize other API capabilities for a specific Page.

Page Management & Insights

Within Facebook’s internal systems and Page Manager, the Page ID can be used to view analytics and insights or manage a Page. Page owners and admins can input a Page’s ID to access these capabilities from anywhere (not just when logged into the Page itself).

SEO and Tracking

In the context of SEO and marketing, the Page ID allows a specific Facebook Page to be defined and tracked as part of campaigns. For example, the ID can be input as a campaign parameter to monitor traffic to a Facebook Page from a specific ad campaign.

Page Lookup

More broadly, having a Facebook Page ID allows users to lookup and reference a specific Page via the ID as a permanent identifier, even if the Page name changes.

Limitations of Facebook Page IDs

While Page IDs are useful, they do have some limitations to note:

  • Cannot be used to access user profile data – Page IDs only work with Facebook Pages, not personal profiles.
  • Are not reusable – A Page ID is permanently tied to a specific Page and cannot be changed or transferred.
  • Are numeric only – Page IDs contain only numbers so there is no ability to encode information in the ID.

Overall, Facebook Page IDs are primarily for identification purposes by Facebook and developers. They do not reveal much on their own without being referenced against Facebook’s internal systems.


A Facebook Page ID is a unique number assigned to each Facebook Page that remains constant even as other Page details change. IDs allow Facebook Pages to be distinguished and referenced in Facebook’s systems, APIs, ads, and analytics tools. While simple, these identifiers provide an important way to manage and interact with the millions of Pages on Facebook.

Page IDs are accessible both in the URL and About section of Pages. The ID is the sequence of numbers that appears after “” and before any other slashes in the URL. And in the About section, it is visible underneath the Page name.

Developers, analysts, SEOs, and Page owners leverage Facebook Page IDs for API access, tracking, lookup, and managing Pages. They uniquely identify Pages regardless of name changes or other updates. So the next time you want to clearly define or reference a specific Facebook Page, check the About section or URL for its distinctive Page ID.

Page ID Length Example
15 digits 11223344556677
19 digits (most Pages) 112233445566778899

Real Page ID Examples

Page Name Page ID
Facebook 20531316728
Coca-Cola 40796308305
ESPN 115300985169727

Where to Find Page IDs

Location Example
In Page URL…
In About Section Appears under Page name

How Page IDs Are Used

Use Case Example
Graph API Access
Insights & Analytics Input ID to view Page insights
SEO & Marketing Track traffic to specific Page ID
Page Lookup Reference Page via permanent ID