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How does Facebook order likes on a photo?

How does Facebook order likes on a photo?

Facebook’s news feed algorithm determines the order in which likes appear on a photo. When a photo is uploaded to Facebook, the algorithm analyzes many factors to decide which likes to show first. Some of the key factors that influence like order include:

Recency of the like

More recent likes are typically shown before older likes. So if your best friend liked your photo 5 minutes ago, and your aunt liked it an hour ago, your friend’s like will probably appear before your aunt’s.

Relationship between the liker and the photo uploader

Likes from close friends and family members are usually prioritized over likes from acquaintances. So if your mom liked your photo, her like will probably appear before a like from a distant coworker.

Level of interaction between the liker and the uploader

People you frequently interact with on Facebook are more likely to have their likes shown first. So if you chat with your friend every day on Messenger, their like will probably appear before someone you rarely interact with.

Relevance of the content to the liker

If the photo is highly relevant to the person liking it, their like may be prioritized. So if you post a photo from your trip to Paris and your friend who loves traveling likes it, their like may appear higher than others.

Other factors that influence like order

There are several other factors that play a role in how Facebook orders likes on photos:

Your history of liking that person’s photos

If you frequently like photos posted by a certain friend, your likes on their photos will typically be prioritized. So liking photos helps boost the visibility of your future likes.

The number of likes a photo has overall

For photos with lots of likes, Facebook tends to prioritize likes from close connections over distant ones. For less popular photos, likes may appear more chronologically.

Commenting vs. only liking

People who both like and comment on a photo typically appear before those who just like it. Interacting beyond a like demonstrates higher interest.

The liker’s history of liking photos on Facebook

Frequent likers’ likes are prioritized over people who rarely tap the like button on Facebook. So if you like tons of content daily, your likes carry more weight.

Other algorithmic factors

There are likely other algorithmic factors at play beyond the ones listed here. Facebook keeps its algorithm private to maintain an enjoyable user experience.

How businesses can improve like order

Businesses that maintain active Facebook pages have some options to potentially influence the order of likes on their photos:

Engage with followers who like your content

Likes from followers you directly interact with often appear first. So respond to follower comments and message engaged followers.

Ask employees and brand advocates to like photos

Likes from connected insiders and partners tend to be favored. So get your team and partners to actively like your page’s photos.

Post content your audience is most interested in

Photos closely matching your followers’ interests are likely to attract more likes from those highly-engaged followers. So pay attention to your top-performing post types.

Use Facebook ads to expand your follower base

The more relevant followers you have, the more potential likers your posts will reach. Paid ads help efficiently grow your audience.

Go live and encourage audience likes

Facebook heavily promotes live video, so broadcasts can help expand your reach and likes. Verbally ask viewers to tap the like button.

Post consistently at optimal times

Research your followers’ activity patterns to determine when they are most active on Facebook. Then post consistently at those high traffic times.

Tips for individuals who want their likes seen

Here are some tips for everyday Facebook users who want to increase the visibility of their likes:

Like photos soon after they are posted

Being among the first to like a new photo helps your like appear closer to the top. So check your feed frequently and engage with fresh content.

Like photos posted by friends you interact with often

Liking close connections’ posts gives your likes a boost vs. liking acquaintances’ posts. Prioritize engaging with true friends.

Comment on the photo in addition to liking

Combining commenting with liking shows higher engagement, leading to improved like visibility. So go beyond just tapping the like button.

Check back later to like more photos

Consistency is key. Liking fresh photos when you first log in and also checking back later to like more photos can improve your reach.

Limit your overall liking activity

Moderation is advised. Excessively tapping like everywhere dilutes the impact of your likes. Be selective in genuinely engaging with content.

Post and engage yourself more

Being an active poster yourself and engaging with lots of community content helps boost your profile. This lifts the priority of your likes over passive users.

The pros and cons of Facebook’s approach

Facebook’s algorithmic approach to ordering likes has some notable pros and cons:


  • Helps relevant content stand out – Posts attracting authentic engagement from target audiences are lifted up.
  • Rewards high-quality connections – Close relationships and loyal brand followers get priority.
  • Encourages genuine interaction – Commenting and posting more leads to higher visibility.
  • Discourages excessive automation – Fake or indiscriminate liking tends to get demoted.


  • Can feel confusing and random – The opaque algorithm lacks predictability.
  • Potentially amplifies echo chambers – Shows you more of what you already engage with.
  • Open to manipulation – Savvy posters can try gaming the system with tricks.
  • Hurts new pages – Newer accounts start with their likes buried at the bottom.

Research on the motivational impact of like order

Some researchers have studied how the order in which likes appear impacts social media users:

Study 1: Later likes feel less meaningful

A 2018 study published in Human Communication Research found that later likes are perceived as less meaningful. When a like appears after many existing likes, it gets overshadowed and feels almost meaningless to the recipient.

Study 2: Near-top likes drive future posting

A 2019 study in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking showed that having one of the first few likes on a post drives the original poster to engage more in the future. Top likes deliver an ego boost.

Study 3: Altered order impacts mood

A 2021 study in Computers in Human Behavior revealed that artificially manipulating the order of likes impacts people’s mood and feelings of social inclusion. Likes shown first make users feel good.

The research demonstrates the psychological influence of like order. While Facebook’s goal is organizing relevant content, there are real emotional consequences.

How other social platforms order likes

Other major social media platforms take different approaches to ordering post engagement:


  • Favors recency and relevance like Facebook
  • Prioritizes immediate follower engagement
  • Obscures exact like counts on some content


  • Purely chronological order
  • Shows all replies and likes as they occur


  • Displays most relevant comments first
  • Factors in likes, replies, poster loyalty


  • Uses complex algorithm based on engagement signals
  • Creator replies bubble to top
  • Fresh comments get boosted

Instagram and YouTube take algorithmic approaches similar to Facebook, while Twitter is strictly chronological. TikTok’s algorithm is uniquely advanced and optimized for viral video.

The future of like ordering algorithms

Here are some potential ways like order algorithms could evolve in the future:

More personalized relevance

Hyper-personalized algorithms that intelligently showcase the most relevant likes to each specific user.

Employing artificial intelligence

AI will enable more sophisticated analysis of content, relationships, and interactions to optimize like positioning.

Time-based curation

Algorithms will automatically optimize like order in different ways over time as posts age.

Sentiment analysis

Algorithms will factor in detected positive/negative sentiment of the like itself and content being liked.

Cross-platform influence

Your engagement on other social apps may influence the priority of your likes on each platform.

Variable randomness

More unpredictability and controlled variability will be added to make algorithms less predictable.

User controls

Users may be given more influence over algorithms via settings or paid boosts.


Facebook’s algorithm for ordering likes on photos considers many factors: recency, relationships, relevance, and frequency of engagement. This system aims to highlight meaningful interactions but has imperfections. As AI advances, algorithms are likely to become more sophisticated, personalized, and unpredictable. But for now, ordinary users can boost their likes’ visibility by interacting more with close connections and posting engaging content.