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How does Facebook help nonprofits?

How does Facebook help nonprofits?

In recent years, Facebook has become an invaluable tool for nonprofit organizations. With over 2 billion active monthly users, Facebook offers nonprofits unparalleled opportunities to connect with supporters, share their mission, and raise awareness and funds.

What are the main ways Facebook helps nonprofits?

There are several key ways Facebook helps nonprofits:

  • Connecting with supporters – Nonprofits can create Facebook Pages to interact with existing supporters and reach new ones. This allows them to share updates, photos, videos and other content.
  • Fundraising – Nonprofits can use Facebook to promote fundraising campaigns and accept donations directly through Facebook Fundraisers.
  • Events – Creating Facebook Events allows nonprofits to invite supporters to events, track RSVPs, promote events and update attendees.
  • Volunteer recruitment – Nonprofits can use Facebook to find and mobilize volunteers by sharing volunteer opportunities.
  • Advocacy and awareness – Nonprofits can raise awareness around causes and issues by sharing educational and motivational content.
  • Targeted outreach – Facebook Ads allow nonprofits to reach very specific audiences with their messages based on detailed targeting options.

Benefits of Facebook for Nonprofits

There are many benefits Facebook offers nonprofits:

It’s free and easy to get started

Any nonprofit can create a Facebook Page for their organization for free. The platform is user-friendly and easy to manage even for those with limited technical skills.

Access to a massive audience

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers nonprofits access to a massive audience. Supporters and potential supporters are already on Facebook, making it efficient for nonprofits to reach them.

Two-way interaction with supporters

Facebook allows nonprofits to not just broadcast messages, but also listen to supporters and engage in two-way communication. This helps build stronger relationships.

Multimedia content capacity

Nonprofits can share photos, videos, live videos, Stories and more on Facebook. This visual content often resonates more than text alone.

Events and fundraising tools

As mentioned earlier, nonprofits can leverage Facebook Events and Fundraisers to help support their causes. These built-in tools make event and fundraising management easy.

Analytics and insight

Facebook Pages provide helpful analytics like Page views, post reach and demographic data. Nonprofits can use these insights to refine their strategies.

Cost-effective marketing

Facebook advertising allows nonprofits to target audiences and promote content efficiently and affordably. Even small budgets can go a long way.

Key Tips for Nonprofits on Facebook

Here are some top tips for nonprofits looking to maximize their Facebook presence:

Complete your Page profile fully

Add a profile and cover photo, description, contact info, buttons to your website and donation page, and more. A complete profile looks more professional.

Post a variety of content

Mix up your posts – share photos, videos, links, Stories and text updates. Post regularly to maintain engagement but avoid overposting.

Engage with followers

Respond to comments, messages and post reactions. Ask questions and encourage two-way discussions to build community.

Use hashtags strategically

Include relevant hashtags on posts to help surface your content to interested audiences. Research hashtags used by your target communities.

Run Facebook Fundraisers for events

Use Facebook Fundraisers to collect donations for events like walks, runs and galas. Make them shareable to spread further.

Advertise strategically

Use Facebook Ads Manager to create targeted campaigns promoting your mission, events, donation opportunities and more. Test different audiences, content and tactics.

Tag relevant Pages

When posting about partners, supporters or affiliated organizations, tag their Facebook Pages to increase visibility.

Use Insights

Check Facebook Insights regularly to see your top performing posts, most engaged followers, demographics and more. Use these learnings to refine your approach.

Be responsive

Commit to monitoring notifications and responding to comments, messages and other feedback in a timely manner to provide good customer service.

Types of Content to Post

What kinds of content should nonprofits share on Facebook? Consider posting a mix of the following:

Mission and impact updates

Share stories and photos highlighting your mission, programs, services, and impact on the community. Report back on how supporters’ donations and efforts are making a difference.

Event promotions and recaps

Post about both upcoming events and recaps/photos after events. Share key info like dates, times, locations, how to register or donate.

Volunteer opportunities

Let supporters know specific ways they can volunteer with your nonprofit, whether it’s one-time events or recurring roles.

Advocacy and educational content

Post about the issues your nonprofit addresses and how community members can get involved in advocacy. Share facts and helpful education.

Donor and supporter appreciation

Recognize donors and thank supporters for volunteering, attending events, spreading the word and taking other actions. People love shout outs.

Partner highlights

Share about corporate or nonprofit partners you work with. This expands reach and shows collaborative efforts.

Behind-the-scenes looks

Give supporters an inside look at your organization and team with behind-the-scenes photos and videos. This creates transparency and connection.

Content Type Example Posts
Mission and impact “Last month our after school program served 300 meals to kids in need.”
Event promotions “Join our back to school backpack drive on 9/15 at Town Hall!”
Volunteer opportunities “We need volunteers this Saturday for our neighborhood cleanup. Sign up to help!”
Advocacy content “Here’s how you can contact your local representatives to support affordable housing policies.”
Donor appreciation “Thank you John for your generous donation to our capital campaign!”
Partner highlights “Thanks to @BusinessName for sponsoring our upcoming 5K race event!”
Behind-the-scenes “Here’s a look at our interns prepping donations for our food pantry.”

Facebook Tools to Utilize

Here are some key Facebook tools nonprofits should be taking advantage of:

Facebook Fundraisers

This built-in tool allows nonprofits to fundraise directly on Facebook for their cause or an event. Supporters can easily create and share Fundraisers.

Facebook Live

Broadcasting live video is a powerful way to share events, updates, Q&As and other content in real-time with supporters.


Posting ephemeral Stories allows nonprofits to share more casual, behind-the-scenes content and up-to-date information.


Nonprofits can use Messenger to respond to supporters’ messages and inquiries with good customer service.

Pages Manager App

This mobile app from Facebook allows Page admins to manage their nonprofit’s presence easily on the go.

Facebook Ad Manager

Creating targeted ads helps nonprofits reach new audiences cost-effectively and drive donate and volunteer actions.

Facebook Analytics

Gain insight into your Page’s performance, audience demographics, post engagement and more using built-in analytics.

Facebook Groups

Groups allow nonprofits to create dedicated communities where supporters can interact and brainstorm together.

Measuring Success on Facebook

Here are some key metrics nonprofits should track to gauge their success on Facebook:

Page followers

A growing community of Page followers means your nonprofit is increasing its reach. Look at overall follower count as well as monthly new followers.

Post reach and engagement

Evaluate reach (how many see posts) and engagement (reactions, comments, shares). Higher numbers indicate you’re creating relevant content.

Referral website traffic

Track how much traffic to your nonprofit’s website comes from Facebook. More referrals indicate your Facebook presence is effective.

Event responses

For online and in-person events, look at the number of invitations sent, RSVPs and actual attendees. Higher turnout is good.

Fundraising totals

If raising funds is a goal, add up the amounts raised from Facebook Fundraisers and donations driven by your Facebook efforts.

Follower demographics

Facebook Analytics provides breakdowns of your followers’ age, gender, location and language. Review this to see if you’re reaching target demographics.

Engagement by post type

Compare engagement metrics for different post formats like video vs. images vs. live videos. Double down on what resonates most.

Sentiment of comments

Manually review the comments your Page receives. Are they positively supporting your mission? This qualitatively gauges engagement.

Customer service response times

Use Facebook message timestamps to track how long you take to respond to questions and feedback. Faster response times provide better supporter experience.

Best Practices for Nonprofit Facebook Ads

Here are some top tips for nonprofits running Facebook Ads:

Highlight your mission

Ad creative should clearly communicate your cause and service you provide to the community. Don’t make people guess what you do.

Use videos

Video ads tend to have higher click-through rates compared to image ads alone. Tell human stories that pull heartstrings.

Targetengaged supporters

When aiming to increase event attendance or fundraising, target people who already actively follow your Page and engage with your content.

Test different objectives

Test ads optimized for different objectives like Page Likes, Event Responses, Traffic or Donations to see what works.

Retarget website visitors

Create ads to specifically reach people who already visited your nonprofit’s website to re-engage them.

Make clear calls-to-action

Include clear CTAs in ads like “Register Now,” “Donate Today” or “Learn More” with buttons to guide viewers.

Run A/B tests

Test different versions of ad creative, copy, audiences and placements to optimize performance. Iterate based on learnings.

Monitor and optimize

Check campaign analytics regularly. Turn off underperforming ads, raise budgets on winners and update targeting.

Promote on Instagram too

Once Facebook campaigns are running smoothly, expand your nonprofit’s ads to Instagram as well.


In summary, Facebook offers invaluable tools for helping nonprofits achieve their awareness, fundraising, volunteer engagement and mission impact goals. Taking full advantage of Facebook Pages, content posting strategies, events, Groups, Ads and more allows nonprofits to reach supporters in their feeds every day.

With an strategic, multifaceted approach on Facebook, nonprofits can build thriving communities of advocates and donors. This enables them to make an even bigger difference on the causes they care about. In today’s digital age, success on platforms like Facebook is vital for growing and sustaining any modern nonprofit.