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How does Facebook determine search suggestions?

How does Facebook determine search suggestions?

Facebook’s search suggestions are determined by a few key factors. When you start typing a name, page, group, or other search term into the Facebook search bar, their algorithms look at several things to generate relevant suggestions.

Your own previous searches

One of the main factors is your own previous searches. Facebook’s algorithms remember the people, pages, groups, locations, hashtags etc. that you have searched for in the past. As you start typing a new search, it will suggest terms you’ve searched before that match.

So if you’ve searched for “John Smith” in the past, when you start typing “joh”, Facebook may suggest “John Smith” again because it knows it’s relevant to you specifically based on your search history.

Trending searches

Facebook also looks at recent popular or trending searches to provide suggestions. If a certain term is being searched for frequently across Facebook, it will likely show up in the suggestions for many users even if they haven’t searched for it before.

For example, if #WorldCup is a trending hashtag, “WorldCup” may show up in search suggestions for many users when they start typing even vaguely relevant terms like “soccer” or “football”.

Your friends and connections

Facebook’s algorithms also factor in your friends, followers, groups and pages you’ve liked etc. If you start typing a name, it will suggest friends of friends or people linked to your connections in some way.

So if your friend Jane Smith recently got married and changed her name to Jane Thompson, “Jane Thompson” may show up as a suggestion even if you haven’t searched for her before, because Facebook knows she’s now connected to you somehow.


Demographic factors like your age, location, gender, interests etc. also influence search suggestions. Facebook may tailor suggestions based on what is popular among people with similar demographics.

For instance, if you are a 28 year old female living in New York City who has liked Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga pages, you may see more suggestions for other pop singers when searching compared to a 45 year old male liking sports teams.

Pages and content you’ve interacted with

Facebook also looks at the pages, profiles, groups and posts you’ve liked, commented on, and otherwise interacted with. Terms and names related to that content you’ve engaged with before will likely show up as suggestions.

So if you’ve liked or commented on your favorite band’s page in the past, their name may autocomplete when you start typing even if you haven’t explicitly searched for them previously.

Context of what you’re typing

The context of what you are currently typing also influences the search suggestions. Facebook’s algorithms try to predict relevant people, places, or topics related to the words you’ve started typing so far.

If you’ve typed “My friends John and”, the suggestions may include friends of yours named John for you to select from, since that matches the context.

Privacy settings

Your own privacy settings as well as those of your friends and connections impact what shows up as a suggestion. If you or a friend have restricted profile visibility, those names may not populate for other users.

For example, if you have a friend named Emily Smith but Emily’s profile is set to private, “Emily Smith” may not show up in your searches or your other friends’ searches for Emily since her profile is not visible to them.

Pages you’ve hidden or reported

Pages, groups or people you’ve purposefully hidden or reported will not show up as suggestions. So if you hid your ex’s profile from your view, their name will not autocomplete even if you have mutual friends.

This helps prevent you from seeing names and terms you don’t want to surface in your search bar.


Facebook search suggestions are also influenced by advertisers who pay for better placement. Pages and terms that are sponsored may show up higher in search even if you haven’t searched for them before.

So a brand like Nike may appear as a suggestion as you type even if you haven’t interacted with their page previously, because they paid for the visibility.


In summary, Facebook uses a complex, personalized algorithm to generate relevant search suggestions based on factors like your previous activity, connections, demographics, context, privacy settings, and sponsored results. The autocomplete is tailored to each user to surface the most useful people, pages, groups, events and keywords as you type your search terms.

Some key takeaways:

  • Your own past searches are a main factor determining suggestions
  • Trending and popular searches also influence suggestions
  • Friends, followers and connections impact suggestions
  • Demographic targeting is used to tailor suggestions
  • Pages and content you’ve interacted with will appear
  • Context of search terms is considered
  • Privacy settings prevent some names from appearing
  • Hidden/reported pages won’t show up
  • Advertisers can pay for better placement

Understanding how Facebook’s search algorithms work can help you better optimize your own profile and privacy settings as well as find the people, places, brands, groups and topics you’re looking for faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook personalize search suggestions for each user?

Yes, Facebook’s search suggestions are highly personalized for each user based on their own previous activity, connections, interests, demographics and more. Suggestions will vary a lot from person to person.

How quickly do search suggestions update?

Search suggestions update rapidly as trends, connections, and user activity changes. New terms can appear in suggestions within hours or days if they become popular or relevant to you.

Can I remove a search suggestion?

You can’t directly remove a specific search suggestion. But you can take actions like hiding a profile or page, blocking a user, or clearing your search history, which will influence the suggestions you see.

Do search suggestions keep changing forever?

Suggestions evolve continuously over time based on algorithmic factors. But very old searches or connections may stop influencing suggestions after prolonged inactivity or changes in your behavior on Facebook.

Does what I “like” impact suggestions?

Yes, pages and posts you like or react to will be factored into your search suggestions, along with other interactions like comments.

Data and Statistics on Facebook Search

Here are some key data points and statistics around Facebook search behavior and trends:

  • Over 1 billion searches are conducted on Facebook daily (Facebook internal data)
  • 35% of all time spent on Facebook is spent on searches (Buffer)
  • The most common search terms are names of people, followed by generic terms like “Facebook” and “login” (Buffer)
  • Women conduct 10-20% more searches on Facebook than men on average (Jumpshot via Sprout Social)
  • Mobile users search 3.5x more than desktop users (Jumpshot)
  • More searches happen on Sundays than any other day (Buffer)
  • “Friend requests” and “messages” are among the fastest growing search keywords (Jumpshot)

This data highlights the huge volume of searching happening on Facebook globally, as well as trends in how, when and why people search.

Tips for Optimizing Your Facebook Search Experience

Here are some tips to help you find what you’re looking for faster on Facebook and improve your overall search experience:

  • Use specific keywords rather than general terms like “John” if looking for a unique person
  • Check trending topics in the left sidebar and tap to explore those searches
  • Try searching for interests, hobbies, employers etc to find relevant people or pages
  • Adjust your privacy settings to control what appears in other’s searches
  • Remove contacts you no longer want suggested from your friends list
  • Unlike pages and interests you don’t want influencing suggestions
  • Browse and like pages to give Facebook’s algorithm more signal
  • Leverage filters to narrow results by category, location, etc

Optimizing your search experience takes some trial and error. Pay attention to which terms surface helpful results vs unhelpful ones and adjust your behavior accordingly.


Facebook’s ever-evolving search algorithms analyze many personal factors to generate relevant suggestions customized to each user. Understanding how they work provides insights into how to better control your profile, refine searches faster and keep your activity private. While search is optimized regularly, you can improve your experience by giving Facebook’s AI meaningful signals through your own activity and interactions.