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How does Facebook collaborator work?

How does Facebook collaborator work?

Facebook collaborator is a feature that allows multiple people to work together on Facebook pages, groups, or events. It enables collaboration between page admins, editors, moderators, and advertisers. The collaborator tool allows you to efficiently manage permissions, content, insights, and ads for a Facebook asset.

Who can use Facebook collaborator?

The following people can use Facebook collaborator:

  • Page admins – The primary owner of a Facebook page can add other admins to help manage the page.
  • Editors – Page admins can assign editor roles to contributors to allow them to edit page content, respond to comments, create posts etc.
  • Moderators – Page admins can add moderators to monitor comments and posts on the page.
  • Advertisers – Ad accounts can be linked with a Facebook page to allow authorized advertisers to manage ads.

So in summary, page admins can invite other Facebook users and ad accounts to become collaborators on a Facebook page, group, or event.

Adding collaborators

Here are the steps to add collaborators to a Facebook asset like a page or group:

  1. Go to your Facebook page or group
  2. Click on Settings from the top menu
  3. Select Page Roles or Group Roles from the left sidebar
  4. Enter the name or profile link of the person you want to add as a collaborator. For ad accounts, enter the Facebook ad account ID.
  5. Select the role you want to assign – Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser etc.
  6. Click on Add

The person will receive a notification letting them know they have been added as a collaborator. They have to accept the invitation before they can start accessing and editing the Facebook asset.

Collaborator roles and permissions

Facebook offers granular control over what collaborators are allowed to do. The available roles and their permissions are:


  • Edit page profile and settings
  • Create and delete posts as the page
  • Respond to and delete comments and messages
  • Create ads and view insights
  • Add or remove page roles
  • Publish page posts to the timeline
  • Add apps to the page


  • Edit page profile and settings
  • Create and delete posts as the page
  • Respond to and delete comments and messages
  • Create ads and view insights
  • Publish page posts to the timeline


  • Respond to and delete comments and messages
  • View insights


  • Create ads and view insights

So in summary, admins have full control, editors can manage content, moderators handle community interactions, and advertisers access ad accounts and insights.

Managing collaborators

As a page admin, you can manage collaborators by:

  • Editing roles – Change a collaborator’s permissions by editing their role
  • Removing access – Delete a collaborator to revoke their access
  • Analytics – View collaborator activity in page insights

It’s important to keep collaborator lists clean and up-to-date. Remove old collaborators who no longer need access. This ensures your Facebook asset remains secure.

Tips for effective collaboration

Here are some tips for seamless cooperation with Facebook collaborators:

  • Have a shared editorial calendar – Plan content schedules together
  • Use a collaboration tool – Tools like Trello help you coordinate projects
  • Segment ad accounts – Give collaborators access to specific ad accounts
  • Have regular meetings – Connect frequently to align efforts
  • Clearly define roles – Prevent confusion by delineating responsibilities

Smooth collaboration ultimately leads to better content and community engagement on your Facebook asset.

Benefits of Facebook collaborator

Here are some of the key benefits of using Facebook’s collaborator feature:

  • Shared workload – Multiple people can share the responsibilities of managing a Facebook page or group.
  • Expanded expertise – Collaborators can contribute diverse skills like content creation, community management, paid ads etc.
  • Broader insights – You get input from multiple individuals instead of just one page admin.
  • Greater consistency – Content stays on schedule even if one collaborator is unavailable.
  • Enhanced security – Administrative privileges are not concentrated with one person.

In summary, Facebook collaborator integration empowers teams to efficiently manage Facebook assets, leading to better performance.

Limitations of Facebook collaborator

Facebook collaborator has some limitations to be aware of:

  • Admins retain full ownership – Only the original page admin has ultimate control.
  • Limited analytics – Collaborator activity data in Insights could be more detailed.
  • No content scheduling – Native scheduling features would be useful for collaborators.
  • Editorial confusion – Lack of coordination can lead to repetitive or contradictory content.
  • Steep learning curve – Understanding the multiple collaborator roles takes time.

Despite these limitations, Facebook collaborator remains a viable option for getting help with managing Facebook assets.


Facebook’s collaborator feature enables managing Facebook pages, groups, and events together with others. It provides configurable roles and permissions for contributors. This helps distribute responsibilities, contribute diverse expertise, and improve the performance of Facebook assets. Effective coordination and communication between collaborators is key to overcoming potential limitations. When used strategically, the collaborator tool can significantly amplify your team’s social media management capabilities.