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How does Facebook choose the 6 friends it shows?

How does Facebook choose the 6 friends it shows?

Facebook shows a panel on the right side of the News Feed with profile pictures of 6 friends. This is known as the “Friends” panel. It provides a quick way for users to see what their friends are up to and interact with them on Facebook. But with hundreds or even thousands of friends on Facebook, how does it decide which 6 friends to show you? There are several factors that go into this algorithm.

Factors in the Friends Panel Algorithm

Here are some of the key factors Facebook uses to populate the Friends panel:

Your interactions

The friends you interact with the most on Facebook are more likely to show up. This includes commenting, liking, reacting to posts, chatting on Messenger, etc. Facebook monitors all these interactions to understand who your closest friends are on the platform. More interactions mean a higher chance of appearing in your Friends panel.

Recency of interactions

In addition to overall interaction frequency, Facebook also pays attention to how recently you’ve interacted with each friend. Friends you’ve interacted with more recently are seen as more active connections and are prioritized for the Friends panel.

Tagging in posts

When you tag a friend in a post, there is an increased chance of them showing up in your Friends panel. Tagging indicates a closer connection and active relationship.


If you have location services enabled, Facebook will prioritize friends who are geographically closer to you. Physical proximity suggests you may be more likely to interact with these local friends versus long-distance friends.

Mutual friends

Friends you have a greater number of mutual friends with have a higher chance of appearing. More shared connections signals a tighter social circle.


Facebook will give priority to friends with birthdays in the next few days to make it easier for you to send birthday wishes.

Factor Description
Your interactions Friends you interact with more appear more frequently
Recency of interactions Friends you’ve interacted with more recently are prioritized
Tagging in posts Tagging a friend in a post increases their chance of appearing
Location Nearby friends based on location services are favored
Mutual friends More shared connections means higher chance of showing up
Birthdays Upcoming birthdays are prioritized

Importance of the Friends Panel

Facebook considers the Friends panel to be a critical part of the user experience. Showing the right friends helps facilitate meaningful interactions. Here are some reasons why the Friends panel is so important:

Drives engagement

The Friends panel presents users with just a subset of their connections on Facebook. This focused grouping makes it easier for users to quickly interact with these friends versus sifting through hundreds of connections. Higher engagement levels help Facebook achieve its core purpose.

Fuels social comparison

Humans have an innate need to compare themselves socially to others. The Friends panel provides an easy way for users to compare their lives and achievements to friends. This social comparison keeps users interested in the content their connections are posting.

Creates FOMO

FOMO stands for “fear of missing out” – the anxiety that others are having more fun or living better lives than you are. The Friends panel shows users selected activity from friends, which can trigger FOMO if you feel your life is less exciting than your friends’ lives appear. This feeling motivates further usage as you keep checking in to see what friends are up to.

Satisfies need for social grooming

Humans have a primal need for social grooming – the practice of maintaining bonds through simple interactions. Social media allows online grooming at scale. A like or comment on a friend’s post provides a small social reward that satisfies this need. The Friends panel makes it easy to casually interact and groom connections regularly.

Optimizing the Algorithm

There are a few ways you can try to optimize the Friends panel algorithm if you want certain friends to appear more frequently:

Interact more with those friends

As mentioned, the friends you interact with the most will be shown more. So focus on liking, commenting on, and overall engaging more with posts from friends you want to see.

Tag them frequently

Make an effort to tag certain friends in your posts whenever it’s appropriate. The tagging signals will boost their presence.

Initiate contact

Be the one to initiate contact more often, whether it’s messaging first or reacting to their posts more consistently. This activity can cause certain friends to be weighted higher.

Respond promptly

When certain friends reach out or interact with your content, be sure to respond promptly to continue the active engagement. Quick responses will strengthen your connection.

However, you can’t fully game the system. Facebook will detect if you are overly interacting with some friends just to increase their appearance frequency. Moderation is key – interact more organically with the friends you hope to see in your Friends panel.

Limitations of the Algorithm

While Facebook’s algorithm for populating the Friends panel is sophisticated, it has some limitations:

Hard to surface new or rekindled friendships

The algorithm relies heavily on existing interaction history, which makes it difficult for brand new connections or old friends you reconnect with to appear with high frequency. Without a past pattern of engagement, these relationships are less likely to show up.

Can reinforce echo chambers

Showing you friends with similar interests and beliefs can place you in a social media echo chamber. The friends chosen reinforce and homogenize your worldview rather than exposing you to alternate perspectives.

Won’t reflect real world closeness

Just because you interact with someone often online does not necessarily mean they are one of your closest real life friends. But the algorithm measures online activity, not true emotional connection. So it can prioritize friends who you may not be that close to outside of Facebook.

Misses passive connections

You may care a lot about certain friends and family even if you don’t actively engage with them on Facebook that frequently. The algorithm underweights these passive connections since it focuses on active interactions.

Vulnerable to manipulation

As users try to game the system and force certain friends to appear more frequently through mass interactions, it dilutes the accuracy of the algorithm. Friends who naturally would not be shown as much can artificially inflate their presence through targeted engagement.


Facebook’s Friends panel provides a convenient way for users to stay connected to their closest social circles on the platform. The algorithm powering which friends are shown is based on a variety of factors, especially interaction frequency and recency. Facebook is constantly tweaking and refining the algorithm to optimize for engagement.

While not perfect, the Friends panel remains an essential component of the Facebook user experience and community building on the network. The selected group of connections displayed helps drive further interactions, satisfies social needs, and keeps users coming back day after day.