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How does a Facebook group page work?

How does a Facebook group page work?

Facebook groups are an important part of the Facebook experience, allowing people to connect with others who share similar interests or experiences. With over 1.8 billion monthly active Facebook users, Facebook groups have become extremely popular. But how exactly does a Facebook group page work?

Creating a Facebook Group

The first step is creating a Facebook group. To do this, go to the Groups section on Facebook and click “Create New Group.” You’ll be asked to give the group a name and description. You can make the group public, closed, or secret:

  • Public – Anyone can see the group and members list. Anyone can join without approval.
  • Closed – Anyone can see the group and members list. But the admin has to approve requests to join.
  • Secret – Only members see the group. Members have to be added by the admin.

You can also choose categories that describe your group, like Jobs, Education, or Sports. These settings help ensure your group reaches the right audience.

Adding Members

Once you’ve created the group, you can start adding members. As the admin, you can add anyone you’re friends with on Facebook to the group. For public groups, you can also invite non-friends to join. People can also request to join public and closed groups, which you’ll have to approve or deny as the admin.

Posting in the Group

Posting in a Facebook group works just like posting on your personal Timeline. As admin, you can create posts with text, photos, videos, links, events, and more. You can also pin important posts to the top of the group so they stay visible. General members can add their own posts and comment on existing posts as well.

Admin Tools

As the admin, you have special tools to manage the group:

  • Members – View list of members, add/remove members, promote members to admin
  • Settings – Change group name, privacy, categories, add/remove admin
  • Rules – Create community rules/guidelines members must follow
  • Moderation – Review posts reported as offensive, delete inappropriate posts
  • Metrics – View group insights like new members, post reach, engagement

Using these tools, admins can shape the purpose and culture of their group.


Facebook groups have options for notifications so members can stay up-to-date:

  • Email notifications when new posts are added
  • Notifications when your posts get reactions and comments
  • Weekly or daily digests of group activity

Members can adjust notification settings based on how often they want to hear from the group.

Chatting and Events

Groups unlock some unique Facebook features:

  • Group Chats – Have real-time chats/messaging with group members.
  • Group Video Calls – Video chat with up to 50 group members at once.
  • Create Events – Plan meetups and events just for group members.

These features help group members communicate and create stronger connections.

Monetizing Groups

Facebook offers ways for admins to make money from their groups:

  • Selling Products – Add a shop to your group to sell physical items.
  • Fundraisers – Raise money for causes and nonprofit organizations.
  • Advertising – Earn ad revenue by displaying ads in the group.
  • Subscriptions – Charge a monthly fee for exclusive access to content.

The ability to monetize makes group ownership appealing to entrepreneurs and influencers.

Group Roles

Facebook groups have different roles with distinct permissions:

Role Permissions
  • Post in the group
  • Comment on posts
  • React to posts
  • Approve join requests
  • Delete posts/comments
  • Ban members
  • Add/remove moderators
  • Edit group settings
  • Delete group

The different roles keep groups organized as they grow larger.

Limits and Restrictions

Facebook places some limits on groups to maintain quality:

  • Name/Description – Must follow Facebook’s Community Standards
  • Members – Max of 250,000 members
  • Posts – Max of 250 posts per day
  • Admins – Suggested limit of 15 admins

Groups that repeatedly violate the Community Standards can be banned by Facebook.


In summary, Facebook groups rely on members posting content and interacting with each other. As admin, you shape the group by managing members, settings, and moderation. Notifications and chat features help members stay connected outside their News Feed. With so many flexible options, Facebook groups have become a major part of how people experience Facebook today.