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How do you’re invite someone to a Facebook event after removing them?

How do you’re invite someone to a Facebook event after removing them?

Quick Answer

If you have removed someone from your Facebook friends list but still want to invite them to an event, you can do so by sending them a direct invite. Even if they are no longer in your friends list, Facebook will allow you to send event invites to any valid Facebook user.

To do this, go to the event page you created and click on “Invite” next to the event details. This will bring up a box where you can type in the name of the person you want to invite. Start typing their name and their profile should pop up if they have a Facebook account. Select their profile to send them an invite.

They will get a notification that they’ve been invited and can choose to accept or decline the invitation. As long as their privacy settings allow it, they will be able to view the event details and RSVP. Removing someone as a friend does not prevent you from inviting them to future events.

Steps to Invite Someone to a Facebook Event After Removing Them as a Friend

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to invite someone to a Facebook event after you have removed them from your friends list:

Create the Facebook Event

1. Go to your Facebook page and click on the “Events” tab.
2. Click on “+ Create Event” to make a new event.
3. Fill in all the event details – name, location, date/time, description, privacy settings, etc.
4. Once you’ve filled out all the info, click “Create” to publish the event.

Remove the Person as a Facebook Friend

1. Go to the profile of the person you want to remove.
2. Click on the “Friends” button below their profile picture.
3. Select “Unfriend” to remove them from your friends list.
4. Confirm that you want to unfriend them when prompted.

Send the Event Invite

1. Go back to your Facebook event page.
2. Click on “Invite” next to the event details.
3. Start typing the name of the person you removed in the search box. Their profile should appear if they still have an active Facebook account.
4. Select their name from the dropdown list.
5. Customize the message if you want, then click “Send”.

The invite will be sent directly to their Facebook inbox. They can then decide whether to accept or decline the invitation, even though you are no longer friends.

Why You Can Still Invite Someone After Removing Them

Even if someone is no longer in your Facebook friends list, you can still send them invitations to events for a few reasons:

  • Facebook’s event system is separate from your friends list and network. Any valid Facebook user can be invited to an event.
  • Removing a friend does not block communication or prevent all interactions. It simply removes them from your friends list.
  • Events are often public pages that anyone can see. Your removed friend may still be able to see the event and request an invite.
  • As the event host, you control the guest list and can send invites to anyone with a Facebook profile.

So while unfriending someone limits your connections, it does not completely block them from all activities like events and groups. The event system is designed to be open to all users for connection.

Accepting or Declining the Event Invite

When your removed friend receives the event invitation from you, they have a few options:

  • Accept the invite and attend the event.
  • Decline or ignore the invite.
  • Hide or report the event if they feel harassed.

If they want to go to the event, they can click “Going” or “Interested” on the invite. This will notify the hosts that they plan to attend.

If they do not want to go or feel uncomfortable receiving the invite, they can simply decline or ignore it. The invite will expire after the event date passes.

In extreme cases of harassment, they can also block you, hide the event from their timeline, or report it to Facebook for removal.

Tips for Inviting Someone After Removing Them

If you want to re-invite a connection to an event after unfriending them, keep these tips in mind:

  • Only do this if you have a legitimate reason to want them at the event for networking or social purposes.
  • Make sure you parted on decent terms without hostility or an argument.
  • Send a customized message explaining why you hope they can attend the event.
  • Respect their decision if they decline the invitation.
  • Do not repeatedly re-send invites if they ignore the first one.

With the right approach, you can tactfully invite former connections to events that are relevant. Just be sure to do so in a genuine, non-aggressive way and accept it if they say no.

Alternatives for Inviting Former Connections

If the person you unfriended declines the event invite or you don’t want to directly invite them, you still have a few other options:

  • Make the event public so anyone can see it and request to join.
  • Invite mutual friends who may invite them as their guest.
  • Suggest the event privately to a close mutual connection to pass along the invite.
  • Send the invite from a co-host or other person connected to the event.

With a public event or indirect invitations via mutual friends, you can still extend the invitation in a subtle, non-confrontational way.

Can You Invite Someone You Blocked?

If you completely block someone on Facebook, you will no longer be able to invite them to events. The block feature prevents you from viewing each other’s timelines or interacting in any way.

Some key points about blocking:

  • You can block any Facebook user from your account settings.
  • Once blocked, they will be unable to view your profile or posts.
  • You will not be able to send any friend requests, messages, or invites.
  • Any existing invites or conversations will be cancelled when one person blocks the other.
  • The only way to interact again is if both people decide to unblock each other.

So unlike unfriending which just removes a connection, blocking completely severs all forms of contact. If you need to invite a blocked person for some reason, you would first have to unblock them.

Can the Person You Removed See Your Guest List?

When you create events on Facebook, you have control over the privacy settings. This includes who can see the guest list.

There are three main guest list visibility options:

  • Public: Anyone, even non-invited people, can see who’s coming.
  • Friends: Only friends of hosts/guests can see the list.
  • Invitees Only: Only invited people can see who’s coming.

The default setting is usually “public” since many event hosts want to show how many people are interested.

If you removed someone as a friend, they would no longer be able to see the full guest list if you limit visibility to “friends” or “invitees only”. However, with a public guest list, anyone could still view who is coming.

As the event host, think carefully about which setting is best based on how exclusive you want the guest list to be. Restricting the full view gives you more control.


Even if you remove someone from your Facebook friends list, you can still invite them to future events. Thanks to Facebook’s open event system, you can send invites to any user with a valid profile. The person can then freely choose to accept or ignore the invitation.

When reaching out to a former connection for an event, be thoughtful in your approach. Make sure you have a genuine reason to want them there and respect their decision if they decline. With the right tact, you can successfully invite former friends to appropriate events.