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How do you write a review on Facebook page?

How do you write a review on Facebook page?

Writing reviews on Facebook pages can be a great way to share your opinions and experiences with a business or organization. However, it’s important to write reviews responsibly and constructively. Here are some tips on how to write a helpful, honest review on a Facebook page:

Be Timely

Write your review as soon as possible after your experience with the business. This will help make sure your review accurately reflects your experience. Details tend to get fuzzy over time, so reviewing promptly can lend more credibility.

Be Honest

Write an honest review based on your genuine experience. Don’t exaggerate positives or negatives just to make a point. Stick to the facts and your true impressions to help other consumers make informed decisions.

Be Constructive

While being honest, also aim to be constructive. Reviews that simply vent anger or frustration often get dismissed. Thoughtfully explain what went well and what could be improved to provide more useful feedback.

Be Detailed

Go beyond just saying “it was good” or “it was bad.” Include details and examples to illustrate your experience. Mention specific dishes you tried, qualities of the staff, the atmosphere, pricing, ease of parking, or other details that matter to consumers. This context helps bring your review to life.

Be Legible

Make sure your review is readable and easy to follow. Write in clear, proper sentences with proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. Reviews with a lot errors can lose credibility.

How to Write Your Facebook Review

Once you’re ready to start writing your Facebook review, follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the Facebook Page

Go to the official Facebook page for the business or organization you want to review. This is usually where their reviews are aggregated.

Step 2: Click to Rate and Start Your Review

Look for the “Reviews” section on the Facebook page, then click on “Write a Review.” This is where you can leave a star rating and write your review.

Step 3: Give Your Star Rating

Provide your star rating for the business by clicking on the number of stars that match your experience. One star is the worst rating and 5 stars is the best. Make sure your star rating aligns with the details in your written review.

Step 4: Write Your Review

In the box below the stars, write out your full review. Be sure to follow the tips above on being timely, honest, constructive, detailed and legible.

Step 5: Submit Your Review

Once you’ve written your review, click “Post” or “Submit Review” to officially publish it on the business’s Facebook page. Congrats, you’ve shared an insightful review!

What to Include in Your Facebook Review

Your written Facebook review should provide helpful details and descriptions for other consumers. Here are some things you may want to include:

Your Overall Experience

Briefly summarize your overall experience. Was it positive, negative, neutral? Set the tone for the rest of your review.

Specific Details

Elaborate on different aspects like the quality of products/services, customer service, pricing, cleanliness, convenience, performance, etc. Details are what make reviews truly useful.


Use specific examples to illustrate your points and support your statements. Mention a stand-out dish, a helpful employee, a dirty table, etc. This adds color to your review.

When You Visited

Include date(s) and time(s) you visited the business and had the experience you’re reviewing. This provides helpful context.


Share whether or not you would recommend the business to others. Reviews that clearly state recommendations or not are often most useful.

Helpful Facebook Review Do’s and Don’ts

Follow these dos and don’ts to ensure your Facebook review is as helpful as possible:


  • Stick to facts and objective observations
  • Proofread for errors before posting
  • Share details that you think would be useful to others
  • Explain both positives and negatives
  • Maintain a constructive, professional tone


  • Post emotionally charged rants
  • Use profanity or threats
  • Write about personal issues unrelated to the business
  • Make claims you can’t back up
  • Write while intoxicated or overly upset

Pros and Cons of Facebook Reviews

Facebook reviews have distinct pros and cons to consider:


  • Reviews are public and visible to all Facebook users
  • Businesses can directly reply to reviews
  • You can easily see all reviews for a business in one place
  • reviewing doesn’t require a separate account or membership


  • Reviews may lack in-depth critical analysis
  • Reviewers can hide behind anonymous profiles
  • Friends may bias ratings to support businesses
  • Businesses can delete or hide negative reviews

Common Facebook Review Mistakes to Avoid

It’s easy to write a Facebook review that doesn’t help future customers. Avoid these common mistakes:

Being Too Vague

Details, details, details! Reviews that simply say a place is “great” or “terrible” aren’t useful without specifics on why. Provide ample details and examples in your reviews.

Ranting About Irrelevant Issues

Stick to reviewing your actual experience with the product, service or business. Complaints about political issues, personal problems or other irrelevant topics come across as unhinged.

Using Excessive Profanity and Slang

Avoid overusing profanity or slang terms in your review. It makes the review seem more like an angry rant than helpful feedback. Use clear, professional language.

Reviewing Prematurely

Don’t review a business until you’ve fully experienced their offerings. It’s unwise to review a restaurant if you only tried one dish or to review a hotel if you only stayed one night.

Contradicting Your Star Rating

If you give a business 5 stars but then write a negative review, it’s confusing and misleading. Make sure your star rating and review details accurately align.

How Businesses Respond to Facebook Reviews

Facebook allows businesses to directly interact with customer reviews:

Thanking Reviewers

Many businesses thank customers for taking the time to leave a review, especially when they are positive. This shows appreciation.

Apologizing for Negative Experiences

For negative reviews, some businesses apologize that the customer had a poor experience and say they will improve. This demonstrates responsiveness.

Providing Additional Context

If reviews mention incorrect facts, businesses can politely provide clarification or additional context in response. This allows the business to share their side.

Making It Right

Some businesses offer to make up for negative experiences by providing refunds, coupons or complimentary services to dissatisfied reviewers. This shows an effort to satisfy customers.

Ignoring Reviews

Unfortunately, some businesses ignore Facebook reviews altogether. While not ideal, they may feel responses draw more attention to negative feedback.

Other Social Media Review Options

While Facebook provides one popular option for leaving reviews, here are some other major social media platforms that include review features as well:

Google Reviews

Google collects customer reviews of businesses which are prominently displayed in Google My Business listings and search results. Businesses can respond publicly to Google reviews.

Yelp Reviews

Yelp provides crowd-sourced business reviews with public responses from business representatives. Yelp reviews also include photos, ratings and check-in ability.

TripAdvisor Reviews

Popular specifically for hotels, restaurants and attractions, TripAdvisor features travel-related reviews with ratings plus photos and maps. Businesses can publicly reply.

Zomato Reviews

Focused on restaurants, Zomato compiles restaurant reviews with ratings, photos, menus and more. It operates in several international markets.

Airbnb Reviews

Airbnb enables accommodation hosts and guests to review each other after bookings. Guest reviews impact hosts’ reputations and ability to earn future bookings.

Guidelines for Responding to Your Facebook Review

If a business responds to your Facebook review, here are some tips on replying:

Thank Businesses For Positive Feedback

If the business thanks you for a glowing review, reply thanking them in return for the great experience. This maintains a positive interaction.

Accept Apologies Graciously

If unhappy with a negative experience but the business apologizes, be open to accepting the apology. Perhaps indicate you hope they improve so you can give a better review next time.

Clarify Any Misinformation

If the business reply contains factual errors about your experience, politely clarify the correct information to set the record straight. Keep emotions out of it.

Provide Additional Context If Asked

The business may ask for more details or context about your visit. If you’re comfortable, briefly provide any clarification you think could be constructive.

Avoid Hostile Replies

Hopefully the business is respectful in their reply. If so, refrain from posting an angry rebuttal, even if you disagree. Take the high road.

Reporting Issues with Facebook Reviews

If you encounter any concerning issues with Facebook reviews, you can report them:

Fake or Imposter Reviews

If you suspect a review was written under false pretenses, report it. Facebook will investigate if it violates their content policies.

Compromised Accounts

If you see unusual reviews posted from your own compromised account, report the content and reset your password.

Harassing or Abusive Content

Reviews containing threats, harassment, hate speech, bullying or other toxic behavior can be reported to Facebook for removal.

Inaccurate Business Information

If a business profile contains incorrect details like phone numbers, addresses or business hours, you can report it.

Inappropriate Content

Reviews with violent, graphic, pornographic or otherwise mature content that violates Facebook guidelines can be flagged.


Posting well-written, constructive reviews on Facebook pages allows consumers to share helpful feedback and insights on brands. By sticking to the facts, avoiding common mistakes, and responding appropriately to business replies, reviewers can maximize the value of their contributions. Responsible reviewing benefits both consumers and businesses seeking authentic engagement. Just remember the dos and don’ts, and your Facebook reviews will inform, inspire and help others make informed decisions.