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How do you write a post asking for prayers?

How do you write a post asking for prayers?

Requesting prayers from loved ones during difficult times can provide comfort, hope and strength. However, it can be challenging to know the best way to ask for prayers or share details about personal hardships. This article provides tips on how to thoughtfully and sensitively compose a post or message asking friends, family, a church congregation or an online community to keep you in their prayers.

Be Clear, Brief and Specific About The Situation

When asking for prayers, begin by briefly explaining the core details of the situation for which you need support. For example, you may say you or a loved one is facing a serious illness, grieving a loss, struggling with addiction or going through a divorce. Avoid vague statements like “going through a rough time” and instead provide clear facts so people understand the nature of the hardship. Prioritize key details over lengthy backstories. You want people to quickly grasp why prayers are needed.

For instance, “My dad was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and will be starting intense treatments” provides helpful context, while explaining all the events leading up to the diagnosis may be more detail than necessary. If there are aspects of the situation you don’t want to disclose, you can say “I’m dealing with a personal family matter” and leave details private. The more details you can share, the easier it will be for people to direct prayers, but do not feel obligated to reveal anything you want to keep private.

Express Why Prayers Would Mean a Lot

It’s appropriate and helpful to share a sentence or two on why prayers would really make a difference during this time. For example, “This diagnosis came as an enormous shock, and my family is feeling scared and overwhelmed. We would really appreciate prayers for healing and peace.” This provides insight into your emotions and helps people understand that their spiritual support could make a real difference by providing comfort, courage or healing.

You can share specific prayer requests, based on your beliefs and situation. Some examples include:

  • Prayers for healing, recovery, remission or improved health
  • Prayers for strength, hope, courage and resilience during treatment
  • Prayers for wisdom and clarity in making medical decisions
  • Prayers for peace and comfort in grief after a loss
  • Prayers for support and guidance during a challenging life transition like divorce or addiction recovery

Expressing particular prayer needs shows people how they can direct intentions, prayers and energy in the most helpful way.

Keep Tone Positive, Grateful and Reassuring

While asking for prayers during difficulty can feel vulnerable, strive to keep the tone positive, gracious and reassuring so people do not feel overly alarmed. Avoid sounding desperate or panicking people with an urgent cry for help. Phrases like “we’re so blessed by your prayers” or “knowing people are praying for me means the world” express gratitude. You can provide hopeful reassurance by saying things like “I believe prayer can help us through this.”

If writing a post for a faith community, peppering in relevant scripture or religious references can help connect people spiritually. For example, “I am comforted knowing God hears our prayers” or “Please join me in praying the ‘Our Father’ during this trying time.” Connecting with others through faith can provide extra comfort.

Include Logistical Details for Coordinating Prayers

If you are requesting communal prayer support from a congregation, small group or online community, provide logistics to help coordinate. Key details include:

  • When you need prayers to begin.
  • How often prayers are needed – one time, daily, weekly?
  • How long prayers should continue. Ongoing indefinitely or only for a defined period of time?
  • Specific dates/times for prayer services, candle lighting, etc.

Providing a point person’s contact info for coordinating prayer efforts can be helpful. If your post gains traction, the logistics enable a network to smoothly mobilize spiritual support.

For a more intimate request to family and friends, logistics may simply involve asking people to keep you in their daily prayers or pray at a certain time of day. Explain what would be meaningful for you.

Express Openness to Any Form of Spiritual Support

While the request focuses on prayer, remain open to other spiritual support people may offer, like providing comforting scripture, uplifting music, attending a healing service with you or any act arising from their faith. Even if people cannot pray in the exact manner you hoped, they can support you spiritually in their own way. Making space for whatever spiritual support people feel moved to offer prevents your request from seeming rigid or limiting. Welcome any effort made with caring intent.

Close with Gratitude and Blessings

End your ask with thanks, blessings and warmth. For example, you can say things like:

  • “Know that I am so appreciative and blessed by your prayers.”
  • “Thank you for surrounding me with prayer and faith during this challenge.”
  • “I am filled with gratitude for this community.”
  • “God bless you all for your compassion and support.”

Closing on a gracious note makes people feel their efforts are meaningful and valued. Choose words that reflect your authentic voice and style.

Sample Posts Asking for Prayers

Below are two sample prayer request posts for different scenarios to illustrate these tips in action:

Sample Post 1: Private Family Health Struggle

Dear Friends,

I’m reaching out because my family just received news of a health struggle. My wife, Maya, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer after finding a lump a few weeks ago. This diagnosis came as an enormous shock. Maya will need to undergo chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery in the coming months.

My family is feeling scared right now, but also incredibly blessed by the love and support of our community. If you are willing, we would greatly appreciate prayers for Maya’s healing, as well as prayers for strength, hope and wisdom as we walk down this difficult road. We believe prayer can carry us through even the darkest of valleys.

Please also keep our two young daughters, Amelia and Chloe, in your prayers. This is a frightening time for them, and we want to shelter them from fear. Prayer for their peace of mind would mean so much.

We understand everyone may be busy, but know that any prayers or spiritual support you can offer will make a huge difference in keeping our spirits up. Thank you all for surrounding our family with faith and compassion. Stay blessed.

With Gratitude,

Sample Post 2: Online Request for Church Congregation

Dear Church Family,

I wanted to share that my mother, Mary, recently suffered a severe stroke. Thanks be to God, her medical team acted quickly, and she is recovering in the hospital. The doctors say she will likely make a full recovery with time.

However, the road ahead will be challenging. My mother will need intensive rehab to regain speech and mobility. Our family is already feeling the emotional weight and logistical demands of this recovery. I know my mother would greatly appreciate the spiritual support and uplifting power of prayer from her church community.

If you feel called, I humbly request keeping my mother, Mary, in your daily prayers during her recovery. Please pray for restoration of speech, mobility, and cognition. Also pray for patience, strength and hope for Mary and our family as we walk this journey together. My mother has always been such a vibrant part of this church, leading bible studies and community outreach. I believe surrounding her with prayer can speed healing of body and spirit.

Please join me in praying the Serenity Prayer at 9pm each evening for my mother’s full recovery and for all families caring for ailing loved ones. I also welcome any scripture passages, hymns or spiritual support you may want to share.

Thank you all for wrapping our family in a blanket of prayer during this challenging time. Your spiritual support means the world to us.


Key Considerations When Asking for Prayers

When composing a post seeking prayers, keep the following key considerations in mind:

  • Be Sensitive – Avoid pressuring language that makes people feel obligated. Say things like “you are welcome to pray” vs “I need you to pray.”
  • Be Selective – Only share information you are comfortable being public. Some details may be kept private.
  • Be Hopeful – Even in darkness, try to acknowledge sources of hope, strength and comfort.
  • Be Timely – Share prayer requests when the need feels pressing, not weeks later.
  • Be Gracious – Express sincere gratitude for any form of spiritual support offered.

The most important thing is conveying your authentic need for spiritual support during challenging times. With thoughtfulness and compassion, you can thoughtfully engage others in providing comfort through prayer.

Examples of Where to Post Prayer Requests

You can share a post or message asking for prayers in many places, including:

  • Your personal social media pages
  • A community Facebook group or forum
  • Your church’s website or email newsletter
  • Direct emails or texts to close family and friends
  • Private messaging forums like WhatsApp, GroupMe, Slack etc.
  • Prayer request sites like

Consider who you want to reach, and choose the channel accordingly. For a massive outpouring of prayer, posting on public social media may be best. To reach your closest faith circle, private group messages work well. Evaluate your goal in requesting prayers when choosing where to post.

Helpful Tips and Precautions

Here are some final tips for smoothly and sensitively asking for prayers online:

  • Proofread posts to prevent misinformation.
  • Use privacy settings if needed and avoid tagging people who may not want involvement.
  • Do not send repeat reminder messages pressuring people to pray – one request is plenty.
  • Follow up with updates on the situation so people understand the impact of their prayers.
  • Manage expectations that massive public prayer requests may not always garner huge responses.
  • Consider only requesting prayers for a defined time period, not indefinitely.
  • Accept that not everyone may be comfortable praying and avoid any appearance of judging.


Requesting prayers and spiritual support during difficult times can be a great source of comfort and strength for many. With care and compassion, you can thoughtfully compose a post asking friends, family and faith communities to keep you in their prayers. Being clear about the situation, expressing what prayers would mean to you, providing helpful logistics and closing with gratitude are all ways to connect with others through the power of prayer. Focus on creating authentic, sensitive requests that make people feel honored to support you spiritually.