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How do you write a description on a Facebook reel?

How do you write a description on a Facebook reel?

Writing an effective description for a Facebook reel is an important part of creating compelling video content on the platform. The description allows you to provide context, set expectations, call viewers to action, and optimize your video for discovery in searches. While Facebook does not impose a character limit on reel descriptions like some other platforms, it’s best to be concise and informative in the first few sentences.

Key Elements of a Good Facebook Reel Description

There are a few key elements to include in your Facebook reel description:

Accurate Title

The title should accurately convey what the video is about. Get right to the point with a short but descriptive title that will capture attention.

Opening Hook

Start the description with a sentence or short paragraph that introduces the video and compels viewers to watch. Ask a question, highlight an interesting fact, or describe the value the viewer will get from watching.

Context and Details

Provide 1-2 sentences of context explaining what the video is about and any important details to set expectations. Share the motivation behind the video or story depicted.

Call to Action

Every description should include a clear call to action, such as asking viewers to like, comment, share, or engage with you in some way. This helps increase reach.

Relevant Hashtags

Include 3-5 relevant hashtags to help viewers find your content and link it to broader topics and conversations. Choose hashtags that are specific rather than overly broad.

Optimized for Search

Work key search terms into the first couple sentences so your video has a better chance of appearing in searches on Facebook. Understand what users are searching for and optimize accordingly.

Best Practices for Writing a Facebook Reel Description

Follow these best practices when drafting your reel description to create an optimized, compelling caption:

Keep it Short

Aim for 1-4 concise sentences that get right to the point. Avoid overly lengthy descriptions that users may not read in full.

Engage with Questions

Posing an intriguing question in the first 1-2 sentences can entice viewers to watch to find the answer.

Highlight Benefits

Explain to viewers why they should watch your video and what they stand to benefit or gain from viewing the content.

Establish Credibility

On educational or advice-focused reels, highlight credentials to build credibility and trust with the audience.

Use Casual Language

Write conversationally using language viewers relate to. Avoid formal or overly salesy language.

Check for Errors

Proofread descriptions to fix any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors that could impact perceptions.

Provide Value

Ensure descriptions provide real value to viewers rather than just being about driving likes, comments and shares. Offer helpful info.

Use Emotional Triggers

Evoke emotion by using words that tap into what viewers care about like family, freedom, success, health, and more.

Examples of Good Facebook Reel Descriptions

Here are a few examples of real Facebook reels with excellent descriptions:

Humorous Reel

Title: Opening my baby’s 1st bday presents!

Description: Watch what happened when we let Remington open all her presents before her big first birthday party! Hint – wrapping paper everywhere 😂❤️ How do your littles like unwrapping gifts? Let us know in the comments!

Key elements:
– Asks an intriguing question at the end to engage viewers
– Uses a hint to set expectations for what video will show
– Relatable and conversational language
– Clear call to action to comment

Informational Reel

Title: 3 Tips for Starting a Morning Routine

Description: Mornings can be rough. In this quick video certified life coach Alyssa shares her top three tips for creating an empowering morning routine. Let me know in the comments which tip resonates most with you!

Key elements:
– Highlights credentials of video creator
– Provides value by summarizing tips viewers will learn
– Ends with clear call to action to engage

Brand Reel

Title: Behind the Scenes with our Product Design Team

Description: Ever wonder how we create our signature shoes? Go behind the scenes with our product design team in Italy to see the craftsmanship and care that goes into every pair. Let us know your favorite part of the video!

Key elements:
– Piques curiosity by getting viewer to wonder about process
– Shares motivation – satisfying viewer curiosity
– Clear call to action makes it easy to engage

Tips for Writing Successful Reel Descriptions

Here are some top tips for writing reel descriptions that get results:

Grab attention fast

You only have a few seconds to hook viewers. Get right to the interesting details.

Speak directly to viewers

Use “you” language focused on how viewers will benefit.

Manage expectations

Set viewers up for what they will see rather than surprising them.

Pose unanswered questions

Give viewers a reason to watch by posing questions you’ll answer.

Appeal to emotions

Connect with viewers on an emotional level with psychological triggers.

Inspire action

Give clear direction on any desired call to action.

Highlight value

Demonstrate the value and usefulness of your content.

Use strategic keywords

Incorporate keywords and phrases that target audience searchers are using.

Keep it short

Get key info across in 1-4 concise sentences.

Check for errors

Proofread before publishing to prevent mistakes.

Optimizing Reel Descriptions for Better Reach

Optimizing your reel description for search, sharing, and discovery can help expand the reach of your video. Here are some optimization tips:

Front-load key information

Put the most critical info like title, hook, and key context at the start of the description where it will be visible.

Use relevant hashtags strategically

Include 3-5 popular hashtags so your content surfaces when people search those tags.

@Mention relevant accounts

@Mention influencers, brands or other accounts related to your content to expand visibility.

Write with SEO in mind

Incorporate keywords viewers are searching for to help with discovery.

Create urgency with words like “breaking” or “just in”

Adding urgency to your title and description can make content seem timelier and more vital to watch.

Leverage trends and newsjacking

Connect your content to trends, current events or news while timely to increase shares.

Use emojis strategically

Emojis can make your description more eye-catching but use them sparingly.

Common Facebook Reel Description Mistakes to Avoid

It’s important to avoid these common reel description mistakes in order to create effective descriptions:

Forgetting a call to action

Always tell viewers explicitly what you want them to do after watching.

Just copy/pasting the caption from Instagram or TikTok

Tailor the description specifically for Facebook audiences and algorithms.

Making the description too lengthy

Keep it short, sweet and scannable for the platform.

Using overly salesy or promotional language

Strike a conversational, engaging tone focused on value for viewers.

Not personalizing the language

Speak directly to the viewer and their interests or needs.

Forgetting relevant hashtags

Hashtags help people find your reels so include 3-5 popular ones related to your niche.

Not optimizing for SEO

Take advantage of key search terms people use to find videos like yours.

Making it all about likes/shares/comments

While asking for engagement is good, also focus on providing value.

Not setting viewer expectations

preview what the viewer will see to set context.

Using overly broad or irrelevant hashtags

Do research to find hashtags aligned with your specific content.


Writing optimized reel descriptions is key to improving content visibility and performance on Facebook. The most effective descriptions quickly grab attention, inform viewers, provide clear calls to action, speak directly to the audience, and leverage trends, keywords, and platform-specific strategies. Avoid common mistakes like excessive length, overly promotional language, and irrelevant hashtags. With a compelling title, strategically written description and some best practice optimization, you can achieve greater organic reach and engagement on Facebook reels.

Element Purpose Example
Title Accurately convey the content Making Christmas Cookies from Scratch
Opening Hook Draw viewers in Have you struggled with baking perfect Christmas cookies?
Context/Details Set expectations In this fun holiday reel, I’m sharing my favorite foolproof cookie recipe and decorating tips to help you master Christmas cookie baking.
Call to Action Prompt engagement Let me know in the comments which cookie shapes are your favorites to decorate!
Hashtags Improve discoverability #christmascookies #holidaybaking #christmastreats