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How do you watch a Facebook story without them knowing?

How do you watch a Facebook story without them knowing?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms for sharing photos, videos, and life updates. One of the ways people share visual content on Facebook is through Stories – short photo or video clips that disappear after 24 hours.

When you view someone’s Facebook Story, they receive a notification indicating who has seen their Story. This allows people to see who is viewing their content. However, sometimes you may want to view a Facebook Story without the original poster knowing you saw it.

Why Would You Want to View a Facebook Story Anonymously?

There are a few reasons why someone might want to view a Facebook Story without the original poster being notified:

  • You want to “creep” on an acquaintance or someone you recently met, without them knowing you’re checking out their profile.
  • You want to see what an ex or someone you used to date is up to, but don’t want them to know you’re watching their activity.
  • You want to observe how certain businesses or influencers use Stories for marketing, but don’t necessarily want them to see your name in their views.
  • You simply want to browse and observe others’ content without constantly notifying people.

Regardless of the reason, there are a few different methods you can use to view Facebook Stories anonymously, without the original poster being notified.

Method 1: Use a Private or Anonymous Browsing Window

One of the simplest ways to view a Facebook Story without being detected is to use a private or incognito browsing window. Most major web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge have a private/incognito mode that doesn’t save your browsing history or cookies.

To use this method:

  1. Open your preferred web browser and launch a private browsing window.
  2. Navigate to Facebook and log into your account if needed.
  3. Go to the profile of the person whose Story you want to view.
  4. Click on their Story to view it.

The original poster will not receive a notification that you viewed their Story. One thing to note is that this method only works to hide your identity for a single Story viewing session. If you want to keep viewing someone’s Stories anonymously over time, you’ll need to use incognito mode each time.

Method 2: Use a Secondary Facebook Account

Another option is to create a secondary Facebook account solely for lurking. This secondary account should not be connected to your real identity in any way – don’t use a real photo, your name, or any other identifying details.

To remain anonymous using this method:

  1. Create the anonymous Facebook account and do not add any friends.
  2. When logging into this account, always use a private browsing window.
  3. Use the secondary account to view any Stories you want anonymously.

The downside to this method is that it takes more effort to set up and maintain a completely separate account. However, it allows you to consistently view Stories from your main account without detection.

Method 3: Use the Facebook Viewer Website

There are some third-party websites like that allow you to view both Facebook profiles and Stories anonymously. These sites work by loading a proxy version of Facebook through their platform.

To use the Facebook Viewer site:

  1. Go to and enter the Facebook URL for the profile of the person whose Story you want to see.
  2. Click “Load URL”. This will display the profile and its Stories through the proxy site.
  3. View Stories just like you would on the Facebook app or website. The original poster is not notified.

Third-party tools like Facebook Viewer make it easy to lurk anonymously. However, be careful when using sites like these – only enter your own login credentials if you fully trust the platform.

Method 4: Use a Facebook Container App

There are some mobile apps like Story Savebox that act as containers, allowing you to view Facebook Stories without leaving a trace. These apps download Stories in the background and then display them within their own interface.

To use one of these viewer apps:

  1. Download and install the app on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Enter your Facebook login credentials within the app interface (this is needed to download Stories).
  3. View the downloaded Stories from whichever profiles you choose right in the app.

Again, it’s important to only enter your credentials in apps you trust. But container apps provide an easy way to lurk on mobile.

Method 5: Temporarily Unfriend or Unfollow the Person

If the person whose Stories you want to view anonymously is your Facebook friend, you can temporarily unfriend or unfollow them to avoid detection. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the profile of the person whose Stories you want to lurk on.
  2. Hover over the Friends button and click “Unfriend” or “Unfollow”.
  3. Once you’ve viewed their Stories anonymously, send a new friend request or refollow them.

This method obviously has social implications since the person will notice you unfriending or unfollowing them. But it does provide a way to lurk 100% anonymously. You can always say it was an accident when you resend the friend request.

Ethical Concerns With Viewing Stories Anonymously

While these methods make it possible to view Facebook Stories with no detection, it’s important to consider the ethics of doing so. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Always think about why you feel the need to lurk anonymously. Make sure your motivations align with your moral principles.
  • Consider how you would feel if someone viewed your Stories anonymously without consent.
  • Remember that Stories often portray intimate, private moments. Don’t violate someone’s privacy, even digitally.
  • Ask yourself if you would view the Stories openly if detected. If not, reconsider watching anonymously.
  • For public figures like businesses, use discretion in how you apply anonymously viewed data.

You should avoid anonymously viewing Stories in a way that deceives, harms, or violates someone’s reasonable expectations. While possible, anonymous viewing has ethical nuance to consider in each case.


Viewing Facebook Stories without leaving a trace is possible through various methods like private browsing, secondary accounts, third-party tools, and unfriending. However, there are ethical implications to viewing Stories anonymously without consent. It’s best to carefully consider your motivations and principles before viewing Stories in deceptive ways, even if you have the technical means to do so anonymously.