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How do you Unsend a story reaction?

How do you Unsend a story reaction?

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat allow users to react to posts and stories with emojis and stickers. Once you react to a post or story, the reaction is visible to the poster and sometimes to other viewers. But what if you react to something accidentally or change your mind later? Is there a way to “unsend” or undo a reaction?

Can you unsend a reaction on Facebook Stories?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to unsend or undo a reaction to a Facebook Story after it has been sent. Once you tap on a reaction emoji under someone’s Story, it is immediately viewable by the original poster and remains visible even if you later regret reacting.

Facebook currently does not have a feature to remove or delete reactions from Stories. Your reaction will stay there unless the original Story poster deletes their Story altogether. So you need to be careful and thoughtful before reacting to avoid reacting to something unintentionally.

Can you delete a reaction on Instagram Stories?

Similar to Facebook, Instagram also does not have an option to undo or delete a reaction after you have sent it on a Story. The reactions feature allows you to react to Stories with emojis and stickers, but these reactions are permanent.

Once you send a reaction by tapping on a sticker or emoji under an Instagram Story, it is immediately viewable by the Story poster and remains visible. There is no way for you to remove the reaction later on if you change your mind.

The only way your reaction will disappear from an Instagram Story is if the original poster deletes their Story. Otherwise, your reaction will always be associated with that Story.

Can you unsend a reaction on Snapchat Stories?

Snapchat is slightly different – it does give you a small window of time to unsend or delete a reaction to a Snapchat Story:

  • When you send a reaction to a Snapchat Story, it will be visible for up to 10 seconds.
  • During that 10 second period, you can press and hold on the reaction to unsend it.
  • After 10 seconds, the reaction will be permanently sent and viewable by the Story poster and you will not be able to remove it.

So if you accidentally react to a Snapchat Story, react too quickly, or change your mind shortly after reacting, you can press and hold the reaction to make it disappear as long as it’s within 10 seconds of sending it.

This quick unsend window is the only way to remove a Snapchat Story reaction. After the 10 seconds, your reaction will be permanently viewable just like on Facebook and Instagram.

Why can’t you unsend story reactions on most platforms?

The inability to delete or undo Story reactions on Facebook and Instagram comes down to how the platforms are designed:

  • Reactions are considered engagement and activity, which the platforms want to encourage.
  • Allowing reactions to be unsent easily could be open to abuse.
  • Undoing a reaction after the fact creates complexity in tracking analytics.
  • Once something occurs on social media, it is considered public and permanent.

Overall, major social platforms treat Story reactions as immediate, public interactions that cannot be undone. The only exception is Snapchat’s 10 second unsend window.

What to do if you react to a story accidentally

Since you cannot directly unsend or undo a Story reaction in most cases, here are some tips if you accidentally react to something:

  • On Instagram or Facebook, you can apologize to the person via DM and explain it was an accident.
  • On Snapchat, quickly press and hold the reaction to unsend it within 10 seconds.
  • Refrain from publicly commenting to draw extra attention to your accidental reaction.
  • Adjust your settings to disable viewing stories if you find yourself reacting too quickly.
  • Learn from the mistake and be more careful about tapping reactions in the future.

While an accidental or hasty reaction can’t be deleted, you can apologize, provide context, and adjust your behavior moving forward.

How to be cautious with story reactions

To avoid reacting to something unintentionally on social media, keep these tips in mind:

  • Pause before reacting – don’t just tap emojis impulsively.
  • Consider the context and your relationship with the poster.
  • React only to content that genuinely warrants a reaction from you.
  • If you might change your mind, wait before reacting.
  • Tap carefully and purposefully when choosing a reaction.

Being more careful and selective with your Story reactions can prevent regrettable reactions that cannot be undone later. Send reactions mindfully.

Alternative options to unsending reactions

While you cannot directly delete a Story reaction, here are some other options you potentially have:

  • Block the account – This prevents them from seeing your reaction or Story views.
  • Archive or delete stories – This removes the content your reaction was on.
  • Turn off reactions – This lets you view Stories without sending reactions.
  • Delete your account – This completely removes all your activity, including reactions.

However, these options also have downsides, like removing access to that account’s content, hiding all your interactions, or deleting your entire account. A direct “unsend reaction” feature would be better.

Will unsending reactions ever be possible?

While major platforms currently do not allow unsending Story reactions, it is possible this could change in the future.

As social media evolves to be more flexible and responsive to user preferences, the ability to delete reactions could be added if enough users want the feature.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram often test and roll out new capabilities over time. Public demand for “unsend reaction” functionality could potentially convince developers to code the option.

For now, be thoughtful in reacting temporarily until an official unsend or delete reaction mechanism is provided.


Reacting to social media Stories is meant to be quick, easy engagement – but that also means it’s difficult to undo reactions you later regret or change your mind about.

Currently, Facebook and Instagram do not have any built-in way to delete or unsend a Story reaction after sending it. Snapchat provides a brief 10 second window to unsend a reaction.

To avoid reacting impulsively, be selective and intentional when tapping reaction icons. If you do react mistakenly, learn from it for the future. And continue providing feedback to platforms that the ability to undo reactions would be a beneficial feature.