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How do you tell if someone unfriended you or deleted their Facebook?

How do you tell if someone unfriended you or deleted their Facebook?

Quick Answers

There are a few ways to tell if someone unfriended you or deleted their Facebook account:

  • Search for their profile – If it doesn’t come up, they likely deleted their account
  • Check your friends list – If they disappear from your list, they unfriended you
  • Use the View As tool – See what your profile looks like to that friend. If posts are missing, they unfriended you.
  • Check mutual friends – See if someone you have in common still has that person as a friend.
  • Use an unfollower app – An app can show you who has unfollowed you recently.

While you can’t always know for sure if someone deleted their account or just unfriended you, these tips can help you figure it out. Keep reading for more details on how to detect an unfriending or deleted Facebook account.

Search for Their Profile

One of the easiest ways to find out if someone deleted their Facebook account is to simply search for their profile in the Facebook search bar. Type in their name just as you would to visit their timeline. If their account has been deactivated, the search results will not show their profile. Instead, you may get a message saying “No results found” or “This content isn’t available right now.”

If you get this message when searching for someone you know for certain had a Facebook account in the past, chances are they have since deleted their account. Facebook keeps profiles inactive for 14 days after a user deletes their account, in case they change their mind. But after two weeks, the account is gone for good along with all of their info and photos.

So if you search for that friend who was definitely on Facebook last month but can’t find any trace of their profile now, deletion is the most likely reason. Of course, it’s possible they blocked you specifically, while keeping their account open. But a deleted profile is usually the culprit when a search comes up empty.

Check Your Friends List

Scrolling through your Facebook friends list can also provide clues about someone unfriending you vs. deleting their account altogether. Pull up your full friends list by going to your profile and selecting “Friends” in the left sidebar.

Scan through your list looking for the person in question. If they appear in your friends list, then you know their account is still active. They have not deleted Facebook, but they may have unfollowed or unfriended you specifically.

On the other hand, if that person no longer shows up on your friends list at all, then they most likely unfriended you or blocked you. They wanted to cut the social media tie between you, but kept their account open.

So in summary:

– In friends list = Account still active
– Not in friends list = Unfriended or blocked

This method can help confirm a suspected unfriending if you notice someone suddenly missing from your newsfeed and friends list. Check for a deleted account first, but their absence from your friends is a red flag for an unfollow.

Use the “View As” Tool

Facebook offers a useful tool that shows you what your own profile looks like to another person on Facebook. Using this “View As” feature can provide clues about whether someone unfriended you or deactivated their account.

Here’s how to use it:

1. Go to your profile page
2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
3. Select “View As”
4. Enter the name of the person you want to check
5. You’ll see your profile as that friend now sees it

Look carefully at your posts – are most of them missing? Or can the person see all of your activity? If many posts are suddenly absent, that likely means the friend has unfollowed you or changed their viewing settings.

But if all of your content is visible to them, then the account is likely still active and connected to you in some way. They haven’t cut the friendship tie on their end.

One limitation is that you might not see every single post they do. But you should see the majority of your recent activity if the friendship is still fully intact. Use the View As tool a few times with different friends for comparison.

Check Mutual Friends

Here’s another smart way to detect an unfriending versus a deleted account – check your mutual friends.

Pull up the profile of someone you have in common with the person in question (a mutual friend). Scroll through their friends list to see if the person still appears there.

If your mutual friend still has that person in their friends list, then you know their account is still active. They specifically unfollowed or unfriended just you.

But if the account in question is missing from the mutual friend’s list as well, that signals a likely account deletion. They didn’t just block you; they removed their Facebook presence entirely.

This mutual friend check provides solid evidence about whether someone removed you alone or deleted their whole account. It takes a bit more time but can give you definitive proof of the cause.

Use an Unfollower App

If you want to track your Facebook unfollowers on an ongoing basis, use a third-party unfollower app. Apps like UnfollowerStats and ManageFlitter can show you a list of people who have recently unfollowed or unfriended you.

Most of these apps will require you to connect your Facebook account. Then they will analyze your friends list and notify you of any changes. Depending on the app, you may see a daily, weekly or monthly report of who has unfollowed you.

This allows you to keep tabs on your follower count and unfriendings over time. You can spot trends and see exactly when someone hit that “Unfriend” button.

While the apps can’t necessarily tell if someone deleted their account, they will let you know if and when you lose that friend’s follow. Paired with some other detective tactics, you can get to the bottom of most unfriending mysteries and account deletions.

Other Signals Someone Unfriended You

In addition to the above tactics, watch for these other signals that a Facebook friend may have gone rogue and unfollowed you:

– Their comments and interactions stop suddenly
– Your messages to them go unanswered
– They disappear from your notifications and newsfeed
– Older posts of theirs disappear from your timeline
– Your messenger conversation disappears

Any sudden loss of visibility or access to a friend’s profile are clues that they cut you off. While you may never know their reasons, these signs of unfollowing typically don’t lie.


Finding out if you got unfriended on Facebook can require some digital detective work. But using tools like the friend checker, View As, and mutual friend lists can usually provide the answers.

And if you come up empty searching for someone who definitely used to be on Facebook, account deletion is the most likely reason. Use apps to monitor your unfollowers over time, paired with the above tips, to see why you may have one less friend than yesterday.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook notify you when someone unfriends you?

No, Facebook does not directly notify you if someone unfriends or unfollows you. They do not send any sort of alert saying you have been unfriended. You will need to investigate other ways, like checking your friends list and mutual friends, to detect an unfriending.

Can you tell if someone blocked you on Facebook?

It can be tricky to confirm if someone outright blocked you on Facebook, but there are ways to find out. Try searching for their profile or visiting their timeline – if a message pops up saying the content isn’t available, that suggests a block. You can also ask a mutual friend if they can still view the person’s profile. If yes, but you can’t, it likely means you were blocked.

Why did someone unfriend me on Facebook?

There are a variety of reasons someone may unfriend or unfollow you on Facebook, some personal and some practical. They may be trying to trim their friends list, had a falling out with you, are cutting social media ties during a breakup, or simply don’t want your posts showing up anymore. In most cases, a Facebook unfriending doesn’t mean the end of a real life friendship, just an adjustment of social media connections.

What happens when you unfriend someone on Facebook?

When you unfriend or unfollow someone on Facebook, that person’s posts and activity will no longer show up in your newsfeed. They are also removed from your friends list. If they try to message you, it will go into your message requests folder rather than your main inbox. Essentially you are removing access and visibility from each other on Facebook only.

Can someone tell if you looked at their Facebook profile?

No, there is no way to tell if someone specifically looks at or views your Facebook profile. Facebook does not notify users about profile views. The only way to know if someone visited your page is if they interacted in some way by liking, commenting or sharing one of your posts. Just viewing your profile is invisible and impossible to detect.

Steps to Unfriend Someone on Facebook

If you’ve decided it’s time to cut ties with a Facebook friend, here is how to officially unfriend them:

  1. Go to their profile page
  2. Click on the “Friends” button below their cover photo
  3. Select “Unfriend” to remove them from your friends list
  4. Confirm your choice when prompted

Unfriending will permanently remove them from your Facebook friends and ensure you no longer see any of their activity. If you change your mind later, you can always send a new friend request.

Steps to Deactivate Your Facebook Account

If you no longer want a presence on Facebook altogether, here are the steps to delete your Facebook account:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right and select “Settings”
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left column
  3. Select “Deactivation and Deletion”
  4. Choose “Deactivate Account” and follow the prompts

Your profile will be disabled for 14 days before permanent deletion. You can also opt to simply deactivate temporarily and reactivate later if desired.


Finding out if you’ve been unfriended or blocked on Facebook requires looking for clues like disappearing profiles in search, absence from mutual friends’ lists, and checking the View As tool. Definitive signals like visible posts vanishing and the ability to message someone indicate you’ve been unfollowed.

While Facebook itself provides no notifications about being unfriended, third-party apps can track unfollowers for you. Combining different tactics can uncover the cause in most cases. Knowing if an account was deleted altogether versus just unfollowing you is an important distinction whenever Facebook friendship ties are broken.