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How do you tag someone on Facebook after posting?

How do you tag someone on Facebook after posting?

Tagging someone on Facebook after posting allows you to notify that person that they are mentioned in your post. This can be useful if you want to make sure a friend sees a post you made about them or an experience you shared together. Tagging is easy to do on both desktop and mobile.

On Desktop

If you have already made a post on desktop Facebook and want to tag someone after the fact, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your post on Facebook and click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Select “Edit Post” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Place your cursor in the post where you want to tag the person.
  4. Type the “@” symbol. A dropdown will appear with friends’ names.
  5. Select the name of the friend you want to tag.
  6. Click “Post” to publish the updated post with the tag.

That’s it! The tag will appear linked to your friend’s profile and they will get a notification that they were tagged.

On Mobile

Tagging someone after posting on mobile Facebook is also easy:

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to your post.
  2. Tap the three dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Edit Post” from the menu.
  4. Tap where you want to add the tag.
  5. Start typing the “@” symbol and select your friend’s name from the dropdown that appears.
  6. Tap “Post” to publish the updated post with the tag.

The tag will now show up just like on desktop! The person will get notified that you mentioned them.

Some Tips on Tagging

  • You can add multiple tags to a single post by repeating the tagging steps.
  • Make sure you spell the name correctly when typing the @ symbol to ensure it tags the right friend.
  • If the friend you want to tag has a common name, you may need to type out more of their name to differentiate them in the dropdown.
  • You can tag people who are not your Facebook friends, but they will only see it if your post is public.
  • Tag people you think would appreciate the post or find it relevant.
  • Avoid tagging people excessively as it could become annoying.

Why Tag People on Facebook?

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to tag someone on Facebook after posting:

  • To get their attention if the post is about them or something they would find interesting.
  • To give them credit for something like being in a picture with you.
  • To notify them of an event or gathering you think they should know about.
  • To recommend them if you are complimenting their business or work.
  • To continue a conversation and keep them in the loop.
  • To share an inside joke or memory you have together.

When is it Appropriate to Tag Someone?

As a general rule, it is appropriate to tag people on Facebook when:

  • The post directly involves them or mentions them.
  • It is information you think they need to know about.
  • You are sharing a photo taken together or experience shared together.
  • You are recommending or promoting their business, work, or talents.
  • You are inviting them to an event.
  • You think they would appreciate the post for any reason.

It may be inappropriate to tag someone if:

  • The post contains private information about them.
  • It could embarrass them or share something they don’t want public.
  • It is random content unrelated to them.
  • You are tagging them excessively.
  • The only reason is to try to get their attention.

What Happens When You Tag Someone?

Here is what happens when you tag someone on Facebook:

  • Their name will appear as a link to their profile in your post.
  • They will get a notification that they were tagged.
  • The post may also show up on their own Timeline depending on their settings.
  • People viewing the post can click or tap on the tag to visit their profile.
  • The tag helps connect users and makes conversations and shared experiences more visible.

How to Remove or Untag Someone

If you decide you want to remove a tag from someone after posting, follow these instructions:

  1. Go back and edit the post as described above.
  2. Highlight the name of the person tagged.
  3. Hit backspace to delete the tag.
  4. Post the update without the tag.

This will remove the tag so that person will no longer get notified or have the post show up on their Profile. The tag will disappear.

How Do Tag Notifications Work?

When you tag someone on Facebook, here is how the notification works:

  • A notification will appear in their Notifications menu at the top of Facebook.
  • An email may also be sent to their associated email address depending on their notification settings.
  • On mobile, they may get a push notification sent to their device.
  • The notification will include your name and a preview of the post.
  • They can click on it to go directly to the post and view the tag.

Can You Tag Someone Who Doesn’t Have Facebook?

No, you cannot tag someone on Facebook who does not have a Facebook account. The tagging feature requires connecting the tag to the person’s actual profile. If they don’t have one, there is nowhere for the tag to link to.

Tagging on Photos

The tagging process is the same for tagging someone in a photo post:

  1. Upload the photo as a new post or click a photo already posted.
  2. Click “Tag Photo” below the image.
  3. Select the person in the photo you want to tag.
  4. Adjust the tag location on their face or body.
  5. Type the person’s name and select from the matches.
  6. Save and close.

This will tag the person right in the photo! Keep in mind you can only tag people who have Facebook accounts.

Tagging Friends in Comments

You can also tag your friends in comments on posts:

  1. While writing a comment, type the “@” symbol.
  2. Start typing your friend’s name and select it when it pops up.
  3. Finish the comment and click Comment to post it.

This will tag your friend in that comment and notify them just like tagging in a post.

Seeing Who You Have Tagged

To see an overview of the friends you have tagged on Facebook:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Click “Friends” below your cover photo.
  3. Select “Tags” from the sidebar.

This will show a feed of all the posts and photos where you have tagged your friends! It is a quick way to review tagging activity.

Finding Tags of You by Friends

To see tags your friends have added of you:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click “Posts” below your cover photo.
  3. Click on “Posts You’re Tagged In” in the left sidebar.

You will now see a feed of all the times friends have tagged you! You can also get notified when you are tagged in their notifications.

Controlling Tagging Settings

If you want to limit tagging or change tag notifications:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right of Facebook.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy.”
  3. Click “Settings.”
  4. Choose “Tagging” on the left sidebar.

Here you can:

  • Disable tags so you have to approve them.
  • Hide tags from your Timeline.
  • Turn off tag notifications.
  • Disable others tagging you in photos.

Adjust these settings as needed to control tagging functionality.

Tagging on Pages and Groups

Similar tagging functionality is available when posting on Pages and in Groups:

  • Page admins can tag other Pages in posts and comments.
  • In Groups, members can tag other members in posts and comments.
  • Tagged members will get notifications just like regular tagging.

Tagging helps engage audiences and mention relevant members on Pages and in Groups.

Tagging for Businesses and Brands

Tagging is commonly used by businesses and brands on Facebook to:

  • Thank customers for reviews, check-ins, and mentions.
  • Tag relevant brands in industry-related content.
  • Promote influencers, brand ambassadors, or partners.
  • Engage followers by tagging them in posts and comments.
  • Tag locations and other businesses.

This helps increase visibility, engagement, and brand awareness on Facebook.


Tagging people on Facebook posts allows you to connect with friends in your content, share relevant experiences, notify them of important updates, and engage your audience. Make sure to use tagging appropriately and edit or remove tags if necessary. With the proper tagging etiquette, this feature can help increase engagement, conversations, and interactivity on Facebook.