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How do you tag someone in a FB post?

How do you tag someone in a FB post?

Tagging someone in a Facebook post allows you to link their profile to your post so that they receive a notification about it. When you tag someone, their name appears highlighted in blue and links directly to their profile page. Tagging is a great way to make sure a specific person sees your post, especially if you have a lot of friends on Facebook.

There are a couple different ways to tag someone when writing a Facebook post: you can start typing their name and select them from the dropdown, or you can use the @ symbol followed immediately by their name. Facebook’s auto-complete feature makes tagging super quick and easy.

Here are some common reasons you may want to tag someone in a post:

  • To get their attention or make sure they see something
  • To give them credit for something or acknowledge them
  • To invite them to an event or group
  • To ask them a question or get their input on something
  • To share something directly related to them like a photo, event, or location

When you tag someone, it creates a link to their Timeline that friends who are also tagged can see. The post will also appear in the News Feeds of your mutual friends. Tagging strategically is a great way to expand the reach of your posts and get more eyes on your content.

Now let’s get into the step-by-step instructions on exactly how to tag someone in a Facebook post.

How to Tag Someone in a Facebook Post

Tagging someone in a Facebook post is simple and easy to do from any device. Here are the steps:

On Desktop:

  1. Click in the text box at the top of your News Feed to begin writing a post.
  2. Type the @ symbol followed immediately by the person’s name. A dropdown menu will appear with name suggestions – select the correct name.
  3. You can also start typing the name without the @ symbol first. After 2-3 letters a dropdown will appear. Select the correct name.
  4. Hit enter/return after selecting a name to add a space. The tagged name will turn blue.
  5. Continue your post as normal, tagging additional people if desired the same ways.
  6. Click Post when your status update is complete.

On Mobile App:

  1. Tap the status box at the top of your News Feed.
  2. Start typing ‘@’ followed immediately by the name of the person you want to tag.
  3. Select the correct name when it pops up in the dropdown menu.
  4. Tap return/enter after selecting a name to add a space. The name will turn blue when tagged.
  5. Continue your post, tagging more people if desired.
  6. Tap Post when your status update is complete.

And that’s all there is to it! Tagging on Facebook really is as easy as typing @ + the person’s name and selecting it from the dropdown that appears.

Let’s go over some tips for tagging people in your posts:

  • Tag people at the beginning of your post so they see it immediately.
  • You can tag up to 10 people in one post.
  • Use names people recognize – avoid nicknames or abbreviations.
  • Check spelling – if you misspell a name it won’t tag correctly.
  • Your privacy settings determine who can see tags from others.
  • People can untag themselves if they don’t want to be associated with the post.

Tag thoughtfully and tactfully. Make sure anyone you tag would be okay with the post’s content being linked to their profile.

How to Tag Someone in a Photo on Facebook

In addition to tagging people in status updates, you can also tag friends in photos on Facebook. This helps identify who is in each photo and allows friends to easily find photos they are tagged in. Here are the steps:

On Desktop:

  1. Click the Photo/Video button at the top of your News Feed.
  2. Select the photo you want to tag someone in.
  3. Hover over the person’s face and click Tag Photo at the bottom when their name pops up.
  4. Type the name of the person followed by Enter.
  5. Adjust the tag if needed by clicking and dragging the tag box over their face.
  6. Click Save Tags when finished.

On Mobile App:

  1. Tap the photo you want to tag someone in to open it.
  2. Tap Tag Friends at the bottom of the photo.
  3. Tap on a face to tag, then type the name and tap Done.
  4. Adjust the tag box by tapping and dragging it if needed.
  5. Tap Save when you’ve tagged everyone.

Again, just start typing a name and select the right person from the suggestions that pop up. Tagging in photos works the same as tagging in status updates.

The person tagged will be notified and the photo will be added to their timeline. Friends can also click on tags to see what photos a person is tagged in. Make sure to only tag with permission!

How to Tag a Facebook Page

You aren’t limited to just tagging your personal connections on Facebook. You can also tag Facebook pages for brands, businesses, organizations, public figures, and places. Here is how:

  1. Start typing @ followed by the page name in your status update.
  2. Select the page name when it appears in the dropdown menu.
  3. Hit enter/return to add a space after the page name.
  4. The page name will turn blue when tagged properly.

When you tag a Facebook page in a post, it does not notify that page or show up on its timeline. However, tagging pages can help expose your post to more people interested in that brand/business/place.

Your News Feed preferences also affect which page tags appear. You may not see posts with tagged pages you haven’t liked/followed.

Keep in mind you can only tag pages you have liked already. Make sure to double check spelling on any page names you tag.

How to Untag Yourself from a Facebook Post

Uh oh, someone tagged you in an unflattering photo or status you’d rather not be associated with. Not to worry, you can easily untag yourself from any post. Here’s how:

On Desktop:

  1. Click on your name in the post that tagged you.
  2. In the dropdown menu click Remove Tag.
  3. Confirm by clicking Yes, Remove Tag.

On Mobile App:

  1. Tap on the post in your News Feed or timeline.
  2. Tap your name that has been tagged.
  3. Tap Remove Tag and confirm.

And that’s it, you’re untagged. This just removes the link to your profile, not the actual content. You can also limit who can see posts you’re tagged in through your timeline and tagging settings.

I hope this guide was helpful explaining the different ways to tag people and pages on Facebook. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about tagging on Facebook:

Can I tag someone who is not my Facebook friend?

No, you can only tag people who you are connected with as friends on Facebook. If you enter a name of someone who is not your Facebook friend, their name will not appear in the tag suggestions dropdown.

Do I need to add the @ symbol to tag someone?

No, the @ symbol is not required to tag someone when typing their name in a post or comment. Simply typing the name and selecting it from the dropdown menu will tag the person. However, adding the @ beforehand can help trigger the tagging suggestions to appear faster.

What’s the difference between tagging in a post vs. tagging in a photo?

Tagging someone in a post links their profile to the text content of your status update. Tagging in a photo tags their face in the specific photo. Photo tags are visible to all who can see that photo, while post tags are only visible in your status update.

Can someone tell if I remove a tag of them?

No, removing a tag of someone only dissociates their profile from the post. They will not get a notification if you untag them. However, removing a tag from a photo will delete that tag for all who can see the photo.

Why can’t I tag certain people in my post?

There are a few reasons why some names may not appear in the tagging suggestions dropdown:

  • They are not your Facebook friend
  • Your privacy settings limit who can see tags from you
  • Their privacy settings limit who can tag them
  • You’ve blocked each other

Check your respective privacy settings if you are having issues tagging specific people.

Can I tag more than 10 people in one post?

No, Facebook limits you to tagging a maximum of 10 other profiles per post. This limit applies to both status updates as well as tagging people in photos.

How do I tag a business or celebrity Facebook page?

Tagging a page works the same way as tagging a person. Just start typing the page name after @ and select it from the dropdown. Note that pages do not get notifications if tagged, but it may help reach more potential customers.


Tagging on Facebook is a great way to connect with friends, get their attention on your posts, identify people in photos, and extend your reach. Both personal profiles and Facebook pages can be tagged in status updates and photos using Facebook’s easy-to-use tagging feature.

Simply start typing a name with the @ symbol or without, and choose the correct person or page from the suggestions that pop up. Adjust tags as needed, and be sure to tag thoughtfully and respectfully. You can also remove tags of yourself if preferred.

With so many friends, photos, and posts to connect with, tagging makes engaging on Facebook a breeze. Stay social!