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How do you show what movie you’re watching on Facebook?

How do you show what movie you’re watching on Facebook?

There are a few different ways to show your Facebook friends what movie you’re watching. You can post a status update about the movie, check in to the theater, rate or review the movie on Facebook, or use Facebook’s “Watching” feature. This article will go over each of these options in detail so you know exactly how to let your friends on Facebook know what movie you’re enjoying.

Post a Status Update

The simplest way to share that you’re watching a movie is to post a status update about it. When you post a status update it will appear in your friends’ News Feeds so they’ll know you’re at the movies.

For example, you could post something like “About to watch the new Marvel movie! Super excited!” or “Settling in with popcorn to watch a movie marathon of Harry Potter!”

Your friends will be able to like and comment on the status to interact with you about the movie. Posting a status update is quick and easy. The downside is that it can get buried in your friends’ News Feeds pretty quickly.

Check in at the Theater

Facebook has a check-in feature that allows you to share your location. When you go to the movie theater, you can open the Facebook app and check in by selecting the location.

Your check-in will appear on your Facebook timeline and in your friends’ News Feeds. It shows your friends that you’re at the movie theater watching a film.

Along with checking in, you’ll also have the option to tag the friends you’re with, add a movie sticker, write a message about the movie you’re seeing, and more.

Checking in at the theater makes it crystal clear what you’re up to. It pins your location on a map so there’s no mystery. The check-in also stays on your timeline providing a history of the places you go.

Rate or Review the Movie

As you’re watching a new movie, you may have some thoughts on how good or bad it is. Facebook gives you the ability to rate and review movies right in the app.

To leave a review, go to the “Movies” section under “Explore” in the Facebook app menu. Search for the movie you want to review.

On the movie’s page you’ll see options to give it 1-5 stars and leave a text review. People who visit the movie’s Facebook page will be able to see the rating and review you left.

Leaving an honest review can help guide your friends on whether or not they should see the movie too. It’s helpful for discovering which of the latest films are worth watching.

Use the “Watching” Feature

The Facebook “Watching” feature allows you to prominently display what movie, TV show, or video you’re viewing. When you tag that you’re “Watching” something it’s highlighted and pinned to the top of your profile.

To use this feature, pull up the video you’re watching on your phone and tap the “Share” button. Select the “Share to Facebook Story” option. This will open a pre-populated Facebook post with the video tagged that you’re currently watching it.

The “Watching” post will only remain pinned for a few hours but it’s a great way to show your friends in real time the movie you’re engrossed in. People who visit your profile will immediately know what you’re up to.

Add Some Context

With all these options – status update, check-in, review, or watching tag – it’s best to add some context about what you think of the movie.

Don’t just post “Watching Spiderman” or check in at the theater. Add a quick blurb like “Loving this new Spiderman movie! The effects are so cool. Tom Holland is amazing as usual” or “About to watch Spiderman! Have heard really good things.”

The extra context gets people interested in the conversation. It lets your friends know immediately whether you think the movie is worth watching or not.

Use Visuals

Pictures and videos can help spice up any post about the movie you’re watching. A quick photo of the popcorn and snacks you grabbed at the theater helps set the scene. You can also take a selfie showing the movie screen behind you.

Videos are also highly engaging. Take a quick Boomerang or selfie video from your theater seat to give your friends a peek inside the theater. The motion of a video grabs people’s attention instantly.

Tag Friends Who Might Be Interested

When making a post about watching a movie, it’s fun to tag friends who might also be interested. This gives them a notification bringing them into the conversation.

If you’re seeing a superhero movie, tag friends who also enjoy those films. Horror movie? Tag the friends who love to be scared. Rom-com? Bring the romantic people into the discussion.

Tagging friends gets them excited about possibly seeing the same movie. It also enables everyone to share their opinions and debate the film.

Watch Parties

Facebook has a feature called Watch Parties that lets you watch videos and movies while chatting with friends live. One person can host the Watch Party and control the video playback while inviting others to join in.

There is a chat window so everyone in the Watch Party can comment on the movie or video together as it plays. There are also reactions people can use to tap on funny or exciting moments.

Hosting a Watch Party allows you to virtually watch something with your Facebook friends as if you were all together in person. It brings the movie theater experience online.

Go Live

Similarly to Watch Parties, you can go live on Facebook from the theater to show your friends the big screen in real time. When you go live, all your followers will get notified.

The fun part about going live is you can interact with people commenting and responding live as the movie plays. Share your witty commentary, point out the best parts, or discuss details with your friends.

Just make sure not to talk too loud or have the volume up too high to avoid disturbing other people watching the movie! Going live engages your friends in the film-watching experience.

Post About It the Next Day

Don’t forget you can also post thoughts about the movie the day after watching it. Sometimes you need time to digest a film and collect your thoughts before sharing an informed opinion.

The morning after, post a detailed review of what you liked, what you didn’t like, how it made you feel, and how it compares to similar movies. This provides a helpful perspective for your friends.

Encourage people to watch or skip the film based on your assessment. Posting the next day gives you time to really analyze the highs and lows after the credits roll.

Consider Spoilers

When posting about a highly anticipated movie right after release, be considerate about avoiding spoilers. Some friends who see your post may not have watched the movie yet.

Give a spoiler warning before discussing any big plot twists or surprises. You could say “About to discuss spoilers!” so people know not to read further if they haven’t seen the film yet.

You can also enable Facebook’s built-in “Spoiler Protection” feature which blocks posts with keywords that may give away a movie’s plot. This prevents friends from accidentally stumbling onto spoilers.

Have Fun with It

Most importantly, interact and share with your friends in whatever way makes you happiest when it comes to showing what movie you’re watching. Go all-out posting your funny reactions or keep it simple with an update or two.

Leverage the many options Facebook provides like check-ins, Watch Parties, reviews, live videos, images, and status updates. Pick and choose what movie-sharing features excite you.

Now get out there, watch a great movie, and let your Facebook friends know all about it!

TLDR Summary

Here are some quick tips for sharing what movie you’re watching on Facebook:

– Post a status update about the film
– Check in at the theater location
– Leave a review with stars and feedback
– Use the “Watching” tag to pin it to your profile
– Add context on your thoughts about the movie
– Post videos and photos from the theater
– Tag friends who would be interested
– Host a Watch Party to live stream it
– Go live to show the movie in real time
– Post your full review the morning after
– Use spoiler warnings out of courtesy
– Have fun interacting with friends about the movie!

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I avoid posting spoilers on Facebook?

Yes, it’s courteous to avoid posting spoilers to movies that just released. Use Facebook’s built-in Spoiler Protection feature or give a warning before discussing major plot points.

Can I live stream a full movie on Facebook?

No, live streaming full-length movies would violate copyright. However, you can live stream your brief reactions of being in the theater.

What are the pros and cons of checking in vs. posting a status?

Checking in shares your specific location while a status update can have a longer message. Check-ins appear more prominently on your timeline in the short term.

Is Watch Party better or Facebook Live?

They both have benefits. Watch Party is designed for focused conversation around a video. Facebook Live shows your authentic in-the-moment reactions.

What if I don’t want to bother friends with constant movie posts?

You can create Facebook Lists to share movie posts only with friends who are interested. Or keep it to one thoughtful post instead of constant little updates.

Key Takeaways

– Check in at the theater to share your location and movie sticker.
– Write reviews to recommend good films and warn about bad ones.
– Use Facebook’s built-in “Watching” tag to highlight what you’re viewing.
– Tag interested friends in relevant posts to pull them into the conversation.
– Give clear spoiler warnings when discussion major plot points.
– Have fun going Live or hosting Watch Parties to interact with friends.
– Post thoughts the next day after having time to digest the movie.
– Pick the movie sharing options that feel most fun and natural to you!


Facebook offers endless options for sharing the movies you love with friends. You can post simple updates, tag the theater location, write reviews, go Live, host Watch Parties, and much more. Use the methods that feel best to you.

The key is engaging friends who also enjoy movies by tagging them, asking questions, and reacting to their comments. Avoid ruining the movie for others by using spoiler warnings. Most importantly, have fun connecting over shared movie experiences!