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How do you share a friendship anniversary on Facebook?

How do you share a friendship anniversary on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to celebrate your friendship anniversaries by creating anniversary posts that highlight your bond with your closest friends. Sharing a friendship anniversary post on Facebook is a great way to commemorate the special connection you share and look back on all of the memories you’ve created together over the years.

Should you post about your friendship anniversary on Facebook?

Posting about friendship anniversaries on Facebook can be a meaningful gesture, but it also has the potential to come across as bragging or attention-seeking if not done thoughtfully. Here are some things to consider when deciding whether or not to create a friendship anniversary post:

  • Make sure your friend will appreciate the gesture. Some people prefer to keep their friendships more private.
  • Consider if the timing is appropriate. Big life events for your friend like a death in the family, break-up or job loss may not be the best time for a friendship post.
  • Avoid too much hyperbole. Phrases like “best friend in the whole world” can sound insincere.
  • Post for close friends only. Casual acquaintances likely won’t care about the anniversary of when you met.

Overall, a heartfelt friendship anniversary post for your very closest, longest-term friends is usually a nice way to honor your bond. Just be sure to do it in a way that is genuine, thoughtful and appropriate for that particular relationship.

How to find your Facebook friendship anniversary date

Locating the specific date that you became Facebook friends with someone takes a bit of detective work. Here are a few methods you can use:

  • Check your earliest Facebook messages with that friend for a timestamp. This will give you the date you first connected.
  • Scroll back year-by-year through your main Facebook feed looking for the first post you were both tagged in together. This indicates when you became friends.
  • Use the Facebook Memories feature. Memories will surface old posts on each anniversary of when they were originally shared.
  • Lookup the date you became friends on the Facebook Friendversary app.

Once you narrow down the month and year, you can likely identify the exact anniversary date by looking at photos and posts around that time period.

Crafting your friendship anniversary post

When creating your friendship anniversary post, you’ll want it to come across as heartfelt, meaningful and personalized to your unique friendship. Here are some tips:

  • Include a photo together, either current or throwback. This gives the post a personal touch.
  • Share a specific memory about what first brought you together or how you met.
  • Mention one of their key qualities that you appreciate, like kindness or loyalty.
  • Tell a funny or touching story that captures the spirit of your friendship.
  • Reminisce about meaningful moments like travels, milestones or hard times you supported each other through.
  • Show gratitude for having them in your life and how they’ve enriched it.

The post doesn’t need to be overly long, just heartfelt. The goal is to highlight how much the friendship means without going overboard.

Sample friendship anniversary post text

To give you an idea of what your post could look like, here are some examples of friendship anniversary post text:

“Can’t believe it’s been 10 whole years since we met in freshman bio lab! Thanks for being my partner in crime through college and beyond. Here’s to many more years of laughter ahead!”

“Celebrating 3 years of friendship today! Thanks for always lending an ear when I need advice and making the hard days brighter. So grateful we found each other!”

“15 years ago I sat next to you in history class and my life has been better ever since! No one else can make me laugh as hard as you do. Love you!”

“Happy 5 year friend-iversary! I’ll never forget meeting you at orientation and instantly bonding over our love of dogs. You’ve become my adventure buddy, therapist and voice of reason. Can’t imagine life without you!”

Tailor the text to reflect your unique friendship story and bond. Share it from the heart.

Additional elements to personalize your post

Beyond just text, you can add creative elements to your friendship anniversary post to make it pop. Ideas include:

  • Photo slideshows or video clips highlighting your best memories together
  • Inside joke references only the two of you understand
  • Friendship quotes or lyrics from a song you both like
  • A list of things you appreciate about the friend or fun facts about them
  • Fun emojis or Bitmojis featuring the two of you

Personalize the post by weaving in details and memories only the two of you share. This elevates a standard anniversary post to something much more meaningful.

When to post your friendship anniversary on Facebook

While you can post a friendship anniversary acknowledgment on the exact day if you want, any time in the general vicinity of the date also works. Some guidelines:

  • Posting up to one week before or after the anniversary date is appropriate.
  • If the actual date falls during a busy time, posting the weekend before or after is fine.
  • Mention the anniversary date somewhere in the text so the occasion is clear.
  • If you’ll be together in person on the anniversary, save the post until after so you can reference the meet up.

The most important thing is commemorating the milestone on a date the friend will see it, even if it’s not the precise anniversary.

Tagging your friend in the anniversary post

Be sure to tag your friend’s name in the anniversary post so they receive a notification about it. This ensures they won’t miss seeing your heartfelt message on their special day.

When tagging, you can either:

  • Tag their name in the text of your post content
  • Start typing their name in the “tag people” box that will appear

If you’d prefer the post to be more private, you can also tag them in a photo you upload rather than the text caption itself.

Just be sure the tag is included so they know your anniversary acknowledgment is intended for them!

Adding a location tag

If there is a special place connected to your friendship, consider adding a location tag to your anniversary post. This could be:

  • Where you first met
  • A restaurant or activity you frequently visit together
  • A travel destination you visited that holds meaning
  • Their current city of residence

The location tag adds helpful context and makes the post more unique. Type the name of the place when creating your post to add the tag.

Using Facebook stickers and frames

For a fun extra touch, incorporate customized Facebook stickers or frames into your friendship anniversary post. Options include:

  • Anniversary stickers marking milestones like one year or five years of friendship
  • The “Friends” frame design to showcase your bond
  • Matching Bitmoji or Mascot stickers depicting the two of you
  • BFF or “best friends” frames to celebrate the lasting connection

Stickers and frames are a playful way to dress up your post for the occasion. They appear as overlays on your photos.

Sharing anniversary posts from previous years

If you’ve posted about your friendship anniversary on Facebook in previous years, share that old post again to commemorate the occasion.

Here’s how to easily resurface an old friendship anniversary post:

  1. Go to your Facebook Memories page
  2. Find the anniversary post in the “On This Day” feed
  3. Click the three dots in the top right corner
  4. Select “Share This Memory”

Re-sharing the post allows you to remind your friend how long you’ve been bonded in a meaningful way.

Turning off notifications before posting

To prevent your friend from getting flooded with notifications, consider temporarily turning off notifications from your account first. Here’s how:

  1. Click the three line menu in the top right
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Click “Settings”
  4. Choose “Notifications”
  5. Toggle “Notifications” off

Once you’ve posted, you can turn notifications back on. This ensures your friend just gets one single alert about the heartfelt anniversary post.

Commenting on your friend’s anniversary acknowledgement

Chances are your friend will create their own anniversary post too. When they do, be sure to leave a thoughtful comment conveying how much their friendship means to you.

Example comment ideas:

  • “Thanks for being my best friend all these years! Can’t wait to celebrate in person soon.”
  • “This made my day! Our friendship is one of the most important things in my life.”
  • “Love you and this post so much! Lucky to have a lifelong friend like you.”
  • “Awww, this was so sweet! Feeling blessed to call you my friend.”

Reciprocating with a meaningful comment shows appreciation for their friendship and care put into the post.

Sharing anniversary posts in Facebook groups

Consider sharing your friendship anniversary post in relevant Facebook groups you are both part of to spread the friendship love. Great groups include:

  • College alumni groups from your shared school
  • Hometown community groups if you’re both from the same area
  • Fan groups for a sports team, movie or hobby you bond over
  • Pages for your sorority or fraternity
  • Wedding planning groups if you met as bridesmaids/groomsmen

Keep in mind your friend’s privacy preferences before sharing more broadly. But posting in common groups can help more people celebrate your enduring bond.

Using Facebook’s Friendversary feature

To help friends celebrate anniversaries easily, Facebook offers a built-in “Friendversary” feature. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to your Friends list on the Facebook menu
  2. Click “Find Friendversaries” at the top
  3. A list will populate showing upcoming anniversaries
  4. Click “Create Post” to make an automatic anniversary acknowledgement

Friendversary streamlines the anniversary post process. But adding your own personal message makes it extra meaningful.

Coordinating with your friend in advance

For close friends you share multiple types of anniversaries with, coordinate who will take the lead posting about each one. Examples to split up:

Anniversary Type You Post Friend Posts
Wedding anniversary X
Engagement anniversary X
Friendship anniversary X
Work anniversary X

Discussing it beforehand prevents duplicating posts and ensures nothing gets missed.

Covering multiple friendship milestones in one post

If you crossed over into a new friendship milestone recently, highlight multiple anniversaries in your post. For example:

“Can’t believe it’s been 15 years of friendship and 5 years since you were my maid of honor! So much to celebrate and so grateful for all the laughter, adventures and memories.”

Marking both your 15 year friendaversary and 5 year wedding anniversary in one post is an efficient way to recognize these special occasions.

Thanking friends for anniversary acknowledgements

If multiple friends post in honor of friendship anniversaries with you, be sure to thank each one. Reply to their posts with a comment like:

  • “This was so thoughtful of you, thanks for celebrating our friendship!”
  • “Awww thank you, love you too! Can’t wait to see you soon.”
  • “So sweet of you to post this – definitely feeling the love today!”

Showing gratitude lets them know you appreciated them taking the time to create a heartfelt anniversary post highlighting your bond.


Facebook friendship anniversary posts are a meaningful way to celebrate important milestones with your closest friends. By crafting a heartfelt message, adding personalized details about your bond and history, and incorporating creative elements like photos or stickers, you can make your friendship post special and unique. Anniversaries are the perfect time to highlight how much a cherished friend has enriched your life – so craft your anniversary acknowledgement thoughtfully, and get ready to bask in the love!