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How do you see someone else’s recently added friends on Facebook?

How do you see someone else’s recently added friends on Facebook?

Facebook’s privacy settings allow users to control who can see certain aspects of their profile, including their friends list. While you may be able to see mutual friends between you and another user, you won’t be able to see all of their friends or recently added friends unless they choose to make that information public.

Can you see who someone recently added as a friend on Facebook?

No, you cannot see who someone specifically recently added as a friend on Facebook unless they choose to make their full friends list public. Facebook’s default privacy settings only allow friends to see a user’s friends list. Even for friends, the list shows only mutual friends in common, not all of a user’s friends.

Here are the ways you may be able to see some of someone’s Facebook friends:

  • If you are friends with the person, you can see any mutual friends you share in common.
  • If the person’s profile is public, you may be able to see their full friend list.
  • You can see friends who have liked or commented on the person’s public posts.
  • You may see tagged friends on the person’s public photos and posts.

Factors that determine if you can see someone’s friends:

Here are some of the factors that determine what friends you can see for another Facebook user:

  • Your relationship to the person – Friends may be able to see more than non-friends.
  • Their friend list privacy settings – This controls who can view their full friend list.
  • Individual friends’ privacy settings – Their friends may limit who can see their profile and activity.
  • Mutual friend connections – You’ll have greater visibility of friends you share in common.

Ways to see someone’s recently added friends

If you want to see who someone recently added as a Facebook friend, here are some approaches you could try:

  • Ask the person directly to share their recently added friends.
  • See if you have any new mutual friends in common, which may indicate new friends.
  • Look for new comments and likes from people you don’t recognize.
  • See if they’ve been tagged in photos with unfamiliar people.

However, none of these methods are guaranteed to show recently added friends. The only way to reliably see someone’s recently added Facebook friends is if they intentionally make that information public to you.

Checking your own Facebook friends list

If you want to audit your own Facebook profile, you have a few options to review your friends list and recent additions:

  • Go to your profile and select “Friends” to see your full list.
  • Go to your Activity Log and look at “Became Friends With” for recent additions.
  • Use the “On This Day” feature to jog your memory on connections.
  • Consider trimming your friends list occasionally to remove old connections.

Better understanding Facebook’s friend privacy settings

Here is a table summarizing the different friend visibility settings on Facebook and what they mean:

Setting Who Can See Your Friends List
Public Anyone including non-friends
Friends Your friends only
Only Me Just you, completely private
Custom Specific friends or lists you select

As you can see, unless someone chooses the “Public” setting, you will not be able to see their full friends list or recently added friends. The “Friends” setting is the default for privacy.

Other Facebook profile privacy settings

In addition to friends list privacy settings, here are some other profile settings that affect visibility:

  • Profile photo and cover photo – Controls who can see your main profile and cover images.
  • Status updates and posts – Sets the audience for anything you post.
  • Featured photos and highlighted stories – Manages visibility for these special story spots.
  • About info – Controls who can view your bio, work, education, places lived, etc.

Reviewing these settings periodically can help you understand what is visible to others on your profile. You can access the main privacy settings from the drop-down menu under your profile icon.

Managing your friend list and requests

Here are some tips for managing your own Facebook friends list and friend requests:

  • Review your list occasionally and remove contacts you no longer interact with.
  • Ignore or decline friend requests from people you don’t know well.
  • Consider limiting who can send you friend requests.
  • Use friend lists to organize different groups of friends.
  • Take advantage of the “Restricted” list for limiting visibility.


While you may have limited visibility into someone else’s Facebook friends list and recent additions, you can still get a sense of their contacts by looking at mutual friends, comments, tags, and other interactions. However, respecting others’ privacy boundaries on Facebook is important. Focus on managing your own friends list and privacy settings rather than trying to work around someone else’s preferences.