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How do you see all photos you’re tagged in?

How do you see all photos you’re tagged in?

Being tagged in photos on social media can be a great way to look back on memories with friends and family. However, it can be tedious to try and find all the photos you’re tagged in when they’re scattered across various platforms. Thankfully, most social networks have tools to easily compile and view all your tagged photos in one place.


Facebook makes it simple to see all your tagged photos. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile page and click “Photos” in the left sidebar.
  2. In the top right, click “Photos of You.”
  3. This will open your tagged photos page, displaying all photos you’re tagged in by friends in chronological order.

From here, you can scroll through all your tagged photos on Facebook. You can also filter by date or album to narrow your search. Photos you’re tagged in will have your name under them – just click on any photo to open it. If you want to change tag preferences or untag yourself from a photo, hover over it and use the options that appear.

How to quickly see recent tagged photos on Facebook

If you just want to see tagged photos from the last few days or weeks, there’s an even faster way. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Notifications icon (bell) in the nav bar and click it.
  2. In the drop-down menu, you’ll see an option named “Photos and tags” with a number – this shows how many recent tagged photos are waiting for you.
  3. Click “Photos and tags” to open your recently tagged photos.

This number updates frequently, so it’s the fastest way to stay on top of new tags and react to photos you’re tagged in.


Instagram also makes it easy to see all the photos you’re tagged in. Just do this:

  1. Go to your profile by tapping your profile picture.
  2. Tap the three lines in the top right corner to open the menu.
  3. Scroll down and select “Photos of You.”

You’ll now see a grid of all the photos on Instagram that you’re tagged in. You can scroll down to view them all. Tap any photo to open it fully on Instagram.

How to see photo tags faster on Instagram

Instagram also has a feature that shows your most recent tags at the top of your feed. To use it:

  1. Go to your profile by tapping your profile picture.
  2. At the top of your profile, tap “Recent.”

This will open a view of posts you’re tagged in, starting with the most recent. It provides quick access to any new tags you may have received.


Twitter doesn’t have a specific photo tagging feature. But people can still tag you in tweets with photos. Here’s how to see tweets with photos you’re tagged in:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Click “Tweets & replies” at the top.
  3. This will show all tweets that directly mention you. Look for tweets with attached photos that you’re tagged in.

There’s no shortcut to view just your tagged photos on Twitter. You’ll have to comb through all mentions and look for photo attachments. Make sure to scroll back through your mentions to find all tagged photos.


Snapchat has a Memories section where you can view your saved and tagged snaps. Here’s how to access it:

  1. From the Snapchat camera, tap your profile icon in the top left.
  2. This will open your profile. Tap the three lines to open the menu.
  3. Select “Memories.”

In Memories, your tagged snaps will be under “Snaps From Friends.” Tap that section to view snaps you’re tagged in. Note that these will disappear after 30 days unless you save them to your Memories.

Using Snapchat notifications to see new tags faster

When friends tag you in Snapchat snaps, you’ll get a notification. Tapping this notification will take you directly to the snap where you’re tagged, allowing you to open it quickly.


LinkedIn doesn’t have a photo tagging feature. However, your connections can tag you in posts, which may contain photos. Here’s how to see these:

  1. Click “Notifications” at the top of your LinkedIn feed.
  2. This will show you all notifications, including when connections tag you in a post.
  3. Scroll through notifications and look for tags in posts containing photos.

There’s no central place to view just your photo tags on LinkedIn. You’ll need to go through notifications and find ones with photos that tag you.


YouTube allows you to tag other channels in your video descriptions. Here’s how to see videos you’re tagged in:

  1. Go to your channel’s homepage.
  2. Click “About.”
  3. Select “Tags.”

This will display a list of videos that have tagged your channel. Click on any video to open it and see the tag.

Since YouTube tags don’t notify you, be sure to check this section frequently to stay on top of new tag mentions.

Using YouTube comments to get tagged

YouTube creators can also tag your channel by mentioning you in the comments. To find these:

  1. Go to your channel’s homepage.
  2. Click “Comments” to view all comments on your videos.
  3. Scan the comments for mentions tagging your channel.

Replying to comment tags is a good way to engage with creators tagging your channel.

How to Manage Tagged Photos

Once you locate photos you’re tagged in, here are some ways to manage them:

  • Untag yourself – Most networks allow you to untag yourself from a photo. Just click options on the photo and select to remove the tag.
  • Hide the photo – You can hide photos from your profile so others don’t see them. Adjust tag settings for more control.
  • Report inappropriate photos – If a photo with your tag violates guidelines, you can report it to have it removed.
  • Add tags to photos – Tag yourself and friends back in photos to share them on your own profiles.

Monitoring tags allows you to untag unflattering photos, remove inappropriate content, and re-share photos you like.


Tagging on social networks allows friends to include you in shared memories. While it can take some effort to find all your tagged photos, most platforms have tools to compile and view them easily. Staying on top of notifications and managing tags you’re uncomfortable with helps maintain your online image.

With the popularity of social photo sharing, tags will only increase over time. But you can stay in control of photos linked to your accounts by periodically checking your tagged photos and leveraging networks’ tag management features.