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How do you save instagram reels to your gallery?

The quickest and easiest way to save Instagram Reels to your phone’s gallery is to use the “Save” option within the Instagram app. Simply open the Reel you want to save, tap the three dots menu in the bottom right corner, and select “Save”. This will save the Reel video file directly to your camera roll/gallery so you can access it even when offline.

Why You Might Want to Download Your Favorites

There are a few key reasons why you may want to save Instagram Reels you really like to your device storage and gallery:

  • To have offline access – Once saved, you can view the Reels without an internet connection.
  • To share outside Instagram – Saving Reels makes it easy to forward to friends or post on other platforms.
  • To prevent losing access – If the original is deleted, you’ll still have your saved copy.
  • To edit or reuse – You can edit saved Reels or extract parts to use in your own content.

Step-by-Step Guide to Saving Reels on Instagram

Follow these simple steps to download any Reel video to your camera roll gallery:

  1. Open the Instagram app and navigate to the Reel you want to save. You can find Reels in the Reels tab, on profiles, in Explore, or within your main feed.
  2. Tap on the three dots menu in the bottom right corner of the Reel.
  3. Select the “Save” option. On iOS this will say “Save Video”, on Android it is labeled “Save”.
  4. The Reel will now be saved to your camera roll or native photo gallery app.
  5. To access your saved Reels, open your device’s gallery or photos app and look for an “Instagram” album.

And that’s all there is to it! The process takes just a few seconds and can be repeated to build up a collection of your favorite Reels to replay anytime.

Saving Reels You’ve Created

You can also save Reels that you have recorded and posted yourself on Instagram using the same method:

  1. Go to your profile and tap on the Reel you want to save.
  2. Tap the three dot menu.
  3. Select “Save” or “Save Video”.
  4. The original high-quality version will save to your camera roll.

This is a quick way to have a reusable copy of Reels you put effort into creating.

Other Ways to Download Instagram Reels

While the built-in “Save” option is the easiest method, there are some other ways you can download Reels from Instagram:

  • Screen recording – You can use your device’s screen recording feature to manually record any Reel. This captures it in real time.
  • Third party apps – Apps like Repost for Instagram can download Reels along with photos and videos.
  • Browser extensions – Chrome extensions like Video Downloader for Instagram can detect and save Reels.

However, the official “Save” feature has the benefit of capturing the Reel in its original quality without any loss. Screen recordings and third party tools may impact video quality or metadata.

Things to Keep in Mind When Saving Instagram Reels

Here are some tips and important points to be aware of when downloading Reels to your device gallery:

  • Saved Reels retain their original quality and dimensions.
  • Ensure you have enough storage space for larger video files.
  • The video file format will depend on your device OS.
  • Don’t reupload other people’s Reels without permission.
  • Downloaded Reels lose engagement data and metrics.
  • Deletion is permanent – If the original Reel owner deletes their reel or their account, your saved copy will be the only version left.

Creative Uses for Downloaded Reels

Once you’ve built up a collection of great Reels, here are some fun and productive ways you can put them to use:

  • Edit clips into your own videos
  • Share favorites privately with friends and family
  • Regram top Reels to other social platforms
  • Use green screen Reels as backdrops for your own content
  • Cheer yourself up by looking back on funny saved Reels
  • Analyze techniques of creators you admire
  • Compile and curate playlists around themes

Getting into the habit of saving the Instagram Reels that resonate most with you lets you reference and learn from quality examples of short form video. Building up your own personalized Reel library gives you creative assets at your fingertips.

Troubleshooting Problems Downloading Reels

While downloading Reels from Instagram is typically quick and hassle-free, here are some troubleshooting tips for common issues:

  • If the “Save” button is missing, update the Instagram app to latest version.
  • On iOS, check you have enough iCloud storage for large videos.
  • If it won’t save, restart your phone and try again.
  • Clear cache and data for Instagram app if issues persist.
  • Make sure you have granted Instagram access to storage permissions.
  • Saved Reels go to your camera roll – check there if not seeing a new album.

Problems are rare, but sometimes rebooting your device or reinstalling the Instagram app is needed to reset things. Check the image and video storage limits of your phone as very large Reels may fail to save.

Why Instagram Made It Easy to Save Reels

Instagram actively wants people to save and share Reels beyond its own app. Reels are a key part of their TikTok competitor strategy.

Making it simple to save Reels removes friction and converts viewers into creators. By giving users an owned copy, they’re more likely to edit, build upon, and recirculate Reels. This increases overall engagement.

It also gets users hooked on creating short-form video content specifically optimized for Instagram. The more good Reels are produced, the more time people spend entertaining each other within the app.

Should You Save Reels Before They Disappear?

Instagram Reels have a limited shelf life. They only appear in the main feeds of followers for 24 hours. And most visits will happen in the first few hours after posting.

If you come across an excellent Reel but don’t save it right away, it can be difficult to find again later when you want to refer back to it. The creator may even delete it.

Developing the habit of saving any inspiring and helpful Reels you love can be worthwhile. You never know when you might want examples to learn from or entertaining content to re-enjoy and share.

But be mindful of creators rights and storage limits. Just because you can save Reels doesn’t mean you always should.

Be selective in only downloading Reels you genuinely feel are special. And avoid reuploading other people’s content without express permission.

Should Instagram Make Reels Easier to Find Later?

A downside of ephemeral Reels is that once they leave your main feed, they can be difficult to find again. Unlike static posts, there is no archive of all the Reels you’ve scrolled through.

Instagram does allow you to switch your profile to display Reels instead of posts. But this replaces content, rather than supplementing. And your own Reels will drown out others you want to rediscover.

An option like TikTok’s “Liked” feed could be hugely beneficial. This special feed only shows the short videos you actively liked. Allowing you to easily find gems after the fact.

More curation options like playlists and categories could also help users organize and uncover old Reels that resonate.

Nonetheless, the imperative remains on the viewer to manually save any standout Reels before their ephemeral nature takes over.

Take Your Favorite Reels Beyond Instagram

While Reels are designed to be consumed within Instagram, saving them gives you the flexibility to enjoy them elsewhere.

You can download a collection of Reels to:

  • Post on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, or Snapchat for broader reach.
  • Share with friends and family via messaging apps.
  • Watch offline while traveling or without internet access.
  • Showcase the best Reels from a trip or event after the fact.
  • Use a portfolio of Reels as demo reel for video editing skills.

Archiving special Reels to your camera roll lets you appreciate them as digital keepsakes beyond the app where they were created.

How Reels Differ From TikToks

Instagram Reels have much in common with short videos on TikTok, but there are some key differences:

  • Reels are limited to 30 seconds. TikToks can be up to 3 minutes.
  • Reels have fewer editing tools and filters than TikTok.
  • Instagram doesn’t have duets or reaction videos.
  • TikTok’s algorithm quickly surfaces trending sounds. Instagram relies more on hashtags.

However, Reels benefit Instagram creators by reaching existing followers easily. And they allow downloading to extend reach beyond the app.

Do Saved Reels Retain Metadata?

When you save an Instagram Reel, the video file loses some of the original metadata from the app. But some key details are preserved:

  • Account name of author is retained.
  • Original audio track or sound stays intact.
  • Caption text is saved so context isn’t lost.
  • Dimensions and video encoding remain the same.

However, metrics like likes, comments and view counts don’t carry over. And hashtags and links in the caption won’t work outside the Reel.

Some metadata is exchangeable for the benefits of full offline access and creative reuse potential. But key creative context remains.

Should You Credit Reels You Reshare?

When resharing someone else’s Instagram Reel on another platform, it’s good practice to:

  • Credit the original creator by @ mentioning their Instagram handle.
  • Link to their Instagram profile in your post caption.
  • Use captions or overlays giving them acknowledgement.
  • Only reshare Reels from public profiles, not private ones.

Giving credit helps drive engaged followers back to the original author. As long as you’re transparent about the source, resharing can help creators reach new audiences.

But always respect the intentions of the original poster. If a Reel seems meant just for their existing followers, consider asking permission before reposting more broadly.

Key Takeaways

  • Saving Instagram Reels protects your favorites from disappearing when they expire.
  • The built-in “Save” option downloads Reels instantly in original quality.
  • Screen recordings and third party apps offer alternatives.
  • Downloaded Reels open up more creative possibilities to learn and share.
  • But avoid reposting others’ content without credit and permission.

Knowing how to save Instagram Reels can benefit both creators and viewers. You can build up a library of inspiring content or redistribute your best work beyond the app. Just be mindful of copyright, storage limits, and creator wishes when downloading Reels you admire.