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How do you request to memorialize a Facebook account?

How do you request to memorialize a Facebook account?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialized at the request of a verified immediate family member. This prevents anyone from logging into the account while still allowing friends and family to see the profile and remember their loved one.

What is a memorialized Facebook account?

A memorialized Facebook account is one that has been frozen in time after the user has passed away. The memorialized profile will display a “Remembering” banner and the word “Remembering” will show next to the person’s name. No one will be able to log into the memorialized account.

Some key features of a memorialized Facebook account:

  • The profile remains visible to friends and family
  • The profile picture and cover photo remain visible
  • Friends can still post on the memorialized Timeline
  • Content the deceased person shared remains visible
  • No one can log into the memorialized account

Memorializing an account prevents anyone from logging into it, while still letting loved ones see the profile and remember their friend or family member. It memorializes the account in a state of remembrance.

Who can request a Facebook account be memorialized?

Only verified immediate family members or executors can request for a Facebook account to be memorialized. This includes:

  • Spouse
  • Parents
  • Children
  • Siblings
  • Other verified immediate family members
  • Executor of estate

You’ll need to provide documentation proving your relationship to the deceased before Facebook will memorialize the account. This ensures memorialization requests are legitimate.

How to request memorialization of a Facebook account

To request memorialization of a Facebook account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form at
  2. Enter the email address or phone number associated with your own Facebook account
  3. Enter the email address or phone number associated with the deceased person’s account
  4. Select your relationship to the deceased from the dropdown menu
  5. Attach a copy of your ID and the deceased’s death certificate
  6. Click “Submit”

Once submitted, the memorialization request will be reviewed by Facebook. They may reach out if they need any additional verification. If approved, the account will be memorialized within 24 hours.

What documentation do you need to provide?

To verify your relationship to the deceased, you’ll need to provide:

  • A copy of your government ID such as a driver’s license or passport
  • An official death certificate for the deceased individual

These documents prove you are an authorized immediate family member or executor. Make sure copies are clear and legible before submitting.

I’m not a family member. Can I still request memorialization?

If you are not an immediate family member or executor, you cannot request for a Facebook account to be memorialized. However, you can:

  • Report a deceased person’s profile to Facebook
  • Ask an immediate family member to request memorialization

Facebook needs proof of authorization to prevent unauthorized memorialization requests. If you are not an immediate family member, focus on reporting the profile to get the memorialization process started.

What happens when a Facebook account is memorialized?

Here’s what happens when a Facebook account is memorialized:

  • A “Remembering” banner shows up atop the profile
  • “Remembering” displays next to the person’s name
  • Login access is disabled
  • Profile and timeline remain visible
  • Friends can still post on the Timeline
  • Group membership is unchanged

The memorialized profile serves as a place for family and friends to gather and remember their loved one. By memorializing the account, Facebook aims to strike a balance between protection and access.

Can a memorialized account be deleted instead?

Yes, immediate family members or an executor can also request for the Facebook account to be permanently deleted instead of memorialized. However, once deleted the content will no longer be accessible.

Before requesting deletion, consider whether the memorialized profile holds memories you want to preserve. Deleting the account erases all content, while memorialization preserves it.

How is a memorialized profile different from a normal profile?

Memorialized Profile Normal Profile
– “Remembering” banner – No “Remembering” banner
– “Remembering” next to name – Normal name display
– Login disabled – Login enabled
– Content remains visible – Content remains visible

While memorialized profiles remain visible, they are essentially frozen without login access. This distinguishes them from normal active profiles.

What happens if a profile is already memorialized?

If a Facebook profile is already memorialized, here’s what the options are:

  • Keep as is – Nothing will change with the current memorialized status.
  • Request deletion – Immediate family can request the profile be permanently deleted.
  • Cancel memorialization – Verified family can request to cancel memorialization. This re-enables login access.

These options allow family members to change course if the current memorialization status no longer fits their wishes.

Can you cancel memorialization of a Facebook account?

Yes, memorialization of a Facebook account can be canceled and reversed. To do so:

  1. Go to the form at
  2. Select “Cancel Memorialization” as the issue
  3. Follow prompts to verify your relationship
  4. If approved, the “Remembering” banner will be removed

Cancelling memorialization essentially reactivates the account and all its original functions. Access to the account will be restored.


Memorializing a Facebook account allows it to become a place of remembrance and tributes. By submitting a request and required documentation, verified immediate family members or executors can memorialize an account. While memorialized, the profile remains visible but login access is disabled. It is a thoughtful way to honor someone’s memory on Facebook.