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How do you report someone using your email on Facebook?

How do you report someone using your email on Facebook?

Having someone use your email address on Facebook without your permission can be frustrating and concerning. Fortunately, Facebook provides ways to report this activity and reclaim control of your email address. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to report when someone else is using your email on Facebook. We’ll cover:

  • How to recognize the signs someone is using your email
  • Reporting the issue to Facebook
  • Additional steps to secure your email and Facebook account

Knowing what to watch for and how to properly report unauthorized use of your email will help resolve the problem quickly. With some preventative measures, you can also avoid it happening again in the future.

Signs Someone Is Using Your Email on Facebook

There are a few key indications that your email has been used by someone else to create or access a Facebook account:

You receive a welcome email from Facebook

If you get a welcome message from Facebook for an account you didn’t create, someone likely used your email to open that account. Facebook sends out a welcome email when a new account is made with an email address.

Pay attention to the name on the account. If it doesn’t match your name, that’s a clear sign the account does not actually belong to you.

You notice posts or messages you didn’t write

An unauthorized person with access to your email can also gain access to your existing Facebook account.

Keep an eye out for posts, comments, messages, or other Facebook activity that you know you didn’t write. This is a telltale sign your account security has been compromised.

Your friends report getting messages you didn’t send

If people in your Facebook network let you know they’ve received suspicious messages that appear to come from you, it’s possible your account is hacked.

Scammers will sometimes break into accounts and use them to send spam or phishing links to your friends list. If your contacts start asking about messages you never wrote, something’s wrong.

You stop receiving email notifications from Facebook

Since Facebook ties accounts to email addresses, your notifications can suddenly stop if your email gets changed.

If you notice you’ve stopped getting Facebook password reset emails, notifications about new comments, or other usual emails from Facebook, check that your email address is still current on your account profile.

You’re unexpectedly logged out of Facebook

Strange logouts from Facebook, especially if it keeps happening, could indicate an issue. Someone may have changed the password to lock you out by gaining access to your email address.

Trying to log back in but not getting password reset emails? That’s a strong sign something is off. Time to investigate further.

How to Report Unauthorized Use of Your Email on Facebook

Once you’ve identified signs your email is being misused for a Facebook account, you’ll want to report it to Facebook right away. Here are the steps to get the fraudulent account removed:

1. Visit the Facebook Help Center

Go to the Facebook Help Center page. This is where you can report a range of issues related to fake accounts, hacked accounts, and other problems.

2. Select “My Account Was Hacked”

From the different options, click on “My Account Was Hacked” to open the next step in the form.

3. Choose “Report Unauthorized Use”

This opens a menu of additional report types. Click on “Report Unauthorized Use”.

4. Enter Your Email Address

You’ll now need to enter the email address that you want to report being used without authorization. Type in the full email address.

5. Click “This Isn’t Me”

Facebook will populate some information based on that email to confirm it’s being misused. Select “This Isn’t Me” to proceed.

6. Explain the Unauthorized Use

In the next section, Facebook will ask you to summarize what happened in your own words. Give details like when you noticed the unauthorized use of your email or any other context that can help their investigation.

7. Complete Captcha and Submit Report

The final step is to complete the captcha “I am not a robot” challenge and submit your report to Facebook. This will alert their team to investigate and take action on the fraudulent account.

Taking Extra Steps to Secure Your Account

Reporting misuse of your email is a good start. Here are some extra precautions you can take to enhance security and prevent further unauthorized access:

Change your Facebook password

Reset your Facebook password so that whoever was misusing your email no longer has access. Make sure the new password is strong and unique.

Turn on two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra step to logging into Facebook. This way, even if someone knows your password, they still can’t access your account.

Remove any unknown linked accounts

Check your Facebook account settings for any linked accounts or apps you don’t recognize. Removing them takes away entry points for scammers.

Update your email password

Whoever misused your email likely got in because your email itself wasn’t secure. Update your email account password for an added layer of protection.

Beware of phishing

Phishing scams pretending to be Facebook are highly effective at stealing account info. Know how to spot and avoid fraudulent emails and messages.

Run antivirus software

Malware on your computer could capture your passwords. Use antivirus software to detect and remove any dangerous programs or viruses.

Preventing Further Misuse of Your Email

To help prevent this issue from happening again in the future:

Use unique passwords

Having different passwords across all your accounts makes it much harder for scammers to gain access. Password reuse is one of the top ways hackers infiltrate multiple accounts.

Turn on email account alerts

Set up notifications from your email provider that alert you to any logins from unknown devices or locations. This acts as an early warning of any suspicious activity.

Monitor Facebook notifications

Routinely check your Facebook notifications and review activity logs for any actions you don’t recognize. This helps you catch issues right away before they escalate.

Avoid sharing email addresses publicly

Your email address should be treated as private personal information. Be cautious where and with whom you share it to prevent misuse.


Having your personal email address misused on Facebook can certainly be troubling. The good news is that Facebook provides straightforward ways to report unauthorized activity and reclaim control of your account. Make sure to take proactive security measures as well so it doesn’t happen again. With greater awareness and vigilance, you can minimize the chances of anyone accessing your accounts without permission.

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Watch for Facebook emails, posts, and messages that aren’t yours as signs of misuse
  • Use Facebook’s hacking report form to document unauthorized use of your email
  • Change passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and remove unknown linked accounts
  • Prevent future misuse by using strong unique passwords and monitoring account activity

Knowing how to properly report the issue and secure your account will help resolve an email misuse problem on Facebook quickly.