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How do you reply to a comment on FB?

How do you reply to a comment on FB?

Replying to comments on Facebook is a great way to engage with your friends, family, and followers. Whether you want to respond to a question, join a conversation, or just let someone know you appreciated their comment, knowing how to reply properly ensures your responses are directed at the right people. Replying to Facebook comments only takes a few clicks, but there are some best practices to keep in mind to have the most effective interactions. Read on to learn how to craft thoughtful, relevant responses to comments and threads in just a few easy steps on both desktop and mobile.

Benefits of Replying to Comments

Replying to comments on Facebook has several benefits:

Keeps Conversations Going

When you take the time to thoughtfully reply to people who have commented, it keeps the conversation active. This shows the original commenter and others who may come across the post later that you are engaged and interested in what people have to say.

Shows Appreciation

Replying expresses gratitude and appreciation for the person who took time out of their day to leave a comment on your post. It’s a nice way to acknowledge them.

Builds Relationships

Consistently replying to comments strengthens relationships with your friends, family, customers, or audience. It fosters community and connection.

Provides Clarification

If people have questions or confusion about something you posted, replying gives you the opportunity to provide clarification or additional details they may be seeking.

Increases Engagement

When you reply, it often spurs both the original commenter and others to continue the conversation. More replies lead to higher engagement on your posts.

How to Reply to a Comment on Desktop

Replying to a Facebook comment on a desktop or laptop computer is easy to do:

1. Locate the Comment

Go to your Facebook post where the comment appears. Comments are listed below the main text of the post.

2. Hover Over Comment

Hover your mouse over the comment you want to reply to. Doing so makes a “Reply” link appear below the comment text.

3. Click “Reply”

Simply click the “Reply” link. This opens up a text box where you can type your response.

4. Type Your Reply

Write out your reply in the text box. You can make it as long or short as you want.

5. Hit Enter or Click “Reply”

Once you’ve typed your response, you can either hit the Enter key or click the “Reply” button to the right of the text box to post your reply.

And that’s it! The person will now get a notification that you replied directly to their comment. Your reply will be visible to anyone who can view the original post.

How to Reply to a Comment on Mobile

The process is very similar on the Facebook mobile app:

1. Find the Comment

Open the Facebook post in the app and locate the comment you want to reply to.

2. Tap the Comment

Simply tap on the comment itself to open up the reply window.

3. Tap the Text Box

This will open up a text box specifically for your reply to that comment.

4. Type Your Reply

Use the keyboard to type out your response in the text box.

5. Hit Send

When you’re done, tap the blue “Send” button above the keyboard.

The commenter will be notified just the same as on desktop!

Tips for Thoughtful, Effective Replies

Now that you know the simple mechanics of replying to Facebook comments, here are some tips for making sure your replies are thoughtful and effective:

Be Timely

Try to reply fairly quickly after someone has taken the time to engage with your content. This shows you are interested in the conversation.

Be Personalized

Use their name and relate your reply directly to what they said. This makes it more meaningful than a generic response.

Ask Follow Up Questions

If you want to keep the dialogue going, ask a follow up question or share additional information they may find interesting or helpful.

Use a Positive Tone

Even if you disagree, respond politely and respectfully. You can correct misinformation without putting others down.

Avoid Arguments

Don’t use replies to start heated arguments. Take conversations offline if things get overly negative or confrontational.

Check for Notifications

Notifications alert you when someone has responded to your reply, so you can continue conversing.

Reply to Others Also

If multiple people have commented, reply to some of the other commenters as well, not just the first person.

Best Practices for Facebook Comment Replies

Keep these best practices in mind as you craft your responses:

Stay On Topic

Keep your reply relevant to the original post and comment so as not to confuse anyone. Don’t hijack the thread.

Add Value

Contribute something useful – information, insights, humor, appreciation, etc. Don’t just reply with generic comments like “Thanks!”

Keep It Short

You don’t need to write a novel. A few sentences is often sufficient to reply effectively.

Check Your Tone

Since tone can be difficult to convey online, read over your reply before posting. Make sure it comes across in the spirit you intended.

Avoid Spamming

Posting overly salesly replies promoting your product looks like spam and may turn people off.

Respect Privacy

Don’t share or ask for private, identifying information like phone numbers, emails, addresses, etc.

Follow Community Standards

Make sure your replies remain civil and adhere to Facebook’s community standards policies.

Sample Reply Templates

Stuck on how to respond? You can use these templates as a starting point:


Thanks for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful comment, [Name]! I really appreciate you sharing your perspective.


I couldn’t agree with you more, [Name]. You make some excellent points that I hadn’t fully considered.

Providing More Info

Thanks for your question, [Name]! To clarify further about [topic mentioned], [provide more details and context here]. Let me know if you need any other info!

Encouraging Further Discussion

You bring up such an important issue, [Name]. I’d love to get your thoughts on [related topic]. What are your feelings on that?

Polite Disagreement

I appreciate you sharing your views, [Name]. While I may not fully agree with your take, it’s helpful to see different perspectives on this topic.

Troubleshooting Facebook Reply Issues

If you’re having trouble replying to Facebook comments, here are some things to try:

Issue Solution
Can’t find “Reply” link Make sure you are hovering over the comment on desktop or tapping the comment itself on mobile
Reply button missing The page/post may have replying disabled. Check the post settings.
Reply isn’t posting There may be a temporary technical issue. Try again later.
Reply is posting as its own comment You didn’t tap the specific comment on mobile. Tap the comment itself to thread your reply.
Wrong comment replying Carefully make sure to select the comment you intend to reply to.
Can’t see replies Tap “View more comments” or click “View more replies” to see all responses.


Engaging with your audience and community by replying to Facebook comments helps foster positive interactions. It shows people their perspectives are valued when you take the time to thoughtfully and intentionally respond. With the simple click or tap of the reply feature, you can keep conversations active, provide helpful information, give appreciation, and strengthen connections. Use these best practices for replying effectively whenever you want to converse with people who comment on your Facebook posts.