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How do you qualify for monetization on Facebook?

How do you qualify for monetization on Facebook?

Facebook provides various monetization opportunities for content creators and publishers to earn money from their content on the platform. The main options include in-stream ads, branded content, Facebook pay-per-view video, Facebook stars, and Facebook subscriptions. To qualify for these monetization options on Facebook, there are some requirements that need to be met.

Facebook Monetization Eligibility Requirements

Here are the key requirements to qualify for Facebook monetization:

  • You must have an official and authentic Facebook page for your brand, business, creator account etc. Personal profiles are not eligible.
  • The Facebook page should be active and have been posting content regularly. In most cases, the page needs to be at least 30 days old.
  • The page should have a sufficient number of followers/fans and engagement. For instance, for in-stream ads, your page needs at least 10,000 followers.
  • The content posted regularly on the page should comply with Facebook’s content policies and community standards.
  • The Facebook page cannot promote or contain content related to illegal, regulated or dangerous products or activities.
  • You need to get the page and account verified by Facebook through the verification process.
  • For video and in-stream ads monetization specifically, you need 10,000 valid video views in the last 60 days.
  • The page content should align with Facebook’s monetization content policies and meet requirements like 2 minutes minimum length for monetized videos.

While these are the standard requirements, the eligibility criteria may vary for some monetization options or based on region and content category. You can check the specific eligibility rules on the Facebook monetization enrollment pages.

Steps for Enabling Facebook Monetization

Once your page meets the basic criteria, you can follow these steps to get set up for monetization:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings > Monetization
  2. Click “Get Started”
  3. Select the monetization options you want to enable e.g. in-stream ads, branded content etc.
  4. Agree to Facebook’s monetization policies, tax information requirements and terms
  5. Provide any additional info like tax details as required
  6. Submit your page/account for review by Facebook
  7. Facebook will review if you meet the eligibility criteria
  8. Once approved, you can start using the enabled monetization options

Note that enabling monetization options alone is not enough. You still need to actively use those monetization features in your content strategy. For instance, you need to insert video ads in your videos or post branded content partnerships to start earning. The approval simply makes those features available for you to leverage.

Types of Facebook Monetization Programs

Here is an overview of some of the popular monetization options you can enable on Facebook:

In-stream Video Ads

This allows you to insert short video ads that play in between videos on your Facebook page. You earn a portion of the revenue these ads generate.

Branded Content

You can partner with brands to create sponsored posts and content on your page. This content is labeled as a paid partnership. You can negotiate fixed sponsorship fees for branded content.

Facebook Pay-Per-View

Fans can purchase access to your exclusive videos in this model. You set a fee per video view that goes directly to you.

Facebook Stars

This allows your fans to pay and send you virtual stars or gifts during your Facebook Live videos as a form of appreciation and support.


Fans can pay a recurring subscription fee to get exclusive member-only content from you.

There are also options like Ad Breaks for gamers and the Facebook Gaming Creator program for monetizing gaming content.

Key Tips for Successful Facebook Monetization

Here are some tips to leverage Facebook monetization effectively:

  • Optimize your content for monetization from the start rather than retrofitting monetization strategies
  • Analyze your audience insights and content analytics to identify optimal monetization opportunities
  • Give value to your audience rather than overly aggressive ads or sponsorships that disrupt the user experience
  • Test different monetization formats and placements to see what works best
  • Track your monetization metrics to improve performance and earnings over time
  • Ensure your content remains compliant as per Facebook policies before and after monetization
  • Diversify across multiple monetization models rather than relying solely on one

Common Concerns Around Facebook Monetization

Some common questions people have around monetizing on Facebook:

How much money can you make?

Earnings vary significantly based on your audience size, content type and monetization strategies. Top creators with large followings and high engagement can make thousands per month. Smaller creators may start with earnings in the hundreds initially.

Does Facebook have any size or genre restrictions?

Facebook allows creators and publishers from all niches to monetize. But very controversial or explicit content may have limited monetization options.

Do you need a business account?

No, you can monetize personal creator accounts and pages. But business accounts allow additional features like separate ad accounts.

Can you use copyrighted content?

No, monetized content will need to adhere to Facebook’s content guidelines including avoiding unauthorized copyrighted material.

How often are earnings paid out?

Facebook makes monthly payments on or before the 15th for the previous month’s accrued earnings once you cross the $100 threshold.

Getting Started with Facebook Monetization

Here are some steps to get started with Facebook monetization:

  1. Understand Facebook’s monetization options fully and pick suitable models for your content
  2. Review and optimize your content to meet eligibility criteria
  3. Build your audience and engage them consistently through high-quality content
  4. Once you cross the follower count and engagement thresholds, set up the monetization features
  5. Start creating content optimized for monetization like long-form videos, branded posts etc.
  6. Analyze performance and experiment with content formats, placements etc.
  7. Refine your approach over time to maximize your Facebook monetization potential

The key is being patient and focusing on delivering value to your community first before aggressively monetizing. This will pay off with more loyal fans and better returns from monetization in the long run.


Facebook offers a range of options for creators to monetize their content without major upfront investment. The key requirements are having an authentic page with sufficient followers and engagement, complying with content policies, and using monetization features strategically. With a loyal community and smart monetization approach, Facebook can provide sustainable long-term earnings alongside other revenue streams for your content.