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How do you post a video on Instagram and Facebook at the same time?

How do you post a video on Instagram and Facebook at the same time?

Posting a video on Instagram and Facebook simultaneously is a great way to increase your reach and engagement across multiple platforms. With just a few simple steps, you can share the same video content from your Instagram account directly to your Facebook Page or Profile. This allows your followers on both platforms to view the video without having to visit another site. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about cross-posting videos from Instagram to Facebook.

Benefits of Cross-Posting Instagram Videos to Facebook

Here are some of the key benefits of sharing your Instagram videos on Facebook as well:

  • Expanded reach – By sharing your Instagram videos to Facebook, you can expose your content to your Facebook followers who may not be following you on Instagram.
  • Increased engagement – Cross-posting makes it easy for your audience on both platforms to view, like, comment, and share your video content.
  • Saves time – Posting a video simultaneously to Instagram and Facebook allows you to maximize your content without having to create multiple posts.
  • Drive traffic between platforms – Sharing your Instagram video on Facebook provides a direct link for your Facebook followers to check out your Instagram profile and vice versa.

As you can see, cross-posting your videos is an efficient and effective tactic for expanding your social media reach and engagement. The key is setting up the connection between your Instagram and Facebook accounts properly.

Requirements for Cross-Posting to Facebook

To be able to effectively share your Instagram videos on Facebook, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have an Instagram Business or Creator account – Personal Instagram accounts don’t have access to cross-posting features.
  • Have a Facebook Page – You can cross-post Instagram videos to a Facebook Page you manage, but not to a personal Facebook Profile.
  • Connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts – You need to link your Instagram account to your Facebook Page in order to cross-post.

As long as your accounts meet these requirements, you will be ready to start cross-posting your Instagram videos directly to your Facebook Page. We’ll now go over the simple steps to connect your accounts.

How to Connect Your Instagram and Facebook Accounts

Here is the process for linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts to enable cross-posting:

  1. Log into your Instagram account and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the Settings icon in the top right corner.
  3. Go to the Linked Accounts section.
  4. Under Facebook, tap on Connect Account.
  5. Log into the Facebook account you want to link.
  6. A popup will appear – select the Facebook Page you want to connect to.
  7. Tap OK to confirm the link.

Once your accounts are connected, you are ready to start cross-posting Instagram videos to your Facebook Page. The process is quick and easy.

How to Post an Instagram Video on Facebook

When you have a new video you want to share on both Instagram and Facebook, just follow these steps:

  1. Upload your video to Instagram as you normally would – either directly through the Instagram app or using a third-party scheduler like Hootsuite.
  2. Edit your caption and hashtags as desired.
  3. Below your caption, toggle on the option for “Share to Facebook.”
  4. Select which Facebook Page you want to post the video to.
  5. Tap “Share.”

That’s all there is to it! Your video will now be published on your connected Facebook Page at the same time as it goes live on Instagram. All likes, comments, and engagement on either platform will be viewable from both accounts.

Instagram Video Requirements for Facebook

When cross-posting videos from Instagram to Facebook, there are a few requirements to keep in mind:

  • Video length – Instagram videos can be up to 60 seconds long. Facebook has no length restriction.
  • Aspect ratio – Instagram videos must be in a 9:16 vertical format. Facebook supports both vertical and horizontal formats.
  • File size – Instagram has a video file size limit of 4GB. Facebook supports up to 4K resolution and has no file size restriction.

As long as your Instagram video meets these parameters, it should share successfully to Facebook. The 9:16 vertical format used on Instagram works well for Facebook too.

Video Optimization Tips for Cross-Posting

To maximize the impact of your cross-posted Instagram videos on Facebook, keep these optimization tips in mind:

  • Use compelling visuals – Bright, high-quality video will attract attention in the Facebook feed.
  • Hook viewers quick – Your opening visuals and caption should capture interest right away.
  • Use captions strategically – Include captions on your video and write a caption that sparks engagement.
  • Post at optimal times – Analyze when your audience is most active on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Promote your video – Consider putting some budget behind the Facebook version to reach more people.

Putting effort into creating captivating, high-quality video content and promoting it effectively on both platforms will help drive results from your cross-posting efforts.

Tools to Manage Multi-Platform Posting

While you can easily cross-post videos directly from Instagram to Facebook, some social media managers prefer to use tools that allow them to manage content across multiple platforms.

Here are some top tools for managing Instagram and Facebook video posts:

Tool Key Features
Hootsuite Schedule and publish video posts, analyze performance, manage multiple social profiles
Buffer Video upload and scheduling, analytics, calendar management
Planoly Visual social media planner, collaborate on video content calendar

These types of social media management platforms allow you to plan, schedule, and publish video content across multiple accounts while providing analytics on performance. They help streamline the process for frequent cross-posting.

Tips for Effective Cross-Channel Video Content

When leveraging Instagram and Facebook for your video marketing, keep these tips in mind to make the most of cross-posting:

  • Tailor content for each platform – While your video can work on both, you may want to customize captions based on what resonates with each audience.
  • Reuse effective video assets – Repurpose your best Instagram videos frequently on Facebook to maximize their reach.
  • Promote your Instagram account – Make sure to include your Instagram handle when sharing Facebook videos to drive followers.
  • Monitor performance – Analyze view counts, likes, comments, and shares to see how your videos perform on each channel.
  • Learn from results – Evaluate which types of videos get better traction on each platform and produce more of that content.

Taking the time to review metrics and refine your video strategy will help boost the success of cross-posting between the platforms.

Instagram and Facebook Video Specifications

Here is an at-a-glance look at the key Instagram and Facebook video specifications to keep in mind:

Instagram Video Specs

  • File format: MP4
  • Max length: 60 seconds
  • Aspect ratio: 9:16 vertical
  • Max file size: 4GB
  • Resolution: 720p HD recommended

Facebook Video Specs

  • File formats: MP4, MOV, AVI
  • Max length: 240 minutes
  • Aspect ratios: 16:9 landscape, 9:16 vertical, 4:5 square, etc.
  • Max file size: 4GB
  • Resolution: Up to 4K

As long as your Instagram videos meet the platform’s requirements, they should be able to seamlessly cross-post to Facebook without any formatting changes needed.


Cross-posting videos from Instagram to Facebook is a highly effective social media tactic that allows you to maximize your video content. By sharing your Instagram videos directly to your connected Facebook Page, you can expose your content to a new audience and increase engagement.

Just remember that your Instagram account needs to be converted to a Business profile, and you need an active Facebook Page to link to. Once your accounts are connected, sharing videos is as simple as toggling the “Share to Facebook” option in the Instagram app or scheduling tool.

Strategically optimizing your video content and promotion for both platforms will ensure your cross-posting success. Use these tips and best practices to efficiently expand your video reach and get the most bang for your buck from each compelling social media post.