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How do you politely ask for donations on Facebook?

How do you politely ask for donations on Facebook?

Asking for donations on social media like Facebook can feel awkward, but it’s often necessary for nonprofits, charities, and other organizations that rely on fundraising. The key is to make the ask in a polite, genuine way that informs people about your cause and invites them to get involved.

Why Ask for Donations on Facebook?

Facebook offers several benefits for collecting donations:

  • Large audience – Over 2 billion active users provides a huge potential donor base.
  • Lower costs – Advertising and fundraising on Facebook is more affordable than traditional direct mail campaigns.
  • Virality – Posts can be easily shared to spread your message to more people.
  • Engagement – Comments and messages allow you to interact with supporters.
  • Metrics – Facebook provides data and analytics so you can track the success of your fundraising efforts.

In short, Facebook provides access to more potential donors for less money compared to other outreach methods. Leveraging your social media presence is an effective way to raise money.

How to Craft Your Ask

When writing your request for donations on Facebook, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be transparent about needs. Explain what issue your organization is tackling and how donations will help meet a specific goal or need.
  • Share a story. Personal stories and testimonials help people emotionally connect with your cause.
  • Use visuals. Photos, videos, and graphics make your post more engaging.
  • Suggest different amounts. Give people options like $10, $25, $50 to choose from based on what they can afford.
  • Use a polite, excited tone. Avoid sounding desperate or demanding when asking for money.
  • Express gratitude. Thank people sincerely for considering a donation, even if they can’t give.

The language you use is very important. Be sincere, gracious, and informative when crafting your appeal.

Where to Post Your Ask

To maximize the visibility of your donation request, post it:

  • On your Page timeline. This ensures all your followers will see it.
  • In relevant Facebook Groups. Join Groups related to your cause and politely post about your fundraiser.
  • In Facebook Events. If you’re hosting an event, use the Event page to promote donations.
  • As a pinned post. Pinning the post to the top of your Page keeps it noticeable.
  • In Facebook Live videos. Streaming video engages people and you can fundraise in real time.
  • As a Facebook Ad. Paying to boost the post widens your reach.

Post consistently leading up to and during your fundraising campaign. Promote across your Facebook channels to maximize exposure.

Following Up After Posting

Make the most of your ask post by:

  • Thanking donors publicly when they comment or share about their gift.
  • Following up with one-on-one thank you messages as appropriate.
  • Keeping the post pinned to the top of your page for a week or more.
  • Sharing the post again if engagement seems low.
  • Analyzing results to see what messaging works best.

This extra effort makes donors feel appreciated and keeps your request visible long after it’s initially posted.

Sample Ask Post

Here is an example of a polite, compelling ask post for Facebook:

Friends, we need your help! Our animal shelter is raising emergency funds to take in 25 cats rescued from appalling conditions at a hoarder’s home. These poor kitties are malnourished, sick, and terrified. With your donations, we can provide them with warm beds, vet care, plenty of food and water, and lots of TLC so they can eventually find loving forever homes. No gift is too small – even $5 or $10 makes a difference. For $25, we can provide vaccines and medicine to make one kitten healthy again. Can you donate today and help us nurse these cats back to health? We couldn’t do this important work without your kindness and generosity. Thank you!

This post pulls at heartstrings with an emotional story, clearly explains how donations will help, suggests specific amounts people can give, and expresses gratitude. The polite, enthusiastic tone makes it hard to refuse!

Creating a Fundraiser on Facebook

In addition to posting donation requests, you can set up formal fundraisers right on Facebook. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the “Fundraisers” tab on your Facebook Page.
  2. Click “Raise Money” then select the nonprofit you’re fundraising for.
  3. Choose a name, goal amount, end date, and cover photo/video for your fundraiser.
  4. Provide details on why you’re raising money and how donations help.
  5. Click “Create” to publish your fundraiser. Visitors can then donate directly through Facebook.

Facebook Fundraisers make the donation process quick and seamless. The money goes straight to your nonprofit, with Facebook covering all fees so 100% reaches your organization.

Do’s and Don’ts

Follow these final tips when asking for donations on Facebook:

Do Don’t
Be transparent about how funds are used Vaguely state that donations are “needed”
Share stories and videos that inspire Only post text
Thank all supporters Only acknowledge big donors
Post consistently but not too often Flood people’s feeds asking for money
Use images and friendly language Make the post too text-heavy or formal
Highlight successes and progress Only talk about problems or needs

Following these best practices will ensure your donation requests are well-received and you get the funding you need!


Asking for donations on Facebook does take finesse. Be clear, concise, transparent, and gracious. Share why your cause matters in a compelling yet polite way. Offer specific ways people can give and show the tangible impact of their dollars. With this warm, informative approach, your Facebook friends will open both their hearts and wallets to support you.