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How do you play Words With Friends 2 on Facebook?

How do you play Words With Friends 2 on Facebook?

Words With Friends 2 is a popular online multiplayer word game that can be played directly through Facebook. The game allows you to challenge your Facebook friends or be matched with random opponents for fun and engaging word battles.

Words With Friends 2 on Facebook has the classic gameplay of finding words on a board of tiles and scoring points by placing words strategically. You take turns with your opponent creating words, trying to rack up the most points by placing high scoring words and bonus tiles.

Playing Words With Friends 2 through Facebook makes it easy and convenient to enjoy the game. You don’t need to download any additional apps or go to external sites. Everything can be accessed directly in Facebook for a smooth, user-friendly experience.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about getting started with Words With Friends 2 on Facebook, from creating an account and finding matches to game rules, strategy tips, and how to win more games!

Creating a Words With Friends 2 Account on Facebook

To play Words With Friends 2 through Facebook, the first step is creating an account within the game. Here is how to do it:

Step 1: Go to the Words With Friends 2 Page

– In your Facebook app or by visiting in your browser, search for “Words With Friends 2” or go directly to This is the official Facebook page for the game.

Step 2: Click Play Game or Play Now

– On the Words With Friends 2 page, you should see a prominent button that says “Play Game” or “Play Now.” Click this button to launch the game.

Step 3: Accept App Permissions

– The first time you access Words With Friends 2, you’ll be asked to accept certain app permissions and allow it access to your Facebook profile info. Click “Okay” or “Allow” to proceed. This allows you to play against your Facebook friends.

Step 4: Create New Account or Log In

– On the next screen, you’ll have the option to create a new Words With Friends 2 account using your Facebook login or play as a guest. You can enter your name and click “New Player” to create an account quickly with Facebook. Or, click “Play as Guest” to play without an account. But creating an account is recommended to save your progress.

Step 5: Follow Onscreen Instructions

– Follow the onscreen instructions to finish setting up your profile and account settings. Add a profile pic and other details if you wish. Then you’re ready to start playing!

Creating an account with Words With Friends 2 on Facebook only takes a few seconds. Once your account is set up, you can immediately start finding matches and playing games.

Finding Matches on Facebook

One of the best parts of playing Words With Friends 2 through Facebook is the ability to easily challenge your friends and connections to a match. Here are the options for finding Facebook matches:

Challenge Friends

– In the main Friends tab of the game, you’ll see a list of your Facebook friends who also play Words With Friends 2. Tap the “Challenge” button next to their names to invite them to a match.

Post to News Feed

– You can also post a match request to your Facebook News Feed. Your friends can comment to accept the challenge.

Share Direct Challenges

– Tap the Share button at the top of the Friends tab and you can send direct game invites to friends through Facebook messages, groups, or events.

Random Matches

– If none of your friends are available for a match, use the Play tab to be matched randomly with other online opponents. You can get matched based on your skill level.

Playing against people you know makes the game extra fun. But the random match option ensures you can always find quick games when needed.

How to Play a Game in Words With Friends 2

Once you’re matched up, it’s time to play! Here are the basics of gameplay in Words With Friends 2 on Facebook:

The Game Board

– Words With Friends 2 is played on a standard 15×15 letter board. Tiles will randomly populate the squares. You can only build words using the tiles on the board and your rack.

Rack and Tile Drawing

– Each player starts with 7 random letter tiles on their rack. Click tiles from your rack and place them on the board to build words. After each turn, click the Tile Bag to draw new tiles and replenish your rack up to 7.

Making Words

– To form a word, simply click and drag letter tiles from your rack into empty squares. Build off existing words already played on the board. Submit your word by clicking Play.


– Each letter tile has a point value. You score points for every letter in each word you play. Complete your turn to tally up your points. Longer words earn you more points!

Bonus Squares

– Light blue and dark blue squares on the board double or triple the point value of tiles placed on them. Strategically build on these squares to maximize your score.

Other Gameplay Rules

– You can only build one word per turn. All words must be dictionary words. You get one free swap of letters per game. Game ends when all tiles are used or neither player can play. Player with the highest final score wins!

Chat and Challenge Features

Part of the fun of Words With Friends 2 is chatting with your friends and opponents. The game allows you to engage in the following social features:

In-Game Chat

– Chat box in the top right corner allows you to send messages during the match. Trash talk your opponents!

Facebook Comments

– You can post comments that appear in the Facebook News Feed timeline to trash talk or congratulate your opponent.

Rematch Challenges

– After a game ends, challenge the same opponent to a rematch with one click using the Rematch button.

Random Opponents

– Unless playing with friends, you’ll get matched with different random opponents each game to meet new players.

The chat features make the game interactive and social. Take advantage of them to make play more exciting!

Strategy Tips and Hints

Use these top tips and strategies to help you win more games and boost your skills in Words With Friends 2:

Play First Move in Center

– Place your first word right in the center of the board to open up more spots to build off of in future turns.

Think Ahead

– Look at your rack and sketch out possible words for future turns. Set yourself up to play high scoring words.

Use All 7 Tiles

– Maximize each turn by using all 7 tiles on your rack to play longer words and get the most points.

Hit Bonus Squares

– Prioritize building on blue bonus squares to double or triple your word scores.

Extend Existing Words

– Add to words already on the board to easily build longer words and rack up more points.

Block Opponents

– Try placing words to block areas of the board so your opponent can’t play there on their turn.

Exchange Tiles

– Swap any undesirable letters on your rack once per game to gain more options for higher scoring words.

Using these tips and strategies, while avoiding the common mistakes, will quickly boost your Words With Friends 2 skills on Facebook.

How to Win More Games

Here are some key suggestions for winning more games of Words With Friends 2 on Facebook:

Learn More Words

– Expand your vocabulary and learn new word combinations to have an edge over opponents.

Get Familiar with Letters and Probabilities

– Study which letters get drawn most often to gain insight into higher percentage plays.

Think Defensively Too

– Don’t neglect to block your opponent from potentially high scoring moves while focusing on your own words.

Use Advanced Strategies

– Employ more advanced tips like opening up triple word score lanes and baiting opponents into bad plays.

Practice Your Speed

– Work on quick recall of words and fast board vision to improve your ability to find the optimal moves.

Limit Mistakes

– Be extra careful in rushed late game situations where the pace picks up and mistakes happen more often.

Rematch Strong Opponents

– Rematch challenging opponents to improve by learning from their game strategies.

With a larger vocabulary, sharp tactics, and some experience under your belt, you’ll be a Words With Friends 2 champion in no time!


Playing Words With Friends 2 through Facebook provides an entertaining, social way to engage with friends and other players in fast-paced word battles.

Creating an account is quick and easy right in Facebook. Start finding matches versus Facebook friends or get pitted against challenging random opponents.

Use our tips to master Words With Friends 2 gameplay, rules, and strategy. Think carefully when forming words, employ bonuses and multipliers, and block effectively.

Before you know it, you’ll be a Words With Friends 2 pro dominating games left and right! So challenge your Facebook friends now and sharpen your skills today.