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How do you message someone on Facebook that you are not friends with?

How do you message someone on Facebook that you are not friends with?

Facebook allows users to send private messages to each other if they are friends on the platform. However, sometimes you may want to message someone you are not connected with on Facebook. There are a few different ways to message someone you are not friends with on Facebook.

Ways to Message Someone You’re Not Friends With

Here are some of the main options for messaging non-friends on Facebook:

Send a Message Request

The easiest way is to send them a message request. To do this:

  1. Go to their profile page
  2. Click on the “Message” button
  3. You’ll be prompted to send them a message request since you are not connected as friends
  4. Type your message and send

This will send them a request with your message. They can then choose to accept your request, which will open up messaging between you, or decline it.

Use Messenger Without Friending

You can also send a message on Messenger without being friends. To do this:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Message New Person”
  3. Enter the person’s profile URL or name
  4. Type and send your message

This will send them a message on Messenger that they can respond to without having to friend you.

Reply to One of Their Posts

If you see someone has made a public post on their profile or in a Facebook group, you can reply to it even if you are not friends.

  1. Go to their public post
  2. Click “Reply” and leave your comment

While not a private message, commenting on public posts can start a conversation.

Use Social Engineeing to Get Their Contact Info

You may be able to find the person’s contact info, like their phone number or email address, through their public profile or posts. You could then message them through those channels. However, this takes more effort and could come across as invasive. Use good judgement.

Messaging Etiquette with Non-Friends

When reaching out to someone you don’t know on Facebook, keep these etiquette tips in mind:

  • Introduce yourself politely
  • Explain how you found them or why you want to connect
  • Keep your first message brief
  • Give them space to respond or decline your message
  • Avoid sending anything inappropriate or overly personal

It can come across as odd to message random people from the internet. Make your intentions clear and give them the option to communicate further or ignore your message.

Why Messaging Non-Friends is Restricted

Facebook limits messaging between non-friends as a safety measure. This protects people from unwanted, harassing, or inappropriate messages. Some key reasons messaging non-friends is restricted:

  • Prevents spam and abusive messages from strangers
  • Gives users control over who can contact them
  • Stops people from being able to message underage users they don’t know
  • Protects privacy by limiting access to inboxes

While it can be frustrating if you have a legitimate reason to message someone new, the restrictions are in place to keep people safe.

Tips for Productive Messaging

To have the best chance at a response when messaging non-friends, keep these tips in mind:

  • Personalize your message and show you read their profile
  • Send a thoughtful opening message, not just “Hi”
  • Explain why you want to get in touch specifically with them
  • Keep your expectations modest in case they don’t respond
  • Follow up if they haven’t replied in a few days
  • Accept it graciously if they decline your message

With persistence, politeness, and some luck, you may be able to start a conversation even without an existing Facebook friendship. But always respect people’s privacy and boundaries when attempting to message new connections.

Other Facebook Communication Options

If the person declines your message requests or doesn’t respond, there are still some other ways to try and communicate:

  • Comment on their public posts and photos
  • Interact by liking and reacting to their public content
  • Send a connection request so you can message as friends
  • Find any mutual friends who could introduce you
  • Use a different platform like Instagram or Twitter to message them

Don’t bombard someone if they make it clear they don’t want to talk, but polite and thoughtful engagement on public channels can sometimes lead to a conversation opening up.

Is it Possible to Message Someone Who Blocked You?

If someone has blocked you on Facebook, there is unfortunately no way to message them. Some things to keep in mind about messaging someone who blocked you:

  • You will not see their profile at all and will be unable to visit any of their content
  • Any messages you send will not go through to their inbox
  • The platform will not notify them or even confirm you are blocked
  • There is no way to get around or undo the block
  • Harassing someone from other accounts after being blocked will lead to those accounts being disabled

If you feel the block was unwarranted, you can try having a mutual friend explain the situation to them. But usually a block means they definitely do not want any contact from you.

What Happens When You Message Someone New

When you reach out to an unfamiliar person for the first time on Facebook, here’s an overview of what happens:

  • You will be prompted to send a message request if not connected as friends
  • They will receive a notification of your request in their inbox
  • They can choose to accept the request, starting a messenger conversation
  • Or they can ignore or delete the request, keeping your inbox closed
  • If they accept, you can continue to message as normal via Messenger
  • They can unfriend or block you at any time to end communication

So the recipient ultimately has full control over whether to engage and how long to maintain messaging access with you as the sender.


While Facebook’s default setting is requiring friend connections for messaging, there are still ways to reach out to people you don’t know. With message requests, commenting abilities, and Messenger workarounds, you can open up conversations with strangers. Just be sure to do so in a safe, polite, and non-intrusive manner. If they engage with you, great! But if they prefer not to message, respect their privacy and don’t take it personally.