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How do you mention someone in a Facebook post?

How do you mention someone in a Facebook post?

Mentioning someone in a Facebook post allows you to tag them so they receive a notification that they have been mentioned. This can be useful for getting someone’s attention, giving them credit, or including them in a post or conversation. Here’s how to mention people on Facebook:

On Desktop

If you’re writing a post on your desktop browser, simply type the @ symbol followed immediately by the person’s name. A dropdown will appear showing matching profiles you can select from. Choose the right person and their name will turn into a tagged link leading to their profile.

For example, if you type “@Jane Doe” (without the quotes), a dropdown will pop up letting you tag your friend Jane Doe. Once selected, it will appear as “@[Jane Doe]” in your post.

On Mobile

The process is very similar on mobile. While writing your post in the Facebook app, type the @ symbol followed by the person’s name. Select them from the options that appear. Their name will become highlighted indicating that they are tagged.

Group Tags

You can also tag an entire group of people at once on Facebook. Simply type “@” followed by the group name, like @family or @coworkers. A dropdown will appear letting you tag the whole group so that each member gets notified.

More Tips for Mentioning People

  • You can tag up to 10 people in a single post on Facebook currently.
  • While you’re typing a name to tag, options will only appear if you’re friends with that person or they are friends with the audience for your post.
  • Make sure you select the right person from the options when tagging. Sometimes multiple people with similar names will appear.
  • Tagged people will get a notification even if they aren’t friends with you on Facebook.
  • Anyone else can see the tags you add unless your post privacy is set to Only Me.

Where You Can Tag People

Mentions and tags can be added in the following places on Facebook:

  • In the text of a normal post or status update
  • In a photo caption
  • In the text field when sharing a link
  • In a Life Event (ex: Happy Birthday, New Job, etc)
  • In a comment on someone else’s post
  • In an event post or invitation

Tags will appear in all these locations the same way – as links leading to the tagged person’s profile.

Who Can See Your Tags

The visibility of your tags depends on the audience for the post they are in.

  • If your post is shared publicly, the tags will be visible to anyone.
  • For friends-only posts, only your friends will see the tag notifications.
  • If you limit it further (friends except acquaintances, for example), the tags will be hidden from the excluded people.

So be conscious of who will be able to view and interact with your post when tagging people.

Tagging People You’re Not Friends With

You can actually tag people you are not friends with on Facebook, but it works a little differently.

When you type the @ symbol followed by someone’s name that you aren’t friends with, their profile may not show up in the options. But you can still type out their full name. It will appear as a tagged link leading to their profile.

However, that person will only see the tag if your post is public or you have friends in common. The tag notification works the same, but they won’t see it if your post is limited to just your own friends.

How to Tag Someone in a Photo

In addition to tagging people in your posts, you can also tag them in photos you share on Facebook.

When uploading a new photo, click “Tag Photo” below the image. Search for the name of the person you want to tag. Click on their profile pic when it appears.

Click on the part of the photo they appear in. This will place a tag. Repeat for other people. Make sure names and profile pics are accurate.

When done, click “Done Tagging” to save it. The tags will appear over the faces of each person when the photo is viewed.

How to Tag Someone in a Comment

It’s just as easy to tag someone in a comment as a regular post. Simply write your comment and type @ followed by their name anywhere in the text.

When you submit the comment, their name will appear as a tagged link. They’ll get notified of being mentioned just like a post tag.

Can You Remove Tags?

Yes, Facebook allows you to remove tags people have added of you in their posts and photos. You have two options:

  • Untag: This removes the tag link leading to your profile, but your name will remain in their post.
  • Delete Tag: This completely removes the tag and your name from their post.

To manage tags people have added, go to your Facebook profile and use the “Activity Log” tool. Here you can find all your tag notifications and remove them.

What Happens When You Tag Someone?

Here is what happens when you tag someone on Facebook:

  • They will receive a notification that they have been tagged.
  • Their name will appear as a link leading to their profile.
  • The post with the tag may also show up on their profile under the “Tags” section.
  • Others viewing the post can click or tap the tag to visit the person’s profile.
  • The tagged person can like, comment on, or share the post if they choose.

So in summary, tagging someone is an easy way to interact with and include your friends, family, or any profiles on Facebook!

Why Tag People on Facebook?

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to tag someone on Facebook:

  • Get their attention: A tag notification makes it more likely they will notice your post.
  • Credit them: Tag them for contributions to your post or being featured in your photo.
  • Invite them: Tag all the people invited to your event or party.
  • Recommend them: Tag someone to recommend them as an expert or reference them in a post.
  • Keep them in the loop: Include them in a post, idea or conversation by tagging.

Do Tags Work in Facebook Groups?

Yes, tagging and mentions work the same way in private Facebook groups and public posts.

When you type @ followed by the person’s name, you can select them from the members in the group you are posting in. They will get a notification just like being tagged in a regular post or comment.

Can You Turn Off Tag Notifications?

If you don’t want to receive notifications every time someone tags you, Facebook allows you to turn them off:

  • Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings”
  • Click “Notifications” on the left
  • Scroll down to “How people interact with you”
  • Turn off notifications for “Friends tag you in their Posts”

This will stop notifications of new tags. But tags will still appear on your profile and be visible to whoever can see the post.


Tagging people is an easy way to connect with friends and draw attention to your posts on Facebook. Simply type @ followed by their name when writing a post, comment, or caption. Select the right profile when it pops up. The tag creates a link leading to their profile and sends them a notification. Use tags wisely to credit people or include them in relevant conversations on Facebook.