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How do you make your FB name unique?

How do you make your FB name unique?

Having a unique Facebook name can help you stand out on the platform and make it easier for friends to find you. With over 2 billion monthly active users, chances are your real name is already taken. Luckily, Facebook allows you to change your name and customize your profile url to create a distinctive identity. In this article, we’ll explore tips on how to make your Facebook name unique.

Check if your real name is available

The first step is to see if you can simply use your real first and last name as your Facebook name. Go to your Facebook profile, click on the down arrow in the top right corner and select “View As.” This allows you to view your profile as the public sees it. If your name appears with a numerical sequence after it (like “John Smith 568”), then your actual name is unavailable. You’ll need to tweak it in some way to make it unique.

If your real name doesn’t have any numbers attached to it, congrats! You can use it as is. Skip ahead to claiming your custom profile url.

Add numbers or symbols

One easy option is to add numbers or symbols to your first or last name. You can experiment with different combinations like:

– John Smi7h
– John-Smith
– JohnSmi*th
– J0hn Smith

The downside is these types of names can be hard to remember or seem unprofessional. Use this method sparingly to differentiate common names.

Use a nickname

Using a nickname, middle name or initials can help create a unique identifier. For example:

– Jack Smith instead of John Smith
– Elizabeth K. Miller instead of Elizabeth Miller
– AJ Thompson instead of Anthony Thompson

This works best if you already go by a nickname or alternate name that friends know you by.

Add your interests

Including your hobbies, field of work or interests in your name is an easy way to make it unique. For example:

– Mary TennisLover Smith
– Michael Guitardude Sanderson
– Clara Yogaclara Anderson
– Chris Coder123 Johnson

Just don’t make your interests too long or obscure. Keep them short and sweet so friends can easily recognize you.

Use your middle name

Using your middle name in place of your last name is a simple option. For example, John David instead of John Smith. This works well if you have a common first name but a more unusual middle name.

You can also reverse the order: David John instead of John David.

Add your birth year

Adding your birth year to your name is a popular way to create uniqueness:

– Sara Williams1990
– Michael Smith1982
– Jessica Thompson1989

It also informs people of your age right off the bat. Just be cautious of privacy concerns with openly sharing your birth year.

Use your hometown or state

If you have a common name, consider adding your hometown or home state:

– Michael JohnsonSeattle
– Emily DavisTexas
– Robert MillerMiami

This gives people more context about who you are if they happen to share mutual connections. Again, watch out for oversharing personal details.

Add “The Real”

If there are multiple people with your exact name on Facebook, you can add “The Real” or “The Original” to stand out:

– The Real Michael Smith
– The Original Sarah Taylor

This signals that you were the first person to use the name, while others are imitators. Use this with caution and only if necessary to avoid pretentiousness.

Try a funny or clever name

If you want a more creative Facebook name, try for something funny, memorable or clever based on your personality:

– Justin Time
– Mel Odrama
– Harry Balsagna
– Maya Jubee

Humor can help your name stick in people’s minds. Just don’t go overboard or choose anything offensive. Subtlety is key.

Claim your custom profile URL

Once you settle on a unique name, claim a customized profile url to complete your distinctive identity. This makes it easier for people to find your profile and remember your url.

To get a custom url on desktop:

1. Go to your profile and click “About”
2. Click the pencil icon next to your url
3. Type in the custom url you want (usually your name) and click “Save Changes”

Make sure to pick something short, simple and related to your name. This personalizes your link on Facebook and makes it easier to share.

Tips for changing your Facebook name

Here are some tips to make the Facebook name change process smooth:

– Let close friends know you’ll be changing your name to avoid confusion
– Adjust your name slowly over time (like first name change, then last name)
– Use your nickname or middle name first before changing your full name
– Create a personalized profile picture to match your new name
– Change your name on other social media networks to match

What to do if Facebook rejects your name change

If Facebook doesn’t accept your new name, here are some troubleshooting tips:

– Make sure it doesn’t include any spammy keywords, offensive terms or impersonation
– Avoid using titles like “King” “Queen” or “Prince” which are restricted
– Consider shortening a very long name or removing extra descriptors
– Try an alternate version of the name or slightly different spelling
– Add or remove numbers/symbols or use nickname instead of full name

You may need to experiment with variations before Facebook’s systems accept the change.


Having a unique Facebook name can be beneficial but also challenging. Settle on a name that represents your identity while also being easy to find. Take it slowly, gradually changing parts of your name and letting friends know to minimize confusion.

With some strategic tweaks like adding numbers, nicknames or interests, you can develop a distinctive moniker to stand out on Facebook. Just don’t use anything spammy or offensive. A customized profile url completes your professional identity.

With so many users on Facebook, having a one-of-a-kind name and url gives you an advantage and makes you memorable. Use these tips to creatively change your Facebook name while keeping your friends and network in the loop.