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How do you make text bold and color on Facebook?

How do you make text bold and color on Facebook?

Making text bold and colored on Facebook can help your posts stand out and emphasize important points. Facebook allows you to format text in several ways using HTML tags. This article will provide a quick overview of how to make text bold, italicized, underlined, and colored on Facebook.

Using HTML Tags to Format Text

Facebook allows you to use some basic HTML tags to format text in your posts and comments. The main tags you can use are:

  • Bold – <b>Your text here</b>
  • Italics – <i>Your text here</i>
  • Underline – <u>Your text here</u>
  • Colored text – <font color=”colorname”>Your text here</font>

You simply put the text you want to format between the opening and closing HTML tags. For example:

This text will be bold

This text will be in italics

This text will be underlined

This text will be blue

Bold Text

To make text bold, use the <b> opening tag before the text and </b> closing tag after:

Important point I want to emphasize in bold

The <b> tag is short for “bold” in HTML. This will make the enclosed text thicker and darker than the surrounding text.

When to Use Bold Text

Some examples of when you may want to use bold text on Facebook include:

  • Emphasizing keywords or important points in your post
  • Making headings and subtitles stand out
  • Highlighting action items
  • Drawing attention to special announcements or updates

Use bold sparingly, only for text you really want to stand out. Overusing it can make your posts harder to read.

Italicized Text

To italicize text, use the <i> opening tag before the text and </i> closing tag after:

This text will appear in italics

The <i> tag is short for “italics” in HTML. This will make the enclosed text appear thinner and more slanted than the surrounding text.

When to Use Italicized Text

Some examples of when you may want to use italicized text on Facebook include:

  • Emphasizing certain words or phrases
  • Indicating internal thought or monologue
  • Setting off foreign words and phrases
  • Indicating the title of a creative work like a book, movie, or song

Use italics sparingly, as overusing them can disrupt readability. They are best for short phrases rather than long blocks of text.

Underlined Text

To underline text, use the <u> opening tag before the text and </u> closing tag after:

This text will be underlined

The <u> tag is short for “underline” in HTML. This will draw a line under the enclosed text.

When to Use Underlined Text

Underlining is not used as often for online writing, but some cases where you may want to use it include:

  • Indicating key points or takeaways
  • Denoting book or publication titles
  • Bringing attention to important updates or announcements
  • Highlighting definitions of key terms

Use underlining sparingly, as overuse can make posts messy and hard to read. Bold or italics are usually better options.

Colored Text

To make text appear in color, use the <font> tag along with a color attribute:

This text will be blue

The available color options are:

  • blue
  • green
  • red
  • purple
  • orange
  • black

For example:

  • This is blue text
  • This is red text
  • This is green text

When to Use Colored Text

Adding color to text can help it stand out and add visual interest to your posts. Some examples include:

  • Using your brand colors for key text
  • Color coding different types of information
  • Making headings and subheadings stand out
  • Indicating urgency or importance of certain text

Use colors sparingly and make sure they have enough contrast from the background color to remain readable. Darker, saturated colors tend to be easier to read.

Formatting Text Best Practices

When using text formatting on Facebook, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Use formatting to highlight only your most important text – don’t overdo it.
  • Bold and italic text are easiest to read – use underlining and colors sparingly.
  • Make sure colored text has enough contrast to remain readable.
  • Break up long sections of formatted text with regular text in between.
  • Avoid using too many different formats close together.
  • Preview your posts to make sure formatting displays correctly.


Formatting text on Facebook using HTML tags can help draw attention to important information and make your posts more scannable. The main options are bold, italics, underlining, and color. Use them strategically to emphasize key points and make your messages stand out in the News Feed.

Keep formatting simple and consistent for maximum readability. With the right balance of plain text and formatted text, you can communicate your ideas effectively on Facebook.