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How do you link Facebook groups together?

How do you link Facebook groups together?

Facebook groups are a great way to connect with people who share similar interests and build online communities. While each Facebook group exists independently, there are several ways you can link groups together to increase engagement across multiple communities.

Cross-promote groups

One of the easiest ways to link Facebook groups is to cross-promote between related groups. For example, if you manage a Facebook group for small business owners, you could share that group in other entrepreneurship-focused groups to attract new members. You can post in the other group’s feed or send the link via a group message to the admin.

When cross-promoting, make sure the groups are closely related. Don’t spam unrelated groups with links, or you may be banned. Provide value by explaining how joining your group can benefit the members of the other community. Be transparent that you manage both groups.

Co-host events

You can also link Facebook groups by co-hosting events. Organize meetups, webinars, or other virtual events and promote the event in all participating groups. Members from each community can connect in real life or online.

Events are a great way to merge groups within a geographic area, industry, or sharing other common interests. Brainstorm event ideas that would appeal to the memberships of both groups. Get the other group admins on board before promoting the event in their spaces.

Share admin roles

If you manage multiple related Facebook groups, consider sharing admin roles with users active in both communities. For example, if you run social media groups for both moms and dads, invite active parent members to be admins in both groups.

When group admins overlap, it streamlines managing the groups and fosters more interaction. The co-admins can easily coordinate between the two communities, plan collaborative content or events, and monitor discussions.

Link to sister groups

Make sure members know that related Facebook groups exist by linking to “sister” groups. In your group description, note if you manage similar groups that members may be interested in joining. Occasionally post reminders about the sister groups.

You can even designate certain days to cross-post or share member highlights between the related communities. This shows members the connections between the groups. However, take care not to over-promote or make members feel like they’re missing out if they haven’t joined the other groups.

Utilize multi-group admins

Facebook offers the ability to add “multi-group admins” who can manage multiple groups at once. Assign admins who can post and engage with members across all of your related groups.

With multi-group admin capabilities, you can easily share information, co-manage members, and collaborate on initiatives across linked Facebook communities. Consider designating long-standing group members who are active daily as multi-group admins.

Form a group support network

Build a network of complementary yet distinct Facebook groups to provide layered support structures. For example, create separate groups for people newly diagnosed with a medical condition, caregivers, and a general patient community.

Members can join the group most relevant to their current situation. As their needs change over time, they can transition into your other groups. Provide introductions and warm hand-offs between the groups when possible.

Connect online groups with in-person meetups

Bridge your online groups with local in-person meetups to strengthen community bonds. Many areas have general Facebook social groups, for example, focused on family activities or hobbies. Promote your niche interest group and any meetups in these broader groups.

The local group members who share your specific interest can get together periodically for activities while still engaging in the larger community. Combining online and offline connections takes Facebook group linking to the next level.

What are the benefits of linking Facebook groups?

Here are some of the key advantages of finding ways to interconnect your Facebook groups:

  • Increases member engagement and retention when groups support each other
  • Provides diverse perspectives when members interact between groups
  • Boosts exposure and reach for each group beyond their core audience
  • Creates a broader sense of community around a cause or interest
  • Allows collaboration on larger initiatives that a single group could not accomplish alone
  • Keeps communication streamlined by using groups for different functions
  • Leverages admin resources more efficiently across groups

What should you avoid when linking groups?

While there are many benefits to connecting your Facebook groups, here are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • Aggressively promoting groups in irrelevant contexts
  • Forcing people to join multiple groups if one will meet their needs
  • Spamming group members with too many cross-posted announcements
  • Diluting groups’ purposes by linking too many disparate communities
  • Removing local group discussions in favor of cross-group conversations
  • Making people feel excluded if they do not belong to all linked groups

How can you track group linking results?

Leverage Facebook Analytics to track traffic and engagement between linked groups. Monitor metrics like:

  • New member growth from cross-promotions
  • Increased post reach when sharing to sister groups
  • Event participation from co-hosted meetups
  • Member overlap and crossover between groups
  • Boosts in introductions and mentions when tagging sister groups

Analyze the data regularly to optimize your group linking strategy and ensure you’re providing value to members. Try new tactics if certain links don’t drive meaningful results.

Best practices for linking Facebook groups

Follow these best practices when implementing a Facebook group linking plan:

  • Link complementary groups, not competitors.
  • Co-promote strategically, not excessively.
  • Vary your linking tactics to keep things fresh.
  • Encourage organic connections between members.
  • Align groups through common causes or interests.
  • Communicate the value-add to members.
  • Monitor results and adjust your approach as needed.
  • Respect members preferences about which groups they join.


Interlinking related Facebook groups can increase engagement, reach new audiences, and bring together diverse communities. Avoid over-promoting groups or forcing connections. Utilize tactics like co-events, shared admins, and multi-group features to strategically align complementary groups. Analyze results regularly and emphasize organic relationship-building between members.