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How do you like and tag on Facebook?

How do you like and tag on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2021. On Facebook, you can interact with posts by liking them or tagging friends. Liking and tagging are simple ways to engage with content and connect with friends on Facebook.

What Does Liking a Post on Facebook Do?

When you like a post on Facebook, it means you appreciate the content or support the message. Liking is an easy way to interact positively with posts from friends, family, brands, or other pages you follow. Here are some key things to know about liking on Facebook:

  • Like icons are represented by a thumbs up below posts. You can tap or click the icon to like a post.
  • When you like a post, the like icon turns blue. Only you can see the number of likes on your own posts.
  • Liking a post will make it show up higher in your news feed, so you see more of that type of content.
  • Pages can see the total number of likes on their posts. Brands and publishers often look at like counts to gauge engagement.
  • Liking something does not share it on your own Timeline. Only you and the original poster are notified when you like something.

Overall, liking is a simple way to engage with posts you appreciate and tailor your feed to show you more of that content type.

How to Like a Post on Facebook

Liking content on Facebook only takes a couple of clicks. Here is how to like posts on desktop and mobile:


  1. Log into Facebook and navigate to a post you want to like.
  2. Move your mouse over the post. On the bottom left you will see the like icon, represented by a thumbs up outline.
  3. Click the like icon. It will turn blue to indicate you have liked the post.

Mobile App

  1. Open the Facebook app and navigate to a post.
  2. Tap the like icon below the post. The icon will fill in with blue to show you’ve liked it.

That’s all there is to it! You can unlike a post at any time by clicking or tapping the blue like icon again.

How to Tag Someone on Facebook

Tagging someone on Facebook links their profile to your post and sends them a notification. Tags make it easy to connect with specific people relevant to your post. Here are some Facebook tagging basics:

  • When you tag someone, their name appears highlighted in blue and links to their profile.
  • Tagged users get a notification that they were tagged in your post.
  • You can tag people who are your Facebook friends and follow you.
  • Tagging only works in the main text of your posts, not the title or comments.
  • There is no limit to the number of people you can tag in a post.

Overall, tagging is a useful way to involve your friends in posts and makes sure they see your content.

How to Tag on Facebook Posts

Tagging someone when writing a Facebook post is easy:

  1. As you write a post, type the @ symbol followed by your friend’s name. A dropdown will appear showing matching profiles to tag.
  2. Select the correct friend to tag from the dropdown.
  3. The friend’s name will appear highlighted in blue. You can tag multiple people in the same post.
  4. When done, post the update as normal. All tagged users will get notifications.

How to Tag Someone in a Photo

You can also tag friends in photos on Facebook:

  1. Upload a photo to Facebook as a new post.
  2. Click Tag Photos below the image.
  3. Click on the person you want to tag. A text box will appear.
  4. Type the user’s name and select the correct match.
  5. Drag the tag to position it on the photo.
  6. Click Done Tagging then post the photo.

How to Tag a Facebook Page

Along with friends, you can tag Facebook pages in your posts. This can help you connect with brands, businesses, organizations, or public figures on Facebook. Here is how to tag a Facebook page:

  1. Type @ followed by the page name in your update text. Select the correct page from the dropdown.
  2. The page name will appear highlighted in blue. Make sure you select the verified account with a blue checkmark.
  3. Post your update. The page will get a notification that they were tagged but cannot respond directly.
  4. Others who see your post can click the tagged page to visit its profile and give it more visibility.

How to Edit or Remove Tags

You can always edit tags later if you make a mistake or change your mind. Here is how:

  • Desktop: Hover over your post and click the pencil Edit icon. Delete or change the tags in the text, then click Save.
  • Mobile App: Tap the three dots in the top right corner on your post. Choose Edit Post then remove or alter the tags.

For photo tags, tap the photo to open it, then tap again and choose Edit Tags. Drag tags around or tap the X to untag someone.

The tagged person will get a notification if you remove a tag. Keep in mind you can only edit your own posts, not content shared from others.

Limits on Tagging

Facebook does place some limits on how many times you can tag the same person. These anti-spam measures help prevent abusive tagging behavior. Here are some Facebook tagging limits:

  • You can tag a person in posts a maximum of 5 times per week. After that, tags on that person will not work.
  • If someone does not respond to tag notifications, tags may stop working after a while.
  • You cannot tag someone who has not friended you back. You’ll get an error that tags are only available for friends who follow you.

If your tags stop working for someone, focus your interactions elsewhere and the limits will reset after a while. The limits help prevent spam and should not affect normal Facebook usage.

Tagging on Facebook Stories

Along with regular posts, you can tag friends on Facebook Stories:

  • Create a Facebook Story as normal from your profile. Tap the paper airplane icon to add a tag.
  • Type your friend’s name and select their profile to tag them.
  • The tag will appear underlined in your story text. Tagged friends see a special badge on your story.
  • Only tag people relevant to the specific story. Tagging should enhance the story for everyone.

Tagging on Facebook Events

When creating a Facebook event, you can tag people to invite them:

  1. Go to your Facebook events page and click Create Event. Fill in the event details.
  2. In the guest list, start typing a name to tag them. Select the correct friend from the dropdown.
  3. Friends will get a notification about the event. Tag relevant people you want to invite.
  4. After tagging attendees, publish your event. Tagged users can respond Yes, No, or Maybe to the event invite.

Using Tags Responsibly

While tags can help engage your friends, it’s best to use them selectively to enhance relevant posts. Avoid tagging people in irrelevant content as it could come across as spammy. Here are some best practices for Facebook tagging:

  • Only tag friends who are directly relevant to your update.
  • Ask for someone’s consent before tagging them in photos.
  • Tag thoughtfully in group photos. Tag people towards the center who are in focus.
  • Wish someone a happy birthday in a post using their tag rather than tagging in unrelated content.
  • Tag friends to invite them to events you think they would like. Don’t tag someone in 20 events in a day.
  • Respect if someone asks you not to tag them or untags themselves from your posts.

Using tags appropriately maintains positive experiences on Facebook. Tag thoughtfully, stay on topic, and respect people’s preferences.

Why Tagging Matters

When used properly, tagging can help make your Facebook experience more social and connected. Here are some of the benefits of tagging friends on Facebook:

  • Improves reach: Tagging friends exposes your posts to their networks, helping your content reach more people.
  • Deepens engagement: Tags create a more meaningful, personal experience beyond just liking posts.
  • Sparks conversation: Tagging is a natural way to loop your friends into discussing relevant topics on Facebook.
  • Includes friends: Tagging friends reminds them you are thinking of them and want to connect.
  • Provides recognition: Tagging someone gives them public acknowledgment and validation.

When used thoughtfully, tagging makes Facebook more social and creates opportunities for engagement with your network. Focus on quality over quantity with your tags.


Liking and tagging are easy yet effective ways to connect with friends and engage your community on Facebook. Liking shows appreciation for posts, while thoughtful tagging can make the Facebook experience more personal. Use tags relevantly, get consent for photos, and respect people’s preferences. With its huge user base, Facebook offers immense potential for building relationships – and liking and tagging are the tools that bring those connections to life.