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How do you let people know its your birthday?

How do you let people know its your birthday?

There are many fun and creative ways to let people know it’s your birthday! The best methods will depend on your personality, interests, and who you want to notify. Here are some popular options:

Social Media Announcements

Posting on social media is one of the easiest ways to broadcast your birthday plans. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter make it simple to get the word out to your friends, family, and followers. You can create an event page with all the key details, change your profile photo to something birthday-themed, or post status updates counting down the days. Getting lots of likes, comments, and shares on your birthday post will make you feel special and cared for on your big day.


Facebook is likely the best platform for announcing your birthday. Here are some ideas for using Facebook to spread the word about your special day:

  • Create a Facebook event page with the time, location, and other details of your party or birthday plans. Invite all your friends and family.
  • Update your Facebook status on your birthday with a fun message about celebrating another year. Ask friends to wish you a happy birthday in the comments.
  • Change your Facebook profile and cover photos to something related to your birthday or birthday plans.
  • Share Facebook posts reminding friends and family that your birthday is approaching.


You can leverage Instagram in the following ways for your birthday:

  • Post an Instagram photo a few days before your birthday announcing when it is. Ask people to like the photo if they can attend your party.
  • Use Instagram Stories to share birthday countdowns, memories from past birthdays, and more in the days leading up to your special day.
  • On your birthday, post festive Instagram photos from birthday breakfasts, party preparations, and other celebrations. People will want to like and comment!


Twitter is great for the following regarding birthdays:

  • Tweet out when your birthday is approaching and your fun plans for celebrating.
  • Retweet birthday messages from friends wishing you a happy birthday.
  • Reply to tweets from followers with a note that your birthday is coming up and you appreciate the kind words.
  • Post birthday countdown tweets in the days leading up to the big event.


Emailing friends, family members, coworkers, and other contacts is another excellent approach for informing people about your birthday. You can craft formal invitations to parties and celebrations or send more personal notes letting people know it’s your birthday.

For a party or large gathering, create a proper email invitation with the key details like date, time, location, and RSVP info. Evite and Punchbowl make it easy to design and send online invitations. For more casual notifications, simply add a note about your upcoming birthday to regular communications you have with people.

Instant Messaging

Messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, and others allow you to instantly notify your closest contacts that you have a birthday coming up. You can create group chats for party planning, send fun sticker messages counting down the days, and give hints about gifts you want or party themes you have planned. The instant nature makes messaging a great channel for spur-of-the-moment birthday thoughts.

Text Messages

Texting friends and family directly via SMS is a personal way to share birthday information. You can send mass texts to groups with details on parties or celebrations or text certain people one-on-one about your special day. Having an ongoing text conversation as your birthday approaches also allows friends to ask questions and make plans.

Phone Calls

For very close friends and family members, calling them up to announce your birthday is an intimate and meaningful idea. This gives you the chance to have an engaging dialogue about your birthday rather than just sending a one-way notification. It also shows that you value your personal connection with certain people enough to tell them about your birthday individually.

Paper Invitations

For a more formal party with older relatives or professional contacts, sending physical paper invitations can be a nice touch. While not as convenient as evites, mailed invitations add a level of sentimentality and personalization that some will appreciate. Services like Paperless Post and Evite allow you to design the invitations online and then print/mail them yourself.

Word of Mouth

Simply telling people in-person that you have a birthday coming up can be effective, especially with coworkers, classmates, neighbors, and others you see regularly. As your birthday gets closer, just mention it in conversation that the date is approaching and you are excited to celebrate. This organic approach may lead to birthday wishes, gifts, or attendees at your party.

Birthday Party or Event

Hosting some type of party or event for your birthday is a fun way to gather friends and family to mark the occasion. This could be a low-key dinner, backyard barbecue, night out at a bar, or full-blown bash at a rented venue. Sending invitations and marketing the event to your social network will let lots of people know about your special day.

Group Texts

Group texts offer an easy way to inform multiple people about your birthday at the same time. Start a group thread with friends, teammates, coworkers, family members, or other contacts. Then send out a message about when you’re celebrating your birthday and details on any party plans. People can ask questions and continue the conversation in the group text leading up to your birthday.


Your birthday only comes around once a year, so be sure to celebrate it in style! Letting friends, family, coworkers, and other contacts know about your special day can help you feel loved. Social media, emails, texts, calls, invitations, events, and simple conversations are great channels for spreading the word. Choose the methods that best reflect your personality and the scale of birthday plans. With so many options, you can easily let everyone know you’re about to have an amazing birthday!