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How do you know when your Messenger has been hacked?

How do you know when your Messenger has been hacked?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 1 billion monthly active users. However, like any technology, it can be vulnerable to hacking. Knowing the signs that your Facebook Messenger may have been compromised is important for protecting your account and personal information.

Unexpected messages

One of the most obvious signs of a hacked Facebook Messenger account is unexpected messages being sent from your account. If your friends or contacts are receiving strange messages that you did not send, it’s possible your account has been accessed by someone else. This includes spam messages, nonsensical texts, or messages with suspicious links or attachments being sent without your knowledge.

Messages you didn’t send

In addition to strange messages being sent, also look out for messages you know you did not send yourself. If your contacts inform you of conversations or messages you have no record or memory of sending, your account may be compromised. Look through your messages and your message history for any texts you don’t remember sending.

New messages in existing conversations

Look closely at older conversations too. If you notice new messages in conversations you haven’t used for a while, it’s possible someone has gained access and is utilizing old message threads. Scour your inbox for any conversations that have new, unfamiliar messages threaded in.

Your account acting on its own

If you notice your Facebook Messenger account liking, reacting to, or responding to other people’s messages without your involvement, that’s a red flag. Your account should not be actively engaging with any content without you personally using it. Any autonomous account activity likely means your account has been compromised by an outside party.

New friends or contacts

Take a look at your Friends list – if you notice any new contacts you don’t recognize, it’s possible someone has access to your account and is adding friends. Be wary of any new connections on your account you did not personally approve. Also be cautious of unfamiliar names reaching out to you for the first time, as they may be connected to whoever compromised your account.

Signed out unexpectedly

Another sign of account trouble is being unexpectedly logged out of Messenger repeatedly. If you keep finding yourself signed out without actively signing out yourself, it’s possible someone else is accessing your account and bumping you off. Frequent unprompted logoffs indicate your account is not secure.

Notifications for account actions you didn’t take

Facebook will notify you of major account changes, like password reset requests or new logins from unrecognized devices. Pay attention to these notifications – if you’re receiving notices about account activity you don’t remember taking, your account may be in jeopardy. Don’t ignore or delete these notifications, as they’re important indicators of unauthorized access.

Pop-ups for suspicious logins

Related to account notifications, you may receive actual pop-up messages within Facebook Messenger alerting you to suspicious logins or password reset attempts. Again, if you did not initiate these actions yourself, it’s a sign of trouble. Pay attention to any login alerts as they happen and take necessary steps to secure your account.

Unfamiliar devices accessing your account

Facebook allows you to view and manage the devices that have logged into your account. Go to your Facebook settings and look under the “Security and Login” menu. Here you’ll find the “Where You’re Logged In” section listing devices and locations of account access. If you see any unfamiliar devices, it means your login credentials have been compromised.

Changes to your profile or account settings

In some cases, hackers who access your Facebook Messenger may also make changes to your overall Facebook profile or account settings. Look out for changes to your name, profile picture, cover photo, bio information, ads interests, or any other account alterations you didn’t make. Unapproved changes are a sign something is wrong.

Using an account security app

Facebook offers a dedicated Facebook Protect app that safeguards accounts from unauthorized access by requiring two-factor authentication. If you receive a notification prompting you to set up Facebook Protect, it means Facebook’s systems have detected a risk to your account and believe it may be compromised. Heed these warnings and be proactive about improving your security.

When in doubt, change your password

If you have any suspicion that your Facebook Messenger may have been hacked or accessed, go ahead and change your account password as a precaution. Even if you’re unsure, resetting your password ensures that any prior compromised credentials are rendered obsolete going forward. Enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security as well.

Scan devices for malware and viruses

Sometimes hackers can access accounts by infecting your devices with malware or viruses. Run thorough antivirus scans on any computers or devices used to access Facebook Messenger in order to detect and remove any threats that could be stealing your info.

Avoid clicking suspicious links

Beware of clicking on questionable links sent via Messenger, as they may be phishing attempts or contain viruses allowing account access. Only click links from trusted sources and hover over any URLs before clicking to view the actual destination.

Log out of all active sessions

If your account has been compromised, logging out of all active sessions can kick anyone else out of your account. Head to your Facebook settings, go to the “Security and Login” menu, and select “See All Sessions” to view and terminate any open sessions.

Review third-party app access

While in your security settings, also review any third-party apps you’ve given access to your Facebook account. Revoke access to any unknown or suspicious apps. Only provide account authorization to apps you trust and actually use.

Turn on login alerts

To stay informed of any unauthorized logins in the future, turn on Facebook’s login alerts in your security settings. You’ll then be notified whenever your account is accessed from a new device.

Check the audience selector when posting

Take extra care when posting updates or sharing photos via Messenger. Always double check that you’ve selected the right audience and you’re not accidentally posting publicly. Restricting your audience prevents posts being seen by those who may have compromised your account.

Review tagged posts and photos

Check your activity log and timeline for any posts or photos you’re tagged in that you don’t recognize. Untag yourself from anything suspicious. Likewise, stay on top of review tags you haven’t approved yourself.

Install reputable security software

Consider installing highly-rated security software from trustworthy companies like Norton, McAfee, or Avast to better protect all your devices and accounts from malware, viruses, and other threats.

Use unique passwords

Always use unique, complex passwords for all your accounts, especially high-risk ones like Facebook. Avoid reusing passwords across multiple sites. Use a password manager if needed to keep track of unique passwords.

Set up two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security beyond your password by requiring you to enter a secondary code when logging in. Enable two-factor authentication on your Facebook account for better protection.

Remove suspicious secondary contacts

Facebook allows you to add backup contacts who can help access your account if you’re locked out. Check your list of secondary contacts and remove any you don’t recognize, as they may be tied to an account breach.

Be cautious of third-party Messenger apps

Third-party Messenger apps often request expansive account permissions that could be abused. Avoid using them when possible or only use apps from developers you trust. Revoke permissions immediately if you suspect abuse.

Regularly review privacy settings

Check your Facebook privacy settings regularly to make sure you have the tightest controls enabled for your account and Messenger. Restrict information and posts from public view when possible.

Report suspicious activity to Facebook

If you notice any definite signs your account has been compromised, report the suspicious activity to Facebook immediately so they can take action. The sooner it’s flagged, the quicker your account can be secured.


Keeping your Facebook Messenger account secure takes vigilance in watching for any unauthorized access or changes. If you stay on top of your account alerts, review settings periodically, and report suspicious activity, you can hopefully detect and stop any potential hacks or breaches quickly. Taking proactive steps like using strong passwords and two-factor authentication also helps keep your account safe from threats both known and unknown.