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How do you know if you’re ignored or blocked on Messenger?

How do you know if you’re ignored or blocked on Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, allowing you to instantly connect with friends and family. However, sometimes you may find yourself wondering if someone is ignoring your messages or has blocked you on Messenger. There are a few signs you can look for to determine if someone has ignored or blocked you on the app.

Signs Someone is Ignoring You

Here are some signs that someone may be ignoring you on Messenger:

They’re not reading your messages

One of the clearest signs is if the person is not reading your messages. On Messenger, you can see when someone has read your message with the read receipts feature. If your messages remain unread for an extended period of time, even though the person is actively using Messenger, this is a strong indicator they are ignoring you.

They’re leaving you on “seen”

Messenger lets you know when a person has seen your message with the “seen” receipt. If they’ve seen your message but haven’t responded, and this goes on for more than a day or two, it’s likely they are ignoring you. It’s one thing if they opened your message and got distracted, but if they continually leave your messages on “seen,” they are probably ignoring you.

Delayed response times

While everyone gets busy, someone who consistently takes hours or days to respond when they previously replied fairly quickly is likely ignoring you. If you notice a pattern of delayed response times only towards you but not others, this signifies they are avoiding conversing with you.

Short, one-word responses

If the person begins responding to your messages with only one-word answers or abrupt responses, this can be a clue they want to end the conversation. Whereas they used to provide thoughtful, engaged responses, short replies indicate a lack of interest or effort that may mean you are being ignored.

They stop messaging first

In most friendships and relationships, communication goes both ways. Both people initiate conversations and messages. If someone who regularly messaged you first suddenly stops sending the first message, they are likely ignoring you or no longer interested in talking.

Excuses for not responding

When someone is clearly making excuses for why they can’t respond, but you see them actively posting or chatting with others, they are most likely ignoring you. Common excuses include things like “I’ve just been really busy sorry!” or “I haven’t been on my phone much today.”

Your messages are only “seen” at odd hours

While time zones can sometimes account for late responses, if someone is only opening your Messenger messages at 2 AM, this is a sign. Even busy people tend to check messages periodically throughout the day. But only viewing your messages at odd hours indicates they are purposely avoiding conversing with you.

Signs Someone Has Blocked You

In some cases, being ignored may turn into being blocked. Here are signs that someone has blocked you on Messenger:

Your messages remain undelivered

Unlike just being left on read, if your messages never even show the “delivered” status, it’s likely you’ve been blocked. This means the person is not receiving your messages at all.

You can’t view the person’s profile or see if they’re active

When blocked on Messenger, you won’t be able to pull up the person’s profile or see if they are active or recently online. Their profile picture and any status updates will be unavailable to you.

Calls go straight to voicemail

You can make voice and video calls directly through Messenger. But if your calls continually go straight to voicemail without ringing, this indicates you have been blocked.

You’re removed from group chats

If you suddenly disappear from a group chat you were part of with the person who blocked you, it’s because they removed you. When blocked on Messenger, you are automatically removed from any mutual group chats.

You can’t add the person to new group chats

Similarly, if you try to add the person who blocked you to a new group chat, their name won’t appear as an option. Messenger won’t allow you to interact with a user who has blocked you in any way.

Your friend requests are rejected

Attempting to send a new friend request to someone who has blocked you will result in the request being rejected. Even if they’ve deleted their account, Messenger notes the request was rejected, rather than saying the account is unavailable.

Mutual friends act unaware

If you ask mutual friends about the person who blocked you, they will dodge the subject or claim not to know why you can’t reach them. They don’t want to embarrass the person who blocked you or get caught in the middle.

You see no trace of them in your inbox

Unlike email, blocking on Messenger makes it seem like the person disappeared. Your previous messages with them completely vanish. There’s no indication they ever existed in your inbox.

Reasons People Block or Ignore

Wondering why someone may have blocked you or chosen to ignore you on Messenger? Here are some common reasons:

You’ve annoyed them

Excessive messages, especially if the other person has not been reciprocating conversation, can annoy someone to the point of ignoring you. Make sure your conversations are balanced, with responses coming from both sides.

You’ve offended them

Sometimes tone doesn’t come across via text. It’s possible something you said angered or offended them, even if that wasn’t your intention. Think back to your last few exchanges to see if anything could have been misinterpreted.

They find you toxic or negative

Continuously complaining or being negative can cause others to avoid conversing with you. If you tend to vent your frustrations via Messenger, this may be causing people to ignore or block you.

They want space

After a breakup or fight, someone may need space from you and will ignore you or block you on Messenger. Continuing to message will only push them further away. Give them space, and they may open conversation again when ready.

They’ve moved on

Unfortunately, ignoring via Messenger can be a passive way for some people to phase out a friendship or relationship. They may have moved on or lost interest in conversing with you.

You’ve made unwanted advances

Ignoring or blocking may occur if you’ve made unwanted advances or romantic propositions towards someone, and they feel uncomfortable conversing with you. Always respect people’s boundaries.

It’s not personal

In some cases, the person may have taken a social media break or deleted their account for personal reasons, not as a personal slight against you. Or they may have cleared out old Messenger contacts. Try reaching out via another method.

What to Do If You’re Blocked or Ignored

Finding out you’ve been blocked or ignored on Messenger can be frustrating and confusing. But there are a few constructive ways to handle it:

Reflect on what went wrong

Carefully look back on your last few exchanges. Could something you’ve said be misconstrued or sound harsh? Using Messenger to reflect can provide clues.

Give them space

Continuously attempting to reach someone who has blocked or ignored you will only push them further away or lead to more blocking. Allow some time and space for both parties to reset.

Reach out via another method

Try sending the person a text, email, or social media message if you need to convey an urgent message. But avoid pestering them if they clearly want space.

Move forward

Ultimately, blocking and ignoring signal the person does not want to converse right now. As frustrating as it is, your best bet is to simply move forward and focus on other relationships.

Adjust your behavior if needed

If self-reflection reveals you frequently annoy or offend people, adjust your messaging habits. Are you over-messaging, being negative, or ignoring social cues? Self-adjusting can improve future conversations.

Don’t take it personally

Try not to take being blocked personally. More often than not, blocking is because the other person needs space or has personal issues, not because of something you did wrong.

When to Walk Away

While blocked and ignored statuses can sometimes be temporary, know when to walk away from the relationship:

They have blocked you multiple times

If someone has blocked you on Messenger repeatedly, it’s a sign the relationship is too toxic, and it’s time to let it go.

They blocked you without communicating why

Healthy relationships require communication. If someone blocked you with zero explanation, they likely don’t value your friendship.

They refuse to speak to you elsewhere

If you try politely communicating via text or email, and they refuse to speak to you there too, the relationship cannot be saved. Respect their desire for distance.

The negativity outweighs the positivity

If reflecting on the relationship reveals more unhappiness than joy, it may not be worth fighting for. Don’t chase one-sided relationships.

Your self-esteem is suffering

Being ignored or blocked frequently may be harming your self-worth. Protect your emotional health by letting go of toxic relationships.

The situation is abusive

In abusive relationships, blocking can be used as a power play. Stand up for yourself and walk away from abusive dynamics for good.

Preventing Being Blocked in the Future

While we can’t control other people’s behaviors, there are some tips to avoid being blocked on Messenger:

Respect people’s boundaries

If someone needs space or has asked not to be contacted, honor their request. Pushing your needs onto others will cause them to pull away.

Avoid flooding people’s inboxes

Limit yourself to sending a few conversational messages at a time, with natural pausing in between. Text flooding annoys others quickly.

Monitor your tone

Because tone is easily misinterpreted via text, reread your messages before sending. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t say in person.

Ask open-ended questions

Show your interest by asking open-ended questions about the other person’s life. Then listen more than you talk.

Steer clear of drama or negativity

Focus your conversations on positive aspects of life. Playing into negativity or gossip turns people away.

Apologize if you offend someone

If someone tells you that you hurt them, apologize sincerely. Refusing to make amends damages relationships.

Signing Off from a Messenger Relationship

In some cases, you may need to intentionally end a Messenger relationship. If you need to sign off, do it with maturity:

Unfriend or unfollow them

On Facebook, unfollow or unfriend the person so you don’t see their posts or interact accidentally. Out of sight can lead to out of mind.

Remove them from group chats

To limit accidental contact, remove the person from any Messenger group chats you admin.

Block them if needed

If the person harasses you, use Messenger’s block feature. But try not to block people impulsively during arguments.

Tell them you need space

If appropriate, communicate openly that you need to cease communication for a while. Explain calmly.

Refrain from insults

Ending relationships with maturity means avoiding insults or passive aggression. Take the high road.

Let other friends know you’ve disconnected

Head off potential drama by discreetly telling mutual friends you are disconnecting from the person. Keep it brief and neutral.

Resist checking up on them

Fight the urge to creep on their Facebook or read old messages. Checking up prolongs the pain of letting go. Move forward.


Being blocked or ignored on Messenger often signals the end of a relationship. While frustrating, use it as a learning experience. Reflect on how you can communicate better going forward. Focus on cultivating the healthy, positive relationships you deserve. Limit wasted energy on one-sided relationships. With intention and maturity, you can recover from being blocked or ignored.