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How do you know if someone has blocked you off Facebook Messenger?

How do you know if someone has blocked you off Facebook Messenger?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. However, with widespread use comes the inevitability that you will encounter people who wish to block or ignore you on Messenger.

Getting blocked on Facebook Messenger can be frustrating and confusing, especially if you don’t know why it happened. Here are some signs that someone may have blocked you on Messenger and tips on how to confirm it.

Signs Someone May Have Blocked You on Messenger

Here are some common signs that someone may have blocked you on Facebook Messenger:

  • Your messages to them are marked as “Delivered” but never show as “Read.”
  • You can no longer see their profile picture or last active status.
  • Calling or video chatting them fails instantly.
  • You are no longer friends on Facebook.
  • You are unable to add them as a friend on Facebook.
  • You can no longer search for their profile on Facebook.

If one or more of these issues occur when interacting with a specific person, it’s quite likely they have blocked you on Messenger.

Ways to Confirm You’re Blocked

While the signs above may indicate you’re blocked, here are some ways to know for sure:

Try messaging them from an alternate account

Create a new Facebook account and try sending that person a message. If the message goes through, it confirms your main account is blocked.

Ask a mutual friend

Reach out to a mutual friend and ask them to check if your account appears blocked from their end. They can also try asking the person if you’re blocked.

Check Message Requests

If you suspect you’re blocked, try sending the person a new message. On desktop, click the Message Requests folder and see if your message appears there. If so, that confirms you are blocked.

Use the Facebook Blocked List tool

Facebook has a Blocked List tool that shows you any accounts you have blocked. You can access it here:
If you see the person’s name on your Blocked List, it means they blocked you first.

Why Would Someone Block You on Messenger?

There are a few common reasons why someone might block you on Facebook Messenger:

  • You said something that upset or offended them.
  • They find you annoying, distracting or don’t want to talk to you anymore.
  • They are trying to cut off contact during a breakup.
  • They want to avoid unwanted flirting or romantic advances.
  • Your account was hacked and used for spam/harassment.
  • You have different political views or opinions that clash.
  • They have OCD, anxiety or other issues with ignoring messages.
  • You messaged them too frequently and came across as needy.

In most cases, getting blocked is not a reflection on you personally. People block others online for many reasons. Try not to take it personally.

What to Do If You’re Blocked

If you confirm someone has blocked you on Facebook Messenger, here are some tips on how to handle it:

  • Respect their decision. Don’t try to contact them from other accounts or ask friends to intervene. Continuing to message someone who blocked you will come across as harassing behavior.
  • Move on. The person likely has their reasons for blocking you. Don’t dwell on it or let it affect your self-esteem.
  • Reflect on your behavior. Think about your past interactions with the person and if you may have said or done something to make them want to block you.
  • Give it time. After a few weeks or months, the person may reconsider and unblock you.
  • Message them on another platform. You can try reaching out on a different platform like Instagram, Twitter or email to politely ask why you were blocked.

Getting blocked online can be a confusing experience. But take it as a cue to move on and reconnect with people who do wish to talk to you. With time and self-reflection, the situation is likely to blow over.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can someone tell if you block them on Messenger?

No, there is no notification sent when you block someone on Messenger. The person you block will be able to tell they are blocked based on being unable to see your profile or contact you, but they won’t get an explicit alert.

What happens when you block someone on Messenger?

Blocking someone on Messenger prevents them from seeing anything about your Facebook profile or sending you further messages. Any messages they send will appear as “delivered” but will be hidden from your inbox.

Can a blocked person see your active status?

No, someone who is blocked will not be able to see your active or last seen status on Messenger. They will no longer see if you are online, when you were last active, or if you read their messages.

Will they know if I viewed their profile?

When you block someone, it also blocks them from seeing any of your Messenger activity, including profile views. So no, a blocked person will not know if you view their Facebook profile.

Can I retrieve a message from someone who blocked me?

Unfortunately no, you cannot retrieve messages from someone after they block you on Messenger. Those messages will no longer be accessible in your inbox or chat history.

The Takeaway

Getting blocked on Facebook Messenger is never a fun experience. But try not to take it too personally. Focus on the relationships you do have and move forward. If the person decides to unblock you in the future, great. But if they don’t, respect their decision and carry on.

Watch for the telltale signs you may be blocked like unread messages and the inability to view their profile. Tools like the Blocked List can help confirm your suspicion. And if you remain blocked, reflect on your actions but know it’s usually not about you. Handling the situation with grace can help it blow over smoothly.