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How do you keep your Facebook account safe?

How do you keep your Facebook account safe?

With over 2 billion users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. While Facebook can be a great way to connect with friends and family, it also comes with risks to your privacy and security if proper precautions are not taken.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide tips and best practices to help you lock down your Facebook account, protect your personal information, avoid scams and fake profiles, and use the platform safely.

Use a Strong Password

One of the first lines of defense for your Facebook account is a strong password. Here are some tips for creating a secure password:

  • Use at least 8 characters, combining upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols
  • Avoid using personal information like your name, birthday or dictionary words
  • Don’t use the same password across multiple accounts
  • Consider using a password manager to generate and store unique passwords

In addition to a complex password, you should also enable two-factor authentication on your Facebook account. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring both your password and a code sent to your phone when logging in from a new device.

Be Wary of Third-Party Apps

Many apps and games exist on Facebook that request access to your personal information. Be cautious when enabling third-party apps, as malicious ones may scrape your profile data or spam your friends.

Here are some tips for safely using Facebook apps:

  • Check the app developer, reviews and privacy policy before allowing access
  • Only enable permissions that seem necessary for app functionality
  • Revoke app access periodically by checking your app settings
  • Use Facebook’s “Login Approvals” to require authorization for new logins

In general, limit app installations to those from reputable developers that serve a purpose for your usage of Facebook.

Limit Profile Visibility

Facebook allows you to control exactly who sees certain aspects of your profile. Take advantage of these options to lock down your privacy:

  • Set your profile to “Friends Only” to prevent public viewing
  • Customize individual post visibility for friends, friends-of-friends or smaller groups
  • Restrict your photos to certain audiences or friends
  • Disable search engine indexing of your public profile

Also be wary of linking other social media accounts to your Facebook profile. This allows cross-posting that may reveal more personal details publicly.

Avoid Sharing Sensitive Information

Be very careful about the personal details you share on Facebook. Once posted, you lose control over how that information is used or reshared.

Here are some tips for keeping personal details private:

  • Do not post addresses, phone numbers, birthdates or other identifying information
  • Consider using a pseudonym rather than your full name
  • Do not post details about your current location or travel plans
  • Review old posts and photos that may reveal personal data

Keep in mind that many metadata and geotags may be embedded in your photos without your knowledge. Use privacy settings to disable this, and avoid posting anything that reveals financial, medical or family details.

Beware of Scams and Fake Profiles

Unfortunately, scammers regularly create fake Facebook profiles and run cons on the platform. Here are some red flags to watch for:

  • Profiles with minimal posts and no confirmed friends
  • Suspicious friend requests from people you do not know
  • Messages containing odd links or requesting personal information
  • Posts promoting investment “opportunities” or giveaways that seem too good to be true

Use caution when interacting with Facebook profiles that seem suspicious or “off.” Do not provide any personal details or send money to strangers contacting you out of the blue.

Secure Your Account if Compromised

If your Facebook account is ever hacked or accessed without your permission, take these steps immediately:

  1. Log in and reset your password to lock out the attacker
  2. Enable Login Approvals for extra login security
  3. Check settings for any suspicious app authorizations and remove them
  4. Scan your profile and posts for signs of unauthorized access or fraudulent posts made in your name
  5. Report compromised account and reset password via Facebook’s security options

Taking swift action can help limit the damage from any potential identity theft or misuse of your account. Going forward, consider steps to improve overall account security.

Be Wary of Posts and News Stories

Facebook is rife with dubious news stories, sensationalist headlines and misinformation used to drive engagement. Approach posts critically:

  • Check sources cited and be wary of sites you do not recognize
  • Watch for sensational language designed to provoke strong reactions
  • Verify claims against reputable news and fact checking sites
  • Seek out original sources for photos and video that may be presented of context

Slow down and think before liking, commenting or sharing controversial viral posts. Consider tweaking your News Feed settings to show more posts from close connections to avoid misinformation.

Manage Advertising Preferences

Facebook collects extensive data about you to allow targeted advertising. While convenient, this can feel invasive.

You have options to manage the ads you see:

  • Regularly review ad topics and interests under Facebook’s “Ad Preferences”
  • Delete interests you do not want used for targeting
  • Consider disabling ads based on data from partners and other sources
  • Be aware that ads may still be contextual based on pages you engage with

Balancing utility and privacy is up to each individual. But be aware of the options you have to influence the advertising targeting your preferences and behaviors.


Facebook presents many potential risks to your privacy and security if you do not take proper precautions. However, with heightened awareness and safe practices, you can use the platform more safely.

Be selective in what you share, manage your privacy settings, authenticate new logins, scrutinize posts and friend requests, and be very wary of scams or sensitive data requests. Applying the tips in this guide will help you enjoy Facebook more securely.